Chapter Eleven

The constant flow of warm wind passing through the large hallways, carefully glides about your hair. You stare at the opposite wall emotionlessly, taking out a bottle of water and chugging it down. You wait patiently for your target to pass by;.. for Sandrah to show her face to you again in this fortress of madness. She may just be exactly what you need in this situation.

You had only first figured out the truth behind that girl not even three hours ago, and a plan had been forming in your head since then. You know you can't just kill her. Of course not! As wicked a mind might have to be to love Herobrine, you have the disadvantage here by being too nice to kill anyone without them trying to kill you first. And while she hasn't been the nicest, she doesn't seem to be any actual threat; just a misguided individual. You have, however, come up with a way to both mess with her, and get yourself out of there, even if just long enough to make sure your family is okay.. and that Herobrine hasn't broken his promise to you.

Footsteps echo in the hallway. They sound quick, heavy, and stiff. Oh no. Your eyes widen, body squeezing behind a large beam that acts as pillars in the room, attached to the side of the walls themselves. Instinctively, you breathe much quieter. The footsteps turn the corner, walking in your general direction. Your eyes stay wide, unable to blink. If you are caught up this late, who knows what might happen? And if he is able to read from your mind what you are planning?- There would be no future hope of escaping.

A casual hum enters your ears, as he steps with delighted footing, humming a happy tune to a song you don't quite recognize. He passes you by blissfully, you only catching a short momet to stare at his back on passing, before the other large 'beam' hides him as well....

Fiewww! You gasp for more air once his humming is no longer heard, and his footsteps no longer present. For a moment, you wonder what kind of song someone like him would be humming. You still wait a while until you are absolutely certain he is gone, before stepping back out into the open hallway. Again, you lean on your back against the beam, and prepare yourself mentally again for Sandrah to show up.

After a few minutes, you hear another set of footsteps, and by the time you turn, you see exactly who you have been waiting for.

"You're up a little late." She says, noticing you the moment she turns the corner.

"And you have a little something you have been hiding from the world." You lean further into the wall, subconsciously forcing yourself to chat casually instead of on edge or angered. You see the young lady's eyes shift to a hint of shock, but she plays it off well, probably hoping you are talking about something different. You realize that playing to this will further help you out, and you brighten your face with the intention of looking like you know everything, to a level that it looks like you know nothing. Reverse psychology, you could call it.

"Wh-what are you talking about, exactly?" She questions, uneasy. Yeah, you definitely need to play along. She's just too tense. Quickly, you think of something that can be both accusive, and also make nothing but a pointless rumor at the same time.

"..I know what your true intentions here are. You're a spy." Your smile is more or less just smeared across your face, hoping to cover up the terrible accusation. Sandrah scoffs.

"Really? What proof do you have?" Her shoulders loosen as she smirks back at you. "And, um, why would you care anyways?"

"I hold a loyalty to Herobrine you wouldn't understand." It just came out, but you hope it will get her on the offensive a little, making her weaken her defenses, therefore allowing you to hammer in your true points in the best possible way.

"Pfff! You?! You- Do you not remember when you literally shouted 'I don't care whether he wins or loses,' or something a while ago?!" You see it in her eyes. A small flare of anger. Maybe you should keep this up a little longer, until she is truly weak.

"Uh, I never said that. And, again, like I said: you wouldn't understand." Little pause, taking that time to actually turn around and hide your smile. "Just like how you don't understand why he chose me, and not you..." You leave it an open book for her to interpret however she wants: exactly how you want her to soak it in. You have a hard time keeping your smile down, looking over your shoulder just enough so you can see her blurred outline hold stiff.

"You better tell me you are kidding. No lying to me, (Y/n)! I know you were brought here just to be a general of his army!" Oh, so she did take it that far.. Very well then. While you don't necessarily want to slide into that territory, you know it is her weakest point.

"Oh, don't be so on edge about it, Sandrah." You turn around, allowing a small portion of your cocky smile to show. "Besides, it isn't like he kidnaps humans often to be made generals or anything. Heck, it is a rarity just to let one live long enough to be one of his foot soldiers." You make a very subtle gesture towards the one standing in front of you, glad to see she takes it as an insult.

