
On a beautiful morning in an unknown village, Delilah wakes up with revitalized energy. All night she was in the warm arms of James Harristian. James also gave the long soothing kisses that devoured her heart. Before, Delilah's heart was initially hard against James. Moreover, it was now starting to melt. She believed that Oliver said that the Daga Nero's leader did love her.

After gently releasing James's embrace on her, Delilah tried to sit upon the narrow bed where they slept. But James hand-pulled Delilah back so she lay on his side again.

"Where are you going?" James half-whispered in a heavy morning husky voice as he woke up. Delilah instantly blushed when she saw James, who slowly opened his eyes and stared at her.

"I want to take a shower," Delilah answered almost in a whisper and stuttered. Her eyes lowered could not dare to see James as if she were shy to remember what happened last night.