You And Me ...

James staggered as a bullet pierced through his shoulder. While slightly wrapping Delilah with his coat, James fired his gun with his injured arm. On the third shot, one of the assaulters collapsed. James could see from the shadows of the night if some people managed to get hit by his bullet.

But James was outnumbered. Moreover, he was alone. His bodyguards and mafia members have left. And he is trapped alone with Delilah, whom he is trying to protect.

James pulled Delilah to run along and hid her in his arms. It wasn't easy because Delilah couldn't see other than just running along with James. Unfortunately, Delilah slipped and dragged James along to a gully until she tripped because of her shoes.

"AHHH!" James yelled in pain as he fell with Delilah on top of him. He gasped and groaned painfully. Delilah panicked with James's coat still covering her wholly. She tried to get rid of it, but James' hand was quicker to pull her into a gap among deadwood.