Ambika (II) (R-18)

So, Ambika did the only thing she could do at this moment… she leaned forward and placed her lips on Destiny's. Destiny's heart fluttered in joy as she kissed back the older girl with equal fervour. Destiny's hand grabbed the back of Ambika's head and pulled her closer for the kiss. 

Ambika started to caress Destiny's neck and shoulders. Destiny finally stopped the kiss and separated her lips from Ambika's… a trail of saliva still connecting their lips. Destiny intently stared into Ambika's eyes. Both of them were breathing heavily and both of their cheeks were slightly flushed due to heat. 

"I won't be able to stop myself if we continue…" Destiny said in a raspy tone. Ambika slightly blushed and averted her gaze. Moments later, she looked back into Destiny's eyes. 

"...I never asked you to stop" Ambika said in a meek tone and a teasing grin appeared on Destiny's face. 

"Then I won't…" Destiny said in a teasing tone and placed her lips on Ambika's. This time Destiny didn't hold herself back and she finally placed her hands on Ambika's chest. 'She isn't wearing anything under her nightgown' Destiny thought when she started to grope Ambika. Ambika moaned inside Destiny's mouth. 

Destiny kept playing with Ambika's moderate chest without any restraint but she didn't get rough with the older girl. Ambika finally gathered her courage and slowly placed one of her hands on Destiny's chest. Seeing that Destiny didn't react badly, she also started to squeeze and pinch Destiny's boobs. 

Destiny moaned ecstasy and used her hands to remove the straps of Ambika's nightgown. Ambika subconsciously shifted her body to give Destiny more access to her body. Destiny used this chance to quickly pull Ambika's nightgown down to her waist freeing the older girl's breasts. 

Destiny stopped kissing the older girl and rose up to her knee. Ambika noticed her condition started to blush but she didn't try to cover herself. She simply turned her face towards the side to hide her shame. Destiny's eyes glittered as drank the form of Ambika through her eyes. 

"You are beautiful" Destiny muttered in a smitten tone and took off her corselet, revealing her own chest to Ambika. As soon as Destiny took off her corselet, Ambika wasn't able to avert her gaze any longer and her eyes landed on Destiny's milky-white breasts. 

Destiny slowly leaned down and placed her mouth over Ambika's left breast. Ambika moaned in pleasure and her back arched backs as Destiny started to nibble and suck on her breast. Destiny started to grope and play with Ambika's other breast. Ambika's hands snaked around Destiny's head and she started to run her fingers through Destiny's crimson hair, lost in passion. 

"S-Something is happening!!" Ambika loudly exclaimed as her body started to shudder and moments later, a wet patch appeared over her crotch area over the nightgown. 'So, that's an orgasm. That was my first orgasm' Ambika thought and wanted to hide her face in shame but it became quite impossible as Destiny placed her lips on Ambika's. 

"Tonight, I am going to make you mine" Destiny said in a possessive tone between the kiss and Ambika almost came again after hearing Destiny's possessive tone. Destiny rose up again and grabbed the hem of Ambika's nightgown. With a little bit of effort, Destiny pulled off her nightgown revealing the white knickers Ambika was wearing underneath. 

Ambika's knickers were completely wet due to her previous orgasm. Destiny sniffed the place and with a yank, she pulled off Ambika's knickers before the older girl could say anything. Ambika blushed in shame as her special place was revealed and she subconsciously closed her legs. Destiny simply smiled softly after that. 

"You are beautiful! Ambika. You don't need to be ashamed" Destiny cooed and caressred the older girl's face. Ambika blushed but slowly spread her legs. Destiny looked down and found a small bush of snow-white hair over Ambika's snatch. Destiny ran her finger through the bush. 

"Can I get rid of this? Or eating you out might be problematic" Destiny said in a teasing tone and once again Ambika simply blushed and started to sputter unable to form anything coherent. 

"Y-Yes" Ambika stuttered out but all of a sudden she froze. "What do you mean to eat me out?" Ambika questioned hurriedly but it was already too late. With a small flick of Destiny's hand, the small bush of snow-white hair was gone and Destiny once again sniffed the place and gave it a lick, taking in Ambika's taste. 

"Hngh~" Ambika moaned. "What the hell are you doing?? That place is dirty!!" Ambika protested trying to get up but she couldn't as Destiny looked up and passionately stared into Ambika's eyes. 

"You taste incredible" Destiny said with a straight face and once again started to kiss Ambika's Sacred garden. 

"Don't say things like that, you shameless girl!!" Ambika screamed out in shame but Destiny didn't stop and continued licking and kissing Ambika's scared garden. Destiny finally decided to take the next step and her tongue slowly entered Ambika's vagina.

Ambika's head shot back in pleasure. She blushed and looked at Destiny who seemed to be having the best meal she ever had. "S-since you se-seem to like it that much, you don't n-need to hold yourself back" Ambika muttered with a red face. Destiny hummed and her tongue finally found a thin membrane-like barrier. 

'That must be her hymen' Destiny thought and looked up so she could stare into Ambika's eyes. "This might hurt" Destiny said and once again plunged her finger inside Ambika's folds. Ambika clutched the sheets as Destiny's finger finally seemed to break through the barrier. 

