The Old Sin

With a ring in his pocket, Grey walked firmly and confidently to Lenora's apartment. He knew that his girl had probably been coming home often in the past few weeks. But after pressing the bell several times, she didn't open the door.

Grey then pressed Lenora's password code, and it didn't work. His brow started to frown as he tried again, but it still didn't work.

"Did she change the code?" Grey murmured. He finally stood in front of Lenora's apartment door and decided to wait for her. He also returned to his apartment, but Lenora was not there. Finally, Grey decided to return to Lenora's apartment and wait some more.

He waited for more than three hours for his lover to come home, and Lenora only arrived a few moments later. Casually, Lenora entered the corridor to her apartment and saw Grey standing in front of her door.