Mission I (Funeral Breach)

Music plays in the background

Killer: Damn, the world doesn't have to do him like that…

Redwolf: I clearly feel you…

Hunter: they took away our mission teller…

Black: For all the souls, the world had to pick why him…

Killer: we will all remember you…

All people in the funeral: *pays respect*

Enemy soldiers: *breaches funeral door*

Enemy soldiers: (put your hands up!) ręce do góry!

Killer: at this time!?

All 4: *shoots AP-7 (Pistol)*

Enemy soldier: *tackles Killer*

Killer: *punches enemy soldier*

Killer: *grabs P-05 (Pistol)*

Killer: *goes akimbo*

Redwolf: Grab a primary!

All 4: *grabs A7a1 (AR)*

All 4: *exits chapel*

Redwolf: head right!

All 4: *goes to a right turn*

Enemy soldiers: *blocks way*

All 4: *shoots*

Missile hits the city

Killer: shit!

Redwolf: we gotta go back to the HQ!

All 4: *heads to the HQ*

Chopper lands at them

Cytra: get in!!!

All 4: *enters chopper*

Arcus: *lands back at the HQ*

Arcus: do you know any of these signs!

Killer: no, we just went to the church to pay respects…

Redwolf: I saw a letter "I" on the exterior…

Redwolf: and saw a location…

Arcus: did it say Gdańsk

Redwolf: honestly, I didn't check, thinking it wasn't important…

Arcus: look again…

Redwolf: *checks image*

Image says "Jedź do Gdańska"

Killer: *pulls out translator*

Translator: Head to Gdansk

Killer: Head... to… Gdansk…

Cytra: a clue

Cytra: I guess we have to head to Gdansk for more intel

Arcus: team… get your own primary…

All 5: got it… *goes to the armory*

All 5: *grabs AM-X2 (AR)*

Arcus: Let's go…

All 6: *enters chopper*

Chopper takes off

Chopper lands at Gdansk

Killer: ah shit! It's an ambush!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *tries to stab Redwolf*

Redwolf: *grabs hand*

Redwolf: wrong person asshole…

Redwolf: *shoots him with AP-7*

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy choppers fly above them

Enemy soldiers drop from the chopper

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: advance now!

All 6: *heads to the bay*

Redwolf: shit! They're taking hostages!

Civilians scream

Redwolf: watch your fire!

All 6: *shoots*

Civilians fall from the building on their left at 10th floor

Redwolf: up there!

All 6: *enters building*

All 6: *shoots*

Killer: *turns around*

Enemy soldier: *punches Killer*

Killer: *blocks attack*

Killer: *stabs eye*

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: head to the roof!

All 6: *enters roof*

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: what the hell?

Killer: what is it?

Redwolf: all we have is a file and a black and white image of a name, Kirivashki

Killer: what does the file say?

Redwolf: the file says (It was all your fault) to wszystko twoja wina…

Killer: what does it mean *pulls out translator*

Killer: It… was… all… your… fault…

Killer: what did we do…

Redwolf: maybe, it has something to do with betrayal…

Killer: the hell…

Enemy soldiers: *breaches roof door*

All 6: *shoots*

RPG hits building

Redwolf: get out of this building!

All 6: *heads to the ground floor*

Building starts tipping over

All 6: *currently on 6th floor*

Killer: *starts sliding*

Redwolf: *grabs Killer's arm*

Redwolf: *pulls Killer back up*

Cytra: maybe there is no choice but to jump!

All 6: *jumps into the water*

All 6: *shoots*

All 6: *climbs up*

Enemy soldier: *goes through the coastline*

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Advance!

All 6: *rushes through*

Redwolf: enemy chopper!

All 6: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes on the building

Building is about to collapse

Redwolf: get out of there!

Building collapses

Killer: Damn!

All 6: *gets past collapsed building*

All 6: *shoots*

(Enemy) *pops out head*

Killer: over there!

All 6: *sees enemy*

All 6: *chases enemy down*

Enemy pilot: Cel jest tam na dole

Enemy soldiers: na tym

Enemy soldiers: *drops in front of team*

All 6: *shoots*

Killer: why are there so many!

Redwolf: maybe, their protecting someone!

Redwolf: just get past them!

All 6: *gets past*

All 6: *enters building*

All 6: *heads to roof*

Redwolf: *pulls out TGW-4 (Tracking Gun)*

Killer: whats that?

Redwolf: a tracking gun…

Killer: lemme guess we're gonna spy on him…

Redwolf: yes…

Redwolf: *shoots tracking dart*

Enemy has been tracked

Redwolf: you want to put this on *hands headphones*

Killer: whats that going to do—

Redwolf: just put it on!

