I Have Several Hearts

As Zhenniao's feathers tumbled down the Lake of Myriad Toxins, the fallen Beast King's limbs flew towards various corners. His green blood spilled all around the scene but vanished in the lake. Xinzi and co. stayed unfazed. The Yan Spirit clansmen focused on their comprehension of the Servant Sutra. And even the Poisonfeather Bird Generals looked absentmindedly at this result.

"The king...is dead," a rank-four Beast General finally said, as if struggling to take in the full measure of Zhenniao's fall. For thousands of years, Zhenniao ruled this gorge. Not one of the birds on the scene wasn't his junior by at least centuries. To ensure that none would rise to challenge him, Zhenniao restrained their growth, using the males as hunters and the females as cauldrons—while keeping the majority of the spoils for himself. Even the Longfang Viper servants that the Poisonfeather Birds relied on to produce Mummifying Fangs mostly served Zhenniao.