The 33rd Grand Priestess

Following Qiu Meng's threat, the Nameless Sword Mountain's sect master, Bai Renyi, revealed a peak-stage Divine Transformation cultivation base, shocking the Dongli state, and single-handedly driving the immediate threat out of Xihai's borders. In that instant, Dongli men and women—especially the Shui royal clan, realized that they traded one overlord for another. That very soon, the Nameless Sword Mountain would rise to replace the defunct White Immortal Sect.

However, no matter how powerful, Bai Renyi didn't possess omnipresence. While the majority of the beasts left to chase Daji's call, some lingered on Dongli soil. The rampage continued in other prefectures, with superior and ancient mysterious beasts rising to lead the various hordes. Despair filled all Dongli household. Drug abuse reached a new high, with men and women going as far as to feed their children the drug Paradise so that they'd die in a world of bliss.