All 6: *puts on random headphones*

Redwolf: they might be speaking polish!

Redwolf: theres a lever that will translate it to English…

All 6: *flicks lever*

Bodyguard: (Kirivashki, your men are doing well…) Kiriwaszki, twoi ludzie mają się dobrze

Killer: Kirivashki…

Cytra: no way…

Kirivashki (Thanks for the complement, thanks to my men, my revenge will be successful) Dzięki za uzupełnienie, dzięki moim ludziom moja zemsta się powiedzie

Bodyguard: (One day, you will win this war and successfully own our enemy's HQ) Pewnego dnia wygrasz tę wojnę i pomyślnie posiądziesz kwaterę główną naszego wroga

Killer: no way…

Bodyguard: (what is that on your back) Co masz na plecach?

Kirivashki: (what) co

Bodyguard: (on your back) Na Twoich plecach

Kirivashki: (I don't know what do you mean) nie wiem co masz na myśli

Bodyguard: *pulls out tracking dart* (this) to

Redwolf: Shit! We've been exposed!

Bodyguard: (over there!) tam!

Kirivashki: (I want you to send my men onto this coordinate) Chcę, żebyś wysłał moich ludzi na ten koordynat

Enemy pilot: (on it) na tym

Enemy soldiers; *land in front of the team*

All 6: *shoots*

All 6: *gets past*

All 6: *heads to the ground floor*

Enemy soldier: *tackles Killer*

Killer: *punches him*

Enemy soldier: *block attack and punches back*

Enemy soldiers: *walks into the fight*

Killer: *ducks under*

Killer: *shoots with AP-7*

Enemy soldier: *punches Killer*

Killer: *blocks* nice try *shoots*

All 6: *SHOOTS*

Redwolf: wait is that an EMP bomb…

Killer: oh crap!

All 6: *sprints to the EMP bomb*

Enemy soldier: *tackles Killer*

Killer: *blocks and tries to stab him*

Redwolf: *shoots enemy soldier with an AP-7*

Redwolf: just like that!

Killer: *defuses EMP bomb*

EMP bomb defused

Killer: success!

Missile hits Gdansk

Redwolf: dodge the debris!

All 6: *dodges debris*

Redwolf: we have to get back to the chopper before it gets destroyed by the debris!

All 6: *goes back to the chopper*

Enemy soldier: *blocks way*

All 6: *shoots*

Building collapses

All 6: *goes through*

Another missile hits the city

Redwolf: dodge all the debris!

All 6: *dodges debris*

All 6: *gets through*

Building collapses

Killer: woah!

All 6: *gets through*

Enemy soldier: *blocks the way*

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *tries to stab Killer at the neck*

Killer: *grabs arm*

Killer: *gets knife*

Killer: *stabs him*

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Advance!

All 6: *sprints through*

Enemy soldier: *lands in front of Killer*

Killer: *shoots him at point blank range*

All 6: *sprints through*

Redwolf: get back!

A 5-meter line disintegrates in front of them

Killer: holy shit! What was that!

Redwolf: disintegration bombs…

Redwolf: they disintegrate everything in front of them…

Redwolf: be careful!

Redwolf: up there!

All 6: *heads to the 5th floor*

Redwolf: tango on the other building!

Killer: got it! *shoots*

Killer: tango down…

Redwolf: 4 tangos on the 2nd building!

Killer and Redwolf: *shoots*

Redwolf: tangos down…

Enemy soldier: (enemies with me) Wrogowie ze mną

All 6: *shoots*

ALL 6: *Heads to the chopper*

All 6: *enters chopper*

Enemy soldier: *drags Cytra out of chopper*

Killer: shit!

Cytra: *points gun towards him*

Enemy soldier: *deflects attack by moving hand*

Cytra: *pulls trigger*

Killer: get in!

Redwolf: we don't have time!

Chopper takes off

Cytra: *stabs him in the neck*

Cytra: *shoots him*

Enemy soldiers: *heads to Cytra's position*

Cytra: *shoots*

Chopper gets away from area

A 3rd Missile hits the city

Killer: Damn!

Chopper flies back to the HQ

Killer: Redwolf, why would to leave one of our teammates back to Gdansk!?

Redwolf: we were running out of time!

Killer: I know but why…

Killer: we could've saved him if you weren't being an asshole…

Redwolf: because we were running out of time!!!

Redwolf: if we stayed there, and tried to save Cytra!

Redwolf: We could've got our asses killed!

Redwolf: listen man, shit's tough you gotta make a decision

Killer: wha—

Redwolf: I need time for myself!