Phoebus Catastrophe


Poor writers need to conquer the multiverse and Collect 5 of 6 infinity Stone; the writer lost the Power Stone that you had. What are you going to do?

a. Give the writer the stone so that he can conquer the multiverse with his harem

b. Don't give the power stone, So the Writers can forget his plan to Conquering universe, then stay home to enjoy his retirement


At that moment, the trio who was ready to welcome the death was saved when Hanzo attacked being neutralized by someone.

The interrupted Hanzo wasn't angry but instead felt attracted to the newcomer, even though he couldn't see his guess from his current place.

Rain ninjas were on standby to move whenever the leader gave the order since another enemy appeared.

Waiting for the newcomers, Hanzo wasn't in a hurry to kill the trio as he stood on the Salamander calmly.

Soon a shadowy figure stood in front of Hanzo with a katana in his hand

"Hmmm, I believe you are is backup that Konoha sent to the trio over there, and from attack just before, I believe you are the 'Death Arrow' which is a new name lately besides 'Yellow Flash'"

"'Arrow of death', 'death arrow', call me whatever you want, but my real name is Shosuke."

The 3 Sannin who saw their backup couldn't help but cry out in worry

"Run Boy, that person is no match for you," Jiraiya shouted

"Why did you run here stupid brat, now we have an extra burden," Tsunade said in an annoyed tone as she worried

"Get out of here, we will hold him as we can while you running far as possible," added Orochimaru

This newcomer was Shosuke, who had just arrived on the battlefield, and to be honest, the fight between Trio against Hanzo wasn't the result that he expected when he was planning to backups the battles from a distance, Hanzo easily defeated the three Sannin before he can do something

Shosuke didn't know that while the three Sannin were preparing for training for him, their own planned Sage art training had to be temporarily canceled

and the third Ninja war was happening earlier than it should have been, as the original plot, so the Sannin Powers still didn't qualify to stand before the Hanzo.

Shosuke managed to save three Sannin from Hanzo's final attack with Caladbolg in the distance.

But it has been several months since his training with the trio

His improvement during his missions in the war and the current Shosuke was more substantial than the trio by a small margin. Even his name was par with Minato in this war.

Suppose an enemy ninja recognizes Minato with his speed. In that case, Shosuke is known as the Ninja with the deadliest attack among his enemies.

"I've received several reports from the censorship ninja at the border when they said a ninja infiltrated the rain village, since I slaughtered the Konoha ninja, I have estimated the intruder is here to help three Sandaime students," said Hanzo calmly.

"Well, I don't intend to provide backup in this kind way, I should just use my bow to actively harass you from a distance to interfere with the battle," Shosuke said in his immature voice.

"hmm, I understand, So you want to fight me?" ask Hanzo

Shosuke nodded. "I might not be able to win, but I should be able to hold you for a while."

Hanzo laughed coldly. "Are you ignoring my men around, kid?, no one can escape as long as I want to."

Shosuke didn't answer Hanzo but ordered the trio "go straight to Konoha, I've cleared some Rain ninja there so the defense is looser."

Tsunade wanted to refuse and stay to help Shosuke, but the clear-minded Orochimaru immediately pulled his two friends. "We have to go, the boy knows what to do."

"But-" Tsunade wanted to retaliate before Jiraiya cut him off

"We're useless right now, that brat is already stronger than us."

"Go!" Shosuke said firmly

Hanzo laughed. "Interesting boy, then let's play this game, you fight me then if you die before they escape then, I will chase them to death, if you manage to hold me back until they run away, then I won't kill you."

The trio who heard Hanzo immediately ran in the direction where Shosuke pointed.

While Shosuke pulled Kiku-Ichimonji from its sheath before coating Chakra into the blade

At the same time, Hanzo also coated Poison Attribute Chakra into his scythe and jumped down the Salamander.

This time Hanzo had no intention of using area Jutsu like the battle with the trio.

