Wipe Your Tears (Part 2)

The world that Lady Ziyun faced changed, and from a chaotic war zone morphed into an idyllic scenery where verdant nature surrounded a lustrous pond. On top of that pond, one palm-sized golden lotus bloomed. Its light swept by Ziyun's face, making the hold Hanxing had over her…collapse. Immediately, a spell of confusion twisted her wrinkled face. 

"After suppressing your cultivation base, your husband used a Soul Possession skill to take control of your mind. It might work in the outside world, but never will I allow the freedom of those that seek my aid to be compromised by heretical means. If you want to cancel the offering, you can. If you want to turn it against Hanxing, you can. Here, Zi Wenli, you are free," The Golden Lotus said and as its words flowed out, all the events that transpired till now returned to Lady Ziyun's soul.