Coronation of the Bull Demon King (Part 2)

"Hahahaha! Tieshan, you're mine! MINE! On this day we celebrate the coronation of the Bull Demon King!" Niu Yan's eyes stretched in delight, and he broke into a peal of fiendish laughter. But right after Tieshan's cultivation entered the box, it left, returning to Tieshan with none of the impurities that she'd accumulated across her cultivation road.

"Huh?" Confused, the Bull Demon Prince blinked at Tieshan's back, his lips petrified in a silly grin. Dark tree roots surged out of the box, piercing through the Bull Demon Prince's veins and spreading throughout his body. Alarmed, the bull demon tried to shake off the box, but realized that it'd already been glued to his body and soul!