The Night Calls You Back (Part 1)

"That junior brother is strong as hell. You sure you don't want to give him my spot? Never mind, you've just made him a named elder. I guess from now on I must call him Elder Xinzi—or 128th Elder...nah, Elder Xinzi is fine." Lying groggily in his Spiritual Cave, Zi Zuixian told Zi Yao, who stood just three steps away—staring at her nephew with cold, inexpressive eyes.

"That's all you have to say? Zuixian, I know that you play the drunken waste to not alarm Hanxing. But if you don't get a grip, I will not be able to maintain your position," Zi Yao said.

"Eeeeesh! Dear aunt, please don't scare me like that. Play the waste for what? Am I trying to rebel? If the old freak hears you, you will be burying me before my prime, and it will all be your fault." Zuixian shuddered at Zi Yao's words and rolled towards the wall at his back. Undisturbed, the matriarch went on.