All vehicles with 2583 soldiers: *drives to Bankhead*
All arrives to Bankhead
Redwolf: we need a new range!
Redwolf: *chops some wood*
Killer: did not know you we're a lumberjack…
Redwolf: *chuckles* yeah, seen my dad do so…
Redwolf: *chuckles*
Killer: so, where he at?
Redwolf: I'm not talking 'bout that…
Killer: he died didn't he…
Redwolf: …
Redwolf: *continues doing his job*
Killer: of course…
Killer: *checks the area*
Killer: *hears mumbling*
Killer: what the….
Kirivashki: (clear the area, we will create a large disintegration bomb… that will disrupt the world's communication… making the world unable to get backup, so it would be easier to take the world under my rule…) oczyść teren, stworzymy wielką bombę dezintegrującą… która zakłóci komunikację na świecie… uniemożliwiając światu uzyskanie wsparcia, więc łatwiej byłoby wziąć świat pod moje rządy…
Killer: what the hell are they saying…
All enemies split up
Killer: *returns back to the main base*
Enemies enter main base
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: *sees laser*
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy: *depolys turret*
All 4: *sees laser*
All 4: *shoots*
Turrets explode
All 4: *shoots*
The rest of the soldiers: *heads to the main base*
Soldier1: I heard gunshots what happened!?
Redwolf: Assholes are trying to rush onto us…
Enemy's POV
Enemy: *spies onto the team*
Enemy: (it's them…) to oni
Enemy: (the plan to destroy and kill AZAI HQ was a fail…) plan zniszczenia i zabicia kwatery głównej AZAI okazał się porażką…
Aris: *enters scene*
Enemy: (Aris?) Arisa?
Aris: honestly, I'm kinda fed up with my brother's doing, I want to join your side…
Enemy: no…
Redwolf: good…
Enemy: (I have to report this to our master…) Muszę to zgłosić naszemu mistrzowi...
Enemy: *heads to missile area*
Enemy: (master…) mistrz...
Kirivashki: (what…) co…
Enemy: (I have bad news and worse news...) Mam złe wieści i gorsze wieści…
Kirivahki: (no good news eh.. bring 'em on…) nie ma dobrych wieści, eh.. przynieś je…
Enemy: (The bad news is, your plan failed) złą wiadomością jest to, że twój plan się nie powiódł...
Enemy: (The worse news is your sister switched sides…) Najgorszą wiadomością jest to, że twoja siostra zmieniła stronę…
Kirivashki: (this has just made me motivated to kill and enslave everyone…) to właśnie zmotywowało mnie do zabijania i zniewalania wszystkich…
Kirivashki: (Get all our men to kill them all…) Niech wszyscy nasi ludzie zabiją ich wszystkich...
Killer's POV
Redwolf: be sure to keep a sharp eye!
Killer: good thing I got some chrome letters…
Killer: and this Magnet Pads….
Killer: *attaches Magnet Pads*
Killer: *places letters S, L, E , P , R , O, M…*
Redwolf: *hears footsteps*
Enemies appear out of nowhere
All 4: *shoots*
Soldier1: again?
Redwolf: yes…
4 months later
Redwolf: HQs fully built, it's not the best of it…
Killer: finally…
Killer: maybe after this we might hire an engineer or builder…
Killer: Redwolf, I got something to show you…
Killer: follow me!
All 4: *heads to the missile area*
Redwolf: a missile with an unknown element…
Killer: we gotta disarm it…
Redwolf: not yet, we have to know where they transporting it…
Redwolf: *attaches tracking dart*
Redwolf: *scans element*
Redwolf: It looks like polonium, but it has more radiation…
Redwolf: wait, there's also Radium, Radon and an unknown substance…
Killer: send the image to me…
Redwolf: *sends image*
Killer: *views image*
Killer: wait!
Killer: Aris has this substance…
Redwolf: what do you mean?
Killer: follow me!
All 4: *heads to the main base*
Redwolf: Aris, we know you have this substance, he was using it to take rule on the world!
Aris: what?
Killer: we have to secure your substance!
Aris: good thing I brought this safe…
Enemies show up
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Defend the safe!
Kirivashki: *arrives to the situation*
Kirivashki: (I'm going for that safe!)
Pilot: (good luck!) powodzenia!
Kirivashki: *dives to the safe*
Redwolf: *looks behind*
Redwolf: Shit! He's taking the safe!
Killer: *looks behind*
Kirivashki: *kicks Killer*
Killer: *falls and feels dizzy*
Enemy chopper gets to the missile
Redwolf: get up! We have to get to the missile to stop him!
All 4: *heads to the missile*
Chopper grabs missile
Killer: *grabs onto the missile*
Missile gets taken away
Redwolf: ah shit!
All 3: *heads to the chopper*
Killer: *climbs on top of missile*
Another chopper takes off
Redwolf: Jump!
Killer: *jumps to ladder*
All 3: *shoots choppers*
Choppers collapse
Choppers explode
Kirivashki's chopper gets away
Redwolf: He's heading to St. John's for fuel refill!
30 mins later
All 4: *lands at St. John's
Redwolf: Their LZ is at Signal Hill! Let's go!
