It Will Always be Me

"Would any one of you lads like some tea?" With a charming smile that none could see due to his blood mask, Xinzi asked. Silence dropped on the scene. Zi Feng, Guang Fanghu and Lord Hanxing all raised their eyes towards Xinzi, staring absentmindedly at the tea plate in his hand.

"What?" Guang Fanghu and Lord Hanxing couldn't believe their ears. Zi Feng, on the other hand, merely blinked in confusion, her eyes shifting between the aromatic teas and Xinzi's blood mask.

"Tea? Tea? Hahaha! Did he just ask us if we wanted tea?! Hateful son of a b—" Lord Hanxing had barely started his new rant that formless forces slammed into his mouth, sending five teeth flying while bloodying his tongue and throat.

"Careful, my mother's name isn't what an insect such as you can profane. If you do not want to spend the rest of eternity enjoying the most abject of tortures, you better shut up now. Oh, you've shut up already? My apologies, I didn't notice."