Anger And Desire

"I know you are a mistress! You're a slut! ' shouted Stefano in pain. James heard it, immediately kicked Stefano in his belly again.

"Once again, you say it, I will cut your tongue!" pointed James angrily. Earth, who followed behind, was glancing in another direction.

'He seriously likes that girl,' Earth thought. Meanwhile, Delilah panicked and tried to run away, but James quickly grabbed her waist.

"Oh… where are you going, Candy? You forgot who your owner is now, hmm!" James pulled Delilah up with her waist slightly raised. Delilah continued to struggle and begged for help.

"Help me… let me go! Help me!" shouted Delilah while struggling. But James annoyingly dragged Delilah like a Teddy Bear that it had just found after being missing for so long.

He forced Delilah to his car, and he was still fighting until James grabbed her face and hissed.

"I am mad!" Delilah's panting breath mixed with her tears continued to stare at James, who didn't let go of his grip at all. James didn't even put Delilah in the passenger seat but on his lap. He took the rope and tied her wrists. Delilah got scared when she saw a revolver gun placed next to James.

"I don't like to stain my expensive suit with blood!" continued James threateningly. If Delilah wanted to live, she couldn't move, or James would shoot her in the head.

Arriving at his mansion, Delilah was carried by James into his room. James half threw Delilah on his bed in annoyance. He put his hands on his hips and controlled his emotions with a gasp.

"Don't make me lose my control, got it!" he yelled and pointed at Delilah. He turned and left the room by slamming the door without untying Delilah's hands. James was irritated, but he couldn't hurt Delilah.

"I have gone mad!" he cursed, then tossing one of the poor flower vases he could reach as soon as he came out of the room. The vase shattered, and James was still not satisfied. He breathed quickly and closed his eyes a few times. Earth didn't try to approach. He left James with his strange emotions.

"Earth!" shouted James a minute later. Earth sighed and approached, then stood waiting for orders.

"I don't want to see her leave the room at all. Otherwise, I will kill Lordes!" James growled.

"Yes, sir."

"Call Dubrich, tell them that I want some good stuff here tonight!" continued James again, giving orders and then leaving. Earth opened his mouth in surprise. Why would he even want a woman at a time like this?

Mostly, the Dubrich auction house will give their special notification to VVIP customers like James if a quality virgin were in their stocks. But if someone asks them to send a woman, not at the time of the auction, it will be less likely to get a virgin.

Like it or not, Earth must obey James' orders. He contacted Dubrich and asked them to select the women to please his Master carefully.

Meanwhile, locked in the room, Delilah tried to untie the strong bonds around her wrists. The bond had left bruises on her white skin. But Delilah didn't care. She even bit and struggled to tug at the tangle.

Unable to let go, Delilah ran towards the door and tried to open the door with her hands tied forward.

"Open the door! Please don't lock me up here!" Delilah's hand kept hammering on the door non-stop with her hands.

"Open… please open!" Delilah didn't give up and kept banging on the door. She started crying and slid in the door sobbing.

"Mr. J, let me go!" Delilah sobbed, then fell and cried on the floor.

Delilah remained to cry for almost an hour until she stopped and straightened up. There was a knock on the bedroom door not long after. Lordes went to her after Delilah slowly opened the door.

"Miss, Mr. J is taking you to dinner." Delilah just looked up with innocent eyes and hands still tied. She looked messy with her wet cheeks. Lordes then crouched down and wiped Delilah's tears.

"Be patient, Miss. Everything will be fine," Lordes said in a soft voice and a faint smile. Delilah was forced to stand and head out after Lordes trimmed her hair. James was waiting at the dining table with an expressionless face. Lordes got Delilah to the dining table and sat next to James. Delilah placed his hands tied on the table while James quietly began to eat. Delilah didn't take any cutlery. She just stared blankly at the plate full of delicious food in front of her. James glanced, then took a steak knife to grab Delilah's hand. He cut the rope that tied Delilah's wrists. But Delilah caught James' face and fell silent. At the same time, James replied with a sharp glare.

"This is the last time I warn you, Candy. Don't ever provoke my emotions!" James said in a low voice.

"I don't want to be your slave, Mr. J." The corners of James' lips lifted sarcastically.

"You don't want to die by my hands, Candy!" threatened James in the same tone. He was so scary with his cold demeanor. Delilah shuddered many times in horror, but she felt something else.

"I'm not afraid of you." BAMM – James spontaneously hit the table with one fist.

"You know what I would do to a rebellious girl like you? The Red Room, I think that's your place!" James hissed later. Delilah frowned. She never knew what the Red Room was. What is that place?

James' hand then pushed the plate on his dining table. He no longer has an appetite. Earth came not long after informing James' order had arrived.

"Get that girl into the RedRoom now!" Earth slightly opened his mouth. James hadn't used the room in a long time. He knew that his sadism had crossed the line. And a few months ago, before meeting Delilah, James decided to lock the room. But now, he unlocked it.

"What are you waiting for!" James rebuked. Earth nodded, then turned around and coded his bodyguards to bring the girl to the room. Delilah still didn't understand what was going on until she saw some of James' bodyguards bring in a girl with her eyes closed.

Delilah's eyes followed where they took her. At the same time, James then stood up and grabbed Delilah's injured wrist to follow him.

"Where are you taking me, Mr. J!" James didn't want to answer. He kept dragging Delilah up to the second floor into a corridor. Some men brought the girl out of a room at the end of the aisle. They bowed to James, who then went with Delilah into the room and locked it.

Delilah was shivering when she saw the room. All the paint on the walls was red and black, almost dark with no windows. It was like being in hell. There were various tools that Delilah had never seen in her life.

The girl who was previously brought in was chained to her hands and feet on the floor. Delilah then glanced at James, who started to take off his shirt and threw it in one corner of the room.

"W-what are you going to do, Mr. J?" Delilah asked, frightened, and started backing toward the door. James then took a pair of scissors, cut the girl's dress, and threw it on the floor without saying anything. The girl wasn't even wearing any underwear, and it left her naked.

James then stood up, took a whip, and wrapped it around his hand. He turned to Delilah. She was pale with fright and began to see who James was.

"This is what you will get for trying to run away from me!" the lash hit the bound girl's bare skin quickly.

"Ah!" Delilah shouted, covering her mouth. James gave three consecutive hard lashes and made Delilah close her eyes tightly. The girl who was whipped also winced in pain and groaned.

"Please, Mr. J. Let her go!" Delilah begged, starting to cry. James then approached.

"You'd better think about yourself and how to pay my money. otherwise, your fate will be much worse than her!" James threatened to point at Delilah with the whip still in his hand. Delilah wept in fear. James then grabbed Delilah's hand to open the door. He pushed Delilah out and threatened her again.

"If you run away again. I will never spare you!" BAM! James slammed the door and locked it automatically. Not long after, there was the sound of a girl screaming inside as if she was being tortured. Delilah couldn't bear to hear the roar of pain that was audible to the outside. She continued to back away and covered her ears. Delilah pressed against the wall, and she crouched in fear.

"Mom, help me! Help me!"