Golden Immortal Corpse

Alone on top of a small hill, one golden temple stood erect. Statues of herculean monks fronted the entrance, each rippling with blazing Yang Qi. Xinzi couldn't understand the point of Yang-Qi equipped statues, but then again, the Green-Hat village had no shortage of peculiarities, this was only one of them.

Without delay, our monk waltzed into the temple, entering an extravagant hall with greek-style statues of green men kneeling at the feet of strapping golden men whose empty eye sockets burned with golden flames. The men glanced towards Xinzi, and immediately, a golden halo formed above his head, discharging an ancient formation that scrutinized his fleshly body.

[Gender: Male]

[Skeletal Age: 18]

[...Establishing Ratio...]

[Ratio Establishment: Complete]

[Blood Energy: Over the Top]

[Yang Qi: Over the Top]

[Dual Cultivation Constitution: Over the Top]

[Yin-Yang Acumen: Over the Top]

[Final Grade: Inestimable]