Demon Sealing Pagoda

"This cultivation base is the peak of the Heavenly Immortal realm? You have to be kidding me. Immortals have joined the scramble? For what?" Zhenwu Shenquan clutched at his chest, blood dripping from his eyes and lips as he wobbled in the sky, facing the two Corpse Demons.

Had Zhenwu Shenquan been an Earth Immortal, then he would have had no problem dealing with these demons. But as an early-stage Supreme Clarity expert, he had no hope to defeat the enemy. 

"Fleeing is the only sensible option. However..." The Zhenwu clan had just pacified the spiritual aristocracy and taken over the East. If after the first battle, Zhenwu Shenquan returned in such disastrous defeat, all the prestige that he'd accumulated would go down the drain.