The East's Strongest Fist (Part 1)

The spirited cries of billions of mysterious beasts boomed in concert, causing hundreds of thousands of square miles to rumble with mortifying tremors. More than a rallying spell, the Wrath of the Beast Emperor was a promise—a promise of the Bai Fox ancestors to the Myriad Beast lineages, that should the times ever require it, they'd return to lead them all to glory.

Daji's words validated that promise, becoming the unifying chains that bound billions to her Myriad Beast Gang. In the Xuanyuan Tomb, Daji's Monster Core fused with the Yellow Dragon corpse, turning it into a war puppet with few rivals under the Immortal realm.

The Yellow Dragon didn't resist Daji's core—better, it welcomed it, rising above Xuanyuan Mountain and flapping its gargantuan wings at the myriad beasts. The unique Yellow Qi returned to the world, and though the corpse made no sound, its eyes flashed with barbaric killing intent.