"Why you little-!" Out of her own control, Sandrah pounces at you, ready to claw you like a rabid cat. You catch her arms right before she is able to claw up your face, and knee her in the gut. She hunches over just long enough for you to swipe your hands over top her head and left shoulder, kick her right leg out from under her and push her to the floor. She falls over before even realizing what just happened, but she looks up at you with an unphased expression, still angry. Well.. darn.

"But you are not just a foot soldier now; are you?" You watch as her bared teeth quickly hide behind a confused, slightly caught off guard, emote. "In fact, that is what I originally wanted to talk with you about." You squat down to about her level, staying high enough so that she still has to look up to reach your eyes. Other than a minimal dilation of her pupils, she stays as still as a stone. "You see.." You continue, your smile shifting ever-so-slightly. "..I saw you kiss Herobrine." You replace 'heard' with 'saw' just to bring your small point to the next level. You watch as something completely shatters within Sandrah's mind. Good, she took it well.

"N- n-.. M- mE!? Blazes no! I- I would NEVER kis-"

"-It sure would be nice if I could actually trust you." You sigh, giving her a knowing look. It takes her a while to process, but after a moment of silence, she gives up, recognizing that there is no way she can make you "un see" what you "saw."

"W-wh-well! I-I-I-d-" She pitifully attempts to bring together her thoughts. You stay crouched, reading her face as if it were written in a book, as she attempts to form a comeback.

"Listen." You hold your hand up, Sandrah's face looking nearly pleased you had halted her studdering mess. "There is nothing you can tell me that will change your situation.. Now.." You stand up, reaching your hand down for her to grab. She does, and you pull her up in an instant, internally astonished by her light weight. As she becomes once again at eye level with you, you squeeze the outer side of her hand, twisting her wrist until the rest of her body yields: stepping forwards and leaning into the now awkwardly bent arm.. just an inch away from snapping her wrist. All she can do is yelp before falling silent the moment you continue to speak. "I am going to need your help. If I am caught missing, or outside the Nether, my family, and everything I have ever cared for will surely be destroyed. Do you understand me?" You speak firmly, your voice sharing a venomous edge even you aren't used to. You watch as Sandrah's eyes search yours for some kind of connection between dots. "What I want is for you to make sure that doesn't happen. We can talk details later, but right now, I need to know you are with me. Got it?!" That time you asked a little firmer. Her face is nothing but a confusing mess of thinking.

"Wh- I- I can't help you get out! That would be treason!-"

"I don't care about the blasted trees! All I need to know, right now, is that you will use your mind!" A small but firm shake of her wrist gets the young woman to silently mouth 'ow' and begin thinking of more important things.

"Yh- you go ahead and sn-n-nap my wrist if you have to! Snap my whole arm if you want! I- I still am not going to betray him!" She speaks loudly, her voice falling into more of a plead by the end. You calm down your stern look, allowing for Sandrah's face to soften a little at the sight of it. Once she looks peaceful enough, you yourself lose that ounce of control you needed so desperately, cranking your arm outward until you hear a snap. Immediately you realize your own small failure, but you continue to roll with it, sliding your hand down down a little so you are holding Sandrah's arm as she hunches over slightly, silently screaming out nothing but trembling air. You then twist her elbow inward, forcing her to straighten up and look you in the eyes, which are likely blazing by now.

"Sandrah. I can break much more than bones.. I can break futures." You say, definitely succeeding in sounding intimidating. You can feel a very faint shiver from her, internally wondering if you have gone too far with this. "..I can sooo easily ruin your chances with Herobrine, with the simple skill I like to call lying..." You wait a moment for her to soak it in. It doesn't seem to be processing, so you spell to out for her. "I, will tell, everyone.. that you have been a very naughty little lady, and have been seducing 'our' lord into doing whatever you please... How does that sound, Sandrah?" She gets it the second time, and you watch as her face tries it's best not to crack into a pleading moan as it mixes with the pain. You have definitely taken it too far. Looks like you have had quite a bit more built up anger than you originally thought. Still, you must play the role of the villain for now. There is no turning back when it comes to a way back home.

"I.. I, I...." Sandrah looks around a little, unsure of how to put her thoughts into words. "I'll do whatever.. you want." Good. You can't help but smile. All this conversing has finally paid off. Sandrah looks down in pure humiliation. You, howefer, stand taller, knowing that you are one step closer to making it back home. Heh.. at least she didn't think about how you would have started that lie off in the first place, because you honestly hadn't even given that part any thought.