When the Liberation Abbot Summons 

Meanwhile, within the Soaring Crane mountain's treasury, Xinzi's legions had finished assembling and packaging all the loot that the fallen sect had to offer. Millions of spirit stones piled up in storage bags, sitting alongside plentiful treasures, the collected heads, thousands of kilograms worth of herbs, pills, recipes, and even the cultivation methods pocketed from the first floor of the Dao Transmitting pavilion. The dead disciples and elders' storage rings had been looted clean as well—adding to the stack of riches that'd soon fuel Xinzi's factional needs. 

Of all the methods that cultivators could employ to nurture their factions, sect looting was undoubtedly the fastest. With one successful operation, the invaders could secure centuries to thousands of years worth of accumulation—not only ensuring mind-boggling returns on investment but also speeding up their factions' development by decades or centuries.