It Is Not What It Seemed

James knelt in front of Delilah while handing the flowers he bought unexpectedly near the Ritz about 15 minutes ago. With a sweet smile curled on his lips, James stared at Delilah. She was negligibly surprised when James suddenly knelt to give her flowers. Wasn't it Daniel who sent her flowers this week, she wondered. However, today, James acted differently by showing her some sweet affection. 

Delilah reached out her hand to take the bouquet James had given her.

"Thank you," Delilah replied shyly with her soft tone.

"Do you like it?" James stood back and asked her with a happy grin. Delilah smiled sweetly and nodded. She loved flowers so much, and James had the right timing this time. James then sat down next to Delilah and gave her a soft and sweet peck on the forehead.