All 4: *heads to signal hill*
Enemies show up
All 4: *shoots*
Civilians scream
Police arrives to the scene
All 8: *shoots*
Redwolf: Enemy convoy incoming!
All 4: *shoots*
Trucks explode
Truck part decapitates civilian
All 4: *moves to Atlantic palace*
All screens get hacked
Kirivashki: Attention civilians! Please surrender your country or we will destroy you…
Killer: shit!
Kirivashki: To, the team, you have just made me motivated to colonize the entire world, it's either surrender and hand my sister back to me, or you will suffer the hard way…
Drones with camera show up
Aris: no! I will not surrender myself to a psychopathic asshole like you!
Kirivashki: but, do you want to have everything to yourself like a queen!
Aris: no, never will be and never will follow your rule, I've switched sides and that is final!
Kirivashki: heh, you asked for it!
Enemies show up
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Move!
All 5: *heads to tweed*
Redwolf: Have you been spying on us?
Aris: no, I was spying my brother…
Redwolf: heh, nice…
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: Ah shit! They've blocked the road!
All 5: *heads to HARBOUR Dr.*
Kirivashki: no matter how much you try, soon I'd be unstoppable…
All 5: *shoots*
Aris: shut up!
All 5: *arrives to Alt Hotel St. John's*
All 5: *shoots*
Kirivashki: I swear you'll be a mindless slave…
Aris: Shut the f*ck up!
All 5: *shoots*
Kirivashki: you do want every-
Aris: Just shut the f*ck up! *shoots drone*
All 5: *moves to war memorial*
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *sees laser*
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: let's head to the rooftop so I could see where that d*ckhead is!
All 5: *heads to the rooftop*
All 5: *sees Kirivashki*
Killer: It's going to be over soon…
Killer: *grapples to the truck*
Killer: this is the last time you'll live!
Redwolf's POV
Kirivashki: *tries to stab Killer*
Killer: *grabs hand*
Killer: *pulls out knife and stabs hip*
Redwolf: Defend the truck!
Enemy trucks show up
All 4: *shoots truck*
Truck explodes
Truck piece jams on top of truck
Truck loses control
Killer: shit!
Killer: *steers truck and crashes onto building*
Redwolf: Damn!
Killer's POV
Killer: *coughs*
Killer: Kirivashki?
Killer: Damn, he got away…
Killer: *pulls out truck piece out of abdomen*
Killer: urgh…
Killer: *tries to open truck door*
Killer: F*ck
Enemies show up
Killer: *shoots AP-7*
Redwolf: *arrives to truck*
Redwolf: *shoots hinges*
Redwolf: we have to move Kirivashki is getting to the LZ rapidly…
Redwolf: *pulls Killer out of truck*
Redwolf: should not have pushed the enemy…
All 5: *heads to Signal Hill*
Enemies show up
All 5: *shoots*
Redwolf: good thing I brought a med kit…
Redwolf: *injects morphine*
All 5: *shoots*
All 5: *arrives at Signal Hill first*
Redwolf: *covers wound with a bandage*
Redwolf's POV
Kirivashki: *arrives*
Redwolf: You…
Kirivashki: this is our final stand, lets end this…
Enemies show up
Choppers land
Killer: we've got your back!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: *tackles Kirivashki*
Kirivashki: *dodges*
Kirivashki: heh, even the leader owner of the HQ can't even be rapid enough…
Redwolf: shut up! *pulls out AP-7*
Redwolf: *shoots*
Enemy: *shoots*
Bullets collide
Enemy: good thing I was lucky…
Enemy gets shot
Kirivashki: *tries to stab Redwolf*
Redwolf: *grabs arm and stabs eye*
Kirivashki: argh!!!
Kirivashki: *heads to the chopper*
Chopper takes off
Redwolf: they are planning to get to Moscow!
Redwolf: are you sure you can hold on?
Killer: I don't think so…
Killer: morphine effects last for 4 hours…
Redwolf: I guess you're right…
All 5: *steals chopper*
All 5: *heads to a nearby hospital*
Killer: *gets sutures*
All 5: *heads to the chopper*
Redwolf: good thing the area was cleared…
All 5: *takes the chopper*
Redwolf: this isn't over yet Kirivashki…
Killer: *exhales*
Redwolf: Aris, you nervous!
Aris: why the f*ck are you asking, it's obvious…
Redwolf: *laughs*
Killer: … (this asshole going to regret this)
Redwolf: after 14 hours, we have to be ready, because this would be like a third world war…
Killer: *exhales* Well at least I am healed…
Redwolf: as the leader of the HQ, if you kill Kirivashki, then I will give the leader to you…
Killer: Bet…
Both: *laughs*
Hunter: *blushes intensely*
Killer: Ayo! Why are you blushing?
Hunter: well…
Killer: you have a crush don't you…
Hunter: shut up, that's all cap…
Killer: then why did I see you red as a tomato?
Hunter: …just shut up…
Killer: *chuckles*
Redwolf: get comfy, this is 14h of flight…
Hunter: (14 hours close to her?)
Hunter: (are you kidding me!)
Killer: someone's blushing real hard!
All 3: *chuckles and laughs*
Chopper heads to Moscow