Welcome To New York

Blood and sweat dripped from Elmero Silva's forehead. A Golden Dragon's member hung him in their basement ceiling rooms. Elmero was panting hard from being beaten and forced to spill every information about his involvement in snitching James. He kept his mouth zipped until James came and stood in front of him.

"Look at me, Silva!" James curtly spoke at him. Elmero raised his face with his eyes, barely seeing clearly because his temple was bleeding due to the hit.

"I trust you. But I never thought that you would betray me. What does he offer you? More money?" James growled to hold his anger from punching him more. Silva raised the corners of his lips cynically at James.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm not a monster like you, Belgenza!" Elmero replied hoarsely. James clenched his fists and jaw. His puff was tensed and ragingly hot. James was trying to hold, but Elmero triggered him to blow him more.

"Why did you betray me?"