Tangled To Your Heart

After having fun with his friends, James went to the area where Delilah was sitting by herself. He then sat down next to Delilah with a smile and put his arm around her.

"Mr. J., someone will see you later," Delilah said almost in a whisper. Instead, James smiled slyly and pressed his face against hers.

"That's okay with me." Everyone here should know that you love me.James said this while putting the tip of his tongue just above the corner of his mouth. Delilah saw, then turned her head away. James was making her blush all the time by making fun of her.

James' tips of his fingers even touched Delilah's back, which was bare. Right then, James really wanted to kiss the girl's lips because she was so beautiful. James even moved his chair back to keep Delilah close.