"Poison Style: Deadly Scythe"

Several purple scythes formed in the air before shooting towards Shosuke which at the same time Hanzo charged him forward

"First Step, One silent step."

With Observation Haki, Shosuke easily dodged the scythe as he collided head-on with Hanzo crushing the ground beneath his feet from the impact.


The two clashing weapons made a sharp sound in the air

Hanzo, who saw the result of the confrontation, raised his eyebrows as he looked at Kiku-Ichimonji

In regular times, when Hanzo coated the scythe in his hand with poison, it was enough to melt or even damage the enemy's weapon. Still, this time for the first time, Hanzo poison failed.

Shosuke and Hanzo exchanged blows in this confrontation without using their Jutsu, but purely technical and physical. The impact created several sparks every time the scythe and sword collided. After some time, Hanzo jumped back to break the deadlock and used another Jutsu.

"Poison style: Poison gas release"

Purple mist spouted from the cavity of the Hanzo mask, heading towards Shosuke.

Shosusuke immediately responded with his hand seal

"Wind Style: Air wall."

A wall of wind immediately appeared in front of Shosuke while returning the poison gas to Hanzo.

Hanzo didn't panic, but this was to be expected; Hanzo immediately inhaled the poison gas into his mouth again before using another hand seal.

"Fusion style: Burning poison release."

Burning poison release is a Jutsu created by Hanzo. He uses poison mist as a combustion catalyst instead of regular air to use Fire Release. The fire released is hotter and faster than a standard fire release.

This time even though his Haki responded, his body wasn't fast enough to dodge the fire, so the flames grazed his shoulder, leaving black burns on his body. To minimize the pain and injury, Shosuke immediately diverted some of his Chakra into his wound.

Hanzo didn't give a pause then continued with

"Poison Style: Deadly whirlpool."

And the poisonous whirlpool that Hanzo previously used against the three Sannin reappeared; seeing the vortex formed, Shosuke used his other Jutsu

"Earth Style: Earth pillar."

The ground around Shouske immediately rose high to form a large pillar that towered in the sky as Shosuke stood up.

After that, Shosuke stuck Kiku-Ichimonji into the ground, then took out a bow from his Reality marble.

This bow is not the bow that Shosuke usually uses to shoot Caladbolg, but a green bow with beautiful carvings on it, Tauropolos.

A perfect copy of Atlanta's bow that Shosuke recreated within his 'Tracing' and directly Accessed to Thrones of heroes, which also contained the Phoebus Catastrophe

Shosuke Nocking two light arrows from his reality marble, then he aims them at the sky as they begin to shine.

Before releasing them at a great enough speed, they pierce through the clouds while leaving behind a glittering trail.

"Phoebus Catastrophe"

At this moment, Hanzo felt danger coming from above which made him stare at the thick clouds in the sky, and then he saw thousands of arrows of light falling like rain that terrified him.

It didn't take long before the rain of arrows reached the ground; at this moment, Hanzo frantically used his Jutsu as he ordered Salamander to dive into the ground.

"Poison Style: Poison dome."

Around the Hanzo, Liquid poison begins to gather to form a dome while protecting it from Phoebus's Catastrophe.

But unfortunately, the other Rain Ninjas weren't so lucky; many of them died when thousands of arrows pierced them mercilessly as long as they were inside the range of the rain area.

The scenery was so fantastic.

Even people in the Amegakure could see thousands of arrows falling from the sky. Even though it always rains in Amegakure, this rain is beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

The trio, who had already dashed out of the rain's reach, turned around when they saw the rain of arrows of light that slaughtered hundreds of more rain ninjas at that moment.

Panic descended. The rain ninja, who was supposed to stop the trio from escaping, see catastrophe behind, immediately ran over to check on the survivors after the arrow rain ended.

The trio could only take a cold breath before continuing to run without saying anything.

*Note: You can check the Aux chapter for more information about UBW