king Liam makes plans to marry Brianna

" So what is the mission statement of this entire journey ? " Jean asked breaking the much needed silence. 

Arianna shrugged, revealing how uncertain she was feeling about the journey, Gary had his head bent low all the while. 

" Well I actually thought this was me walking away from anyone and everyone that knew me, but fortunately, as I don't want to sound ungrateful ( she muttered in between statement ) I am here with two of you ( she dropped and maintained a short silence. Jean looked directly into her face as she spoke, Gary wouldn't even lift his face to look ) there is nothing I crave more, than being back to my room at that Palace, waiting for my husband to return and then make love to me, but sadly I have lost that position and I cannot even do anything about it. " Arianna said to them almost talking in a whisper 

" Awwwwwww ! " Jean put out in sympathy.