Festival of Youth (Part 2***)

Jiushen may be dead, but his legacy lived on, held and upheld by the masterful hands of Abbot Xinzi. Faced with our monk's performance, Dong Ling and Yan Le forgot their parts, staring absentmindedly at Xinzi's sparkling eyes.

Initially, of the Liberation Temple's gals, only Dong Ling and Yan Le had enough gall to follow Xinzi onstage. But now, Yan Le regretted their move, wishing that she could stand in the front row, able to appreciate the burlesque performance from a spectator's standpoint. Dong Ling, on the other hand, had mixed feelings, our monk's performance drawing her into a world where Xinzi truly became Jiushen, and she turned into his wife—now forced to confront the harrowing choice of sharing her beloved.