
"Oww… leave me alone, Oliver!" Delilah adorably pushed her brother's hand when Oliver tapped a pencil on Delilah's head. She was playing with her shabby doll on the floor back in their small house in a town named Crawford. Oliver only chuckled at her but kept teasing her because she was the only sibling.

"Hey, don't bug your little sister, Oliver," their Grandmother scolded in a soft voice. Nancy Starley was serving food to her very young granddaughter. Seven-year-old Oliver and four-year-old Delilah.

"What did you cook, Nana?" asked little Delilah pulling up her Grandmother's apron. Her Grandmother, Nancy, smiled and lowered her head slightly.

"Today, I earned a bit more money to us. So we're going to have some delicious Spaghetti and pasta."

"Hooray!" Oliver and Delilah shrieked in happiness. They were jumping together beside a small dining table. They shouted with joy because their Grandmother served their favorite food.