Don't Take Their Toys Away

Baxian tried to find a hidden meaning to Xinzi's words, failing to realize that our monk spoke straightforwardly. Xinzi loved colors. In Heaven, black and white dominated, with blue and green coming afterward, and entire divine domains reduced to either one or two colors. In the Pure Lands, gold and gray held sway, again with green and blue acting as the next tier. Then came hell with the biggest variety. But Hell despised bright colors, leaving them to the other paradises. Its perpetually red sky reminded Xinzi of Tusha's Soul Refining Workshops, sanguine matrixes that lured ignorant prey in with deceptive illusions and promises of endless fulfillment before reducing them into grotesque lifeforms that forever chased all they'd lost along the way.

Dongli alone offered more colors than the three paradises combined, and as far as Xinzi was concerned, that...was quite the shame.