Mouse Trap

James couldn't restrain his adrenaline. When he discovered that one of the men who had been Nicole's sex doll now had Hepatitis B, the chills went down his spine.

"Are you sure about that?" James reasked Grey in disbelief.

"Yeah. Only I couldn't get Nicole's medical record. But the man was dying. His liver transplant was out of the list." James plopped back against the back of the chair.

He recalled when Nicole had seduced him in the car on the way home, and she almost drew James into her trap. And what saved him was Delilah's voice. Subconsciously, James smiled to himself. Initially still scrolling through the pictures one by one, Grey turned to James.

"Why are you smiling now? Is there something funny?" asked Grey glancing at James, and he glimpsed back to shake his head.

"Nothing. I almost made a mistake, and I'm so lucky Delilah is always with me." Grey, so furrowed his brow, did not understand.