Tower of Harmonious Bliss

How long had it been since he sought such a skill? Though he still didn't have the Records of the Eternal Night, and couldn't guarantee that future events would follow the plots he devised, at the very least, the Liberation Temple's foundational skill, Xinzi's gateway to transcendence…had now been unlocked. 

Lost in this moment of ecstasy, Xinzi kept failing to take note of the loud banging sounds at his door. "Abbot! Abbot! Are you okay? Abbot!" A'Zhi and A'Zhu's balled fists slammed against the door. It had been four hours since they'd left Xinzi to focus on studying the Nine Paths, digest his yang qi, and perfect their cultivation bases. But about fifteen minutes ago, words came from Zi Yao's maids, ordering Xinzi to head for the Tower of Harmonious Bliss to receive the legacy skills alongside Chun Xu.