It's Starting Now

"Yes, master!" Holding her Heavenly Slayer in a tight grip, Yan Le bowed at Tusha and vanished, channeling her War Pulse to bolt towards the Liberation Temple.

Afterward, Tusha stretched her hand out, summoned a long, double-edged battle-ax, then stepped into the air, riding a sanguine cloud on her way to the city gate. She wasn't the only one. The Ominous Orchestra alerted all of the Liberation Temple's experts. Senior army leaders such as Xin Zhong immediately cast their Spiritual Senses at the city gate, their lips curling at the idea that an eastern faction dared to attack Colorful Wing Supercity.

"Mhm, Lion brother, an opportunity to earn huge merit is knocking on our doors. Are you ready?" Xin Zhong asked the Armored Lion King who, half-awake, rolled in the grass.

"Merit? Did you say merit?!" Immediately, the Armored Lion King leaped from his semi-torpor and cast his Spiritual Sense into the distance, locating the rift that formed at the city gate.