Defeat is Your Destiny

" fast!" Xin Zhong couldn't believe his eyes. Even with his peak-stage Dao Revelation cultivation base and Demon Noble senses, he'd not seen the Lion King coming. By the time he reacted to the armored lion's move, the invaders had been crushed clean, leaving the crude scent of slaughter to spread through the air.

What did this show? That through sheer thirst for merit, the Lion King exceeded all of his body's limits!

That determination to charge head-on for the slightest chance at earning merit stirred Xin Zhong's heart, filling him with admiration.

Needless to say, the Lion King knew how to pick his fights and would have never charged at experts of Xin Zhong's level. But in this moment of surging admiration, Xin Zhong couldn't consider this point. Tears filled his eyes, and he dropped by the Lion King's side, bowing in complete humility.