You Are Adorable


Grey escorts Delilah to the Ritz penthouse after landing their flight from Miami. He was standing behind Delilah in the elevator they were in together. After exiting and walking down the corridor to the Penthouse, they still hadn't spoken to each other yet.

When strolling to get inside the Penthouse, Delilah turned around and made Grey stop abruptly. Delilah's smile seemed to look a little further from before.

"Thank you, Mr. Hunter. Ah, this is your phone. I almost forgot it, hehehe…." Delilah chuckled while handing Grey his phone. Delilah had been playing with it during the flight. Grey smiled faintly and took his phone back. Why did he now feel something odd inside his heart? Grey swallowed his saliva to hold himself. Delilah turned around and was about to get inside her room when Grey's voice stopped her abruptly.