The Mission

James was getting ready in his walk-in closet while Delilah was still in the hospital. Therefore, he went home to prepare for tonight's mission.

After wearing a black leather jacket and preparing a mask he would use to cover half of his face, James walked out of his room confidently. He went into his working chamber and turned on the television to seek news about Daniel Belvedere's arrest. James had to ensure he and Delilah didn't get swept up by the media.

There are no recent pictures of Daniel's arrest. The police hid him from the crowd of journalists, and only one of the NYPD detectives had informed them about it.

Not long after, Grey walked into James' penthouse with a similar appearance.

"Why are you here?" James glanced back at him and gave a sign.

"Come in, Grey. I was watching the news." Grey came closer, watched the same news as James, then nodded slowly.