Will of Immortals (Part 3)

"Steady yourselves! The enemy leader is a Nine-Headed Peacock. Their Hormonal Glow can cripple the battle prowess and reasoning of members of the opposite sex, leading the victim to worship at the peacock's feet!" Qiu Meng barked at the Nameless Sword Mountain disciples, relying on his Immortal Wills to resist and break Zhiji Jing's hold over the male side of the sect. Many failed to recover. But assisted by Qiu Meng's Immortal Wills, the likes of Zi Zuixian and Bai Renyi regained their senses.

Not that it'd do the sect any good.

"What...the hell is this?" Alongside other sect disciples, Bai Renyi and Zi Zuixian recovered fast enough to see a coalition of colorful meteors flying into the Nameless Sword Mountain.

Thanks to Xiao Hu's melody, the weakest members of the Third Horde had strength equal to Divine Transformation, meaning that any one of these random meteors could blast through the Nameless Sword Mountain's paltry defenses.