Face-Erasing Whip (Part 2)

The Face-Erasing Whip, a Divine Armament bestowed upon Yuemi by Yongye so she could keep control of her only begotten son. The whip scaled to match the one it faced and, from time immemorial, had sapped the rebellious tendencies that swelled in Yongye's boldest subjects—forcing them to either lose their individuality or surrender to the will of their divine master.

As the main face of the Thousand-Faced God, Yongye had dominated the Celestial Paradise for eons, making countless deities shiver as they considered the possibility that one of the Thousand Faces could be hiding right beside them. Some even wondered if, unbeknown to them, they were not faces kept dormant so that Yongye could manipulate all facets of heaven and earth. The mystic and irresistible power paired so well that, nowadays, the whip didn't have much use. In fact, if not for Qingxin, Yongye would have likely never used it again.