Mission VIII (Demises)

Redwolf: Mission lies at Tokyo…

Redwolf: we have to gather intel about Kirivashki's plan…

Redwolf: Info has it that he's moving to Tokyo to finish his plan…

Redwolf: he has 3 EMP bombs ready…

Redwolf: it's better if we act immediately!

Redwolf: or else this world is under demise…

Redwolf: Arcus, your coming with us!

Redwolf: Niko, guard the perimeter!

Niko: fine whatever…

All 5: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands at Tokyo

All 5: *crosses bridge*

All 5: *goes to the main city*

All 5: *arrives at Route 402*

Redwolf: tangos behind us!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to Route 407*

Redwolf: convoy incoming from both sides!

All 5: *goes to the alleyway*

Vehicles crash onto eachother

Enemies exits truck

All 5: *shoots*

All 4: *continues through Route 407*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to Eitai-Dori Ave.*

Redwolf: Tangos on 3rd floor!

All 5: *shoots*

Car drives by

All 5: *gets out of road*

Car drifts right

Another car hits car

Citizen 1: (What the hell!) なんてこったい!

Citizen 2: (This aint Tokyo drift dumbass!) これは東京ドリフトではありませ

Citizen 1: (shut up!) 黙れ

Enemy soldiers shoot the citizens

All 5: *shoots*

Cars explode nearby

Glass shards fly by

All 5: *dodges debris*

Kirivashki: *stares at them and walks away*

All 5: *goes to the other way of the highway*

All 5: *chases Kirivahki*

Kirivashki: *gets past river*

Missile cuts bridge in half

Killer: shit!

Enemies goes from behind

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: watch your fire!

Chopper flies above

RPG hits car

All cars explode

All 5: *wakes up in the water*

All 5: *swims to the other side*

All 5: *passes out*

All 5: *hears ambulance*

All 5: *breathes*

Heartbeat thumps loudly

All 5: *wakes up in a nearby hospital*

Nurse: (Finally awake huh) ついに目覚めた

Killer: huh… *translator lights up*

Translator: Finally awake, huh…

Killer: *types in* Where's my team…

Translator: (Where's my team…) 私のチームはどこですか...

Nurse: (Beside these curtains…) これらのカーテンの横に..

Translator: Beside these curtains…

Killer: *types in* Thanks…

Translator: ありがとう...

Killer: *gets up* ow…

Nurse: (You have to rest first…) あなたは最初に休まなければなりません..

Translator: (you have to rest first…)

Enemy soldiers breach in

Killer: *types in* Where's my assault rifle?

Translator: (Wheres my assault rifle) 私のアサルトライフルはどこにありますか?

Nurse: (At the side of your bed…) あなたのベッドの横に...

All 5: *grabs assault rifle*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *gets up*

Killer: Argh…

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *goes to the medicine cabinet*

All 5: *finds painkillers*

All 5: *injects Morphine*

All 5: *exhales*

Redwolf: we lost Kirivashki…

Killer: can you still track him…

Redwolf: no, it's battery can only last for 5 days…

Killer: shit…

More enemies break in

All 5: *exits medicine cabinet*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits hospital*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *gets past highway*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Tangos behind us!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *moves to ticket office*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *heads to a bus station*

All 5: *shoots*

Enemies break in the bus

Redwolf: in there!

All 5: *enters bus*

Bus moves

All 5: *shoots*

Chopper takes off

Redwolf: get out of there!

All 5: *exits bus*

Bus explodes

Killer: Damn!

All 5: *enters hotel at their left*

All 5: *enters roof*

Enemies drop in the hotel

Enemies head downwards

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: they might be taking hostage! watch your fire!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *arrives at the roof*

All 5: *looks above*

All 5: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode

Chopper blocks road

Building collapses

Redwolf: shit! Run!

All 5: *runs away*

All 5: *heads to the bar*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters factory*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Right side!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *shoots in front*

Redwolf: left side!

All 5: *shoots*

Enemies breach in

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *exits factory*

All 5: *heads to the pharmacy*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: tangos on the 3rd floor!

All 5; *shoots*

Citizens scream

Redwolf: more on 2nd floor taking hostage!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: on the left side!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: They might be taking hostage in there!

All 5: enters from left!