Ambika slightly tossed around but after a few drops of blood, Ambika calmed down. "I am okay…" Ambika said while breathing heavily and once again Destiny started to insert her finger inside Ambika's fold while placing gentle kisses over the top of Ambika's snatch. 

"It is coming!!" Ambika exclaimed loudly as her body started to spasm. Destiny slowly raised her head from in between Ambika's scared garden and laid down beside the older girl. Ambika was breathing heavily after cumming for the second time. 

Destiny placed her lips over Ambika's and started to gently kiss her. The older girl returned the kiss with the same fervour. Ambika's hands were already resting over Destiny's breasts as she was gently playing with them. "I want to taste you too" Ambika muttered with a massive blush on her face. 

Destiny simply grinned and pulled off her knickers, revealing her sacred garden to Ambika. With a wave of her hand, Destiny cleared the crimson bush over her snatch. "I will try my best" Ambika said in a determined tone and dove down for her meal. 

Destiny's pussy was pretty wet due to all the heat. Ambika gave an experimental lick and slowly pushed her finger inside Destiny. Destiny moaned in pleasure. "Don't worry, break my hymen. I am ready" Destiny said in a confident tone when she felt Ambika's finger scratch against her barrier. 

Ambika gave a small nod and pushed forward breaking Destiny's barrier. 

Destiny rose up and grabbed Ambika's free hand and placed it on her breasts. Ambika didn't need to be told what Destiny wanted. Ambika started to finger and lick Destiny's pussy at the same time. With her other hand, she kept fondling Destiny's breasts. 

"Keep going! I am really close!!" Destiny exclaimed and Ambika increased the speed of her ministrations. Destiny arched her back and moments later, she dropped back on the bed while breathing heavily. Ambika licked everything before crawling towards Destiny. 

"You were amazing!" Destiny said and snaked her arms around Ambika and pulled the older girl over her chest. Ambika blushed but this time she didn't avert her gaze. 

"I tried my best" Ambika said meekly and Destiny pecked the girl on her lips. 

"I know…" Destiny said and rolled around so that she could be on the top. Destiny started to gyrate her hips over Ambika's getting into a scissors position. Ambika moaned loudly in pleasure and it was the same for Destiny. Both of them started to moan wantonly after a few moments. 

"I am coming~" Destiny moaned and both Ambika and Destiny shuddered as both of them reached the climax at the same time. 

"I love you, Destiny~" Ambika breathed out and fell asleep immediately due to feeling tired. Destiny was quite surprised after hearing those words. Moments later, a soft smile appeared on Destiny's face and kissed Ambika's forehead. 

At first, Destiny didn't know how to react to that statement, to be honest. She didn't know what exactly love was… 'Gellert loves me' Destiny wondered but she was pretty sure that Ambika's love was different than Gellert's. Destiny was sure that she didn't love Gellert in that way… and vice versa.

Destiny had also read books and there is the only source of her knowledge regarding romantic love. She understood that love was probably much more complicated than what was written in the books but there were some facts that she couldn't deny… so technically, she did love Ambika as both of them were currently lying on the bed after making love. 

"I love you too~" Destiny said and laid down beside Ambika. Destiny spooned Ambika from the back and Conjured a bed sheet to cover themselves. Destiny immediately started to wonder how her life had changed after meeting Ambika. For the first time, she felt like she had a companion. 

Gellert was different. He was her father figure, her guardian but Ambika was her companion, her partner. 'And possibly something more' Destiny wondered as she kept caressing Ambika's back under the sheets. It was clear that Destiny was going to be the one holding the reins of the relationship and Destiny was completely fine with it. 

It matched perfectly with her personality. Destiny couldn't stop herself from smiling gently as once again she wondered that she seemed to be the older one among the two of them. Destiny finally fell asleep while caressing Ambika's back… 

Ambika's eyes fluttered open as she groaned. Her eyes grew wide when she found herself sleeping over Destiny's breasts. A massive blush appeared on Ambika's face as she remembered everything they had done last night. Ambika didn't know how to react and steam started to come out of her head. 

Destiny woke up and saw Ambika staring at her face with a massive blush on her face. A teasing grin appeared on Destiny's face as pecked the older girl on her lips. That seemed to bring Ambika back to reality and Ambika simply lowered her head trying to hide her head in Destiny's bosom. Destiny started to chuckle at the cute display. 

"You don't need to be ashamed, Ambika" Destiny said and the girl simply nodded her head. After a few moments, the white-haired girl finally gathered her courage and looked up. 

"So, what are we?" Ambika asked meekly. From her childhood knowledge, she knew that these sorts of things should only be done after marriage but from the books, she had read, said differently. 

Destiny understood Ambika's inner turmoil and hummed for a moment thinking about the appropriate reply. "We are probably lovers if you are okay with that…" Destiny said and Ambika placed her finger over Destiny's lips. 

"Yes, we are lovers" Ambika said brightly and quickly pecked Destiny on her cheek. A teasing grin appeared on Destiny's face. 

