Right By My Side

"Why do our life involve that man? Why did you and Dad involve me? I don't want to kill Oliver. I'm not a murderer!" Delilah began to look down and shed tears.

"Delilah, I'm sorry that you got into this. Dad and I just wanted a better life for the three of us. I'm tired of living in poverty and hunger. I want to get back to the US!" Oliver grumbled all this thought by lowering his head, regretting what he had done for involving Delilah.

"I didn't think long when I asked Dad to get involved. They offered a lot of money if we stole from a slot machine at the J. Belgenza casino. I didn't think it would go this far." Oliver was still holding Delilah's hand. Delilah was crying to remember her life at the stance.

"But we weren't completely wrong this time. You've seen how cruel J. Belgenza is, haven't you? He's not a good guy. So if he dies, we don't have to have that guilt!" Delilah shook her head in disbelief that her brother could talk like that.