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters 2nd floor*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters 3rd floor*

All 5: *shoots*

All 5: *enters roof*

All 5: *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes

Killer: *sees Kirivashki*

Kirivashki: *enters jeep*

Killer: Kirivashki is getting away!

Redwolf: He got away, remember!

Killer: *hijacks jeep*

Redwolf: where are you going!

All 4: *follows Killer*

All 4: *enters jeep*

Jeep follows Kirivashki's jeep

Enemies block the road

Redwolf: drive over them!

Jeep drives over enemies

Jeep speeds up in a highway

Redwolf: ill drive focus on the back!

Killer: ok!

Killer: *moves to the back*

Redwolf: *controls jeep*

All 4: *shoots*

Jeeps explode

Redwolf: *checks mirror*

Redwolf: tangos taking hostages on the sidewalk!

All 4: *shoots*

Jeep jumps

All 4: *heads to route 50*

Kirivashki: *runs away*

Killer: not today!

All 5: *exits jeep*

All 5: *chases Kirivashki*

Redwolf: keep eye on our 6 this time!

All 5: *shoots*

Chopper goes up

Killer: Not today!

All 5: *SHOOTS*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes underwater

Kirivashki: *gets past bridge*

All 5: *gets past bridge*

Missile hits bridge

All 5: *chases Kirivashki*

Enemies drop in

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: His LZ is at Sarueonshi Park!

Redwolf: *apprehends Kirivashki*

Killer: *kills enemy pilot*

Killer: *gets out of plane*

Kirivashki: *escapes*

Kirivashki: (Requesting second landing zone, current pilot is dead!) Żądanie drugiej strefy lądowania, obecny pilot nie żyje!

Enemy pilot: (roger that!) przyjąłem!

Enemy soldiers drop by

Pilot moves to 2nd LZ

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Do not let him get away!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy convoy! Watch your 6!

All 5: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Cars on the other lane explode

Redwolf: watch out for the debris!!

Car parts fly by

All 5: *shoots*

Choppers fly up!

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Enemy tackles Killer

Killer: *blocks attack*

Enemy punches Killer

Killer: *gets dizzy and hits a building*

Killer: *breaks glass*

Killer: *grabs glass shard*

Killer: *tackles enemy*

Killer: *stabs neck*

Enemy soldier: *pulls out shard*

Killer: *pulls out pin of grenade*

Killer: *pushes enemy away*

Grenade explodes

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Enemy convoy!

All 5: *shoots*

Vehicles explode

Vehicle speeds up from behind

Vehicle drifts to the other lane

Vehicle hits other vehicle

Cylindrical bomb gets in their way

Redwolf: get out of here!

All 5: *goes into nearby building*

4 Flamethrowers show up and shoots

Killer: Shit!

Redwolf: those were flamethrower bombs

Killer: what?

Redwolf: Flamethrower bomb… what they do is shoot 4 lanes of fire like a flamethrower for 10 seconds and then explode like a Molotov

Killer: shit! We could've been burnt into a goddamn crisp!

All 5: *exits building*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: *checks around*

Redwolf: ah shit! We lost him…

Killer: 2nd time?

Redwolf: yep…

Redwolf: Pilot, this is Redwolf, we lost the target, requestion LZ…

Pilot: This is pilot, what is your confirmed cords sir?

Redwolf: 139.828298, 35.687775…

Pilot: ETAs 1 hour, standby…

Redwolf; Rog'

All 5: *shoots*

1hr later

Plane lands

All 5: *enters plane*

All 5: *shoots*

Plane takes off

Redwolf: shit, lost him again…

Killer: remember what you said…

Redwolf: AH RIGHT!

Plane flie by

Plane lands

All 5: *exits plane*

Niko: so how's you stupid mission…

Vister: shut up!

Redwolf: Went shitty… he got away

Niko: hah I knew you would fail!

Redwolf: can you shut up!

Niko: no you!

Killer: I got this!

Killer: *pulls out uno reverse card*

Niko: Nani!!!

Redwolf: really…

Killer: hehe!

All 4: *enters room*

4 hours later

All 4: *enters hospital*

Redwolf: Is he okay?

Doctor: He's part of the 13%... It'll be code black soon for him…

Redwolf: no…

Doctor: we could save him, but shit's gonna get harder…

Doctor: Luckily, you 4 are part of the one that are safe…

Redwolf: thank god…