The Dark Will Come

"Sir, it seems like someone is following us. The car behind is suspicious!" said one of the Golden Dragon members who was the limousine driver carrying The Seven Wolves' children. Han was sitting next to the driver, then turned to the rearview mirror and nodded. The driver nodded in understanding and turned towards the Golden Dragon headquarters.

Originally, they would have gone straight and started taking the children one by one to their homes. But the situation didn't give them the chance to go home well today. Han took out his cell phone and contacted the guard at the Golden Dragon headquarters.

"Open the gate; we're coming in!" Han ordered coldly.

The guardian whom Han had contacted responded, "Yes, sir!"

Not long after, the limousine pulled into the yard of a playground and bar, which was filled with big motorbikes and luxury cars. The limousine entered and passed the guard post, which immediately closed the door as soon as the car passed.