"Lovers kiss on the lips… come on" Destiny said in a teasing tone. Ambika blushed and hurriedly kissed the younger girl on her lips. Ambika wanted to back out after the kiss but Destiny's arms snaked around her back, keeping the older girl firmly in her place. The kiss quickly turned into a makeout session as Destiny's tongue made its way inside Ambika's mouth. 

After a few minutes, the two of them finally separated a trail of saliva still connecting their lips. Both Ambika and Destiny started to breathe heavily. Destiny's hand slowly trailed down Ambika's stomach and reached Ambika's entrance. Ambika loudly moaned as Destiny started to plunge her finger inside Ambika. 

"Ahn~. We shouldn't be doing this in the morning~" Ambika muttered in between her moans. Destiny sucked on Ambika's throat too hard leaving a bruise after hearing those words. 

"Who said that? We will do whatever we want? Now shut up and fuck me!" Destiny ordered in a commanding tone. Ambika felt her heart flutter after that and she slowly lowered her hand to finger Destiny. 

After a few minutes, both of them reached their climax and started to breathe heavily. Destiny turned towards Ambika and started to smother the older girl with kisses. Ambika could only moan as she was a gooey mess of female flesh in Destiny's hands. 

"Destiny, I need to get up" Ambika protested but didn't push off Destiny as she was also loving the attention. 

"No, I don't want you to leave. Let's stay in the bed" Destiny said like a spoiled child and Ambika finally started to tickle Destiny. As soon as Destiny's hold slackened, Ambika was out of the bed but she had to grab the bed for support as her knees felt weak. 

"Are you okay?" Destiny asked in a worried tone as she saw Ambika struggle. Ambika nodded her head but once again her heart fluttered when she heard the worried tone of Destiny. 

"...I am fine… I just feel somewhat weak as my knees are shaking. By the way, can I have one of your silk robes? I don't feel like wearing heavy clothes" Ambika muttered and Destiny immediately agreed. 

"Sure" Destiny said and climbed down off the bed. She also felt slightly weak around her knees. She wobbled for a bit but quickly got back her balance. She summoned her trunk and pulled out a green coloured silk robe and handed it to Ambika. The size wasn't a problem as the robe was charmed with a fitting charm. Ambika quickly placed the robe on her body and looked towards Destiny. 

Destiny was already dressed in a crimson robe. 'She really loves that colour' Ambika thought as she had previously noticed Destiny's obsession with the crimson colour. 'I also kind of love that colour' Ambika mused internally and decided to take an initiative. She pecked Destiny on her lips and quickly bolted out of the room making her way towards the kitchen. 

Ambika wanted to take a bath, she felt sweaty after last night's activities but she was also hungry. If she was hungry then Destiny was obviously hungry too… she couldn't have that. Subconsciously, her childhood education was once again influencing her. She accepted from the start that Destiny was going to wear the pants in their relationship while she was going to be the obedient wife. 

Ambika didn't have a problem with that, actually she was completely fine with it. So, Ambika entered the kitchen and started to prepare everything. Moments later, Destiny also entered the kitchen and Ambika was slightly surprised by Destiny's arrival. 

"You don't need to be here, I will prepare the food" Ambika said but Destiny simply smiled and flicked Ambika's forehead with her fingers. "Ow" Ambika said and rubbed her forehead. 

"You know, we both are equal in the relationship. I won't pretend that I know cooking but I could always help" Destiny said and Ambika vehemently shook her head. 

"...I understand what you mean but please allow me to be a dutiful wife and lover… don't take this away from me" Ambika said but Destiny also didn't want to accept defeat. Moments later, both released a sigh. 

"Fine… but I will still be helping with cleaning" Destiny said and Ambika could only accept that demand. 

Destiny understood that Ambika's childhood education was still deeply ingrained inside the older girl's head. Ambika might have accepted the relationship but she really wanted to take the wife role. There wasn't anything Destiny could do about this and pushing the older girl too hard might have an opposite effect. 

Destiny summoned a chair and sat down inside the kitchen. Next, she summoned a parchment and quill. Now that she was free, she decided to pen a letter to Gellert. 'Should  I tell him about Ambika?' Destiny wondered and decided to only mention that she had found a companion for her travels. She decided not to mention anything about their budding relationship. 


I have been fine. ~|Though a lot of things have happened since the last letter. Gellert, due to some circumstances, I had to kill seven Aurors. Even though they were the first ones who started using lethal Spells, I don't have any excuse for what I have done. 

If I wasn't careless at the port then nobody would have noticed me casting a messenger Patronus or attacking a Muggle. Once again, Muggles are being given more priority than Magical Population. 

Don't need to worry about me though. I am perfectly fine and I have also learned how to hide myself using Human Transfiguration. You don't have to worry about anything, I have learned a lot from my mistakes and I have also accepted what I have done.

Enough about me,|~ how are you? Don't forget to send me newspapers related to your second attack, I am looking forward to it. As for the Patronus Charm, you must use the happiest memory you have. That is the only way you can master the Spell. 

Gellert, don't even try to use the Spell for anything other than protection or sending a message. The outcome won't be good and I don't want to lose you for such a stupid reason. It is a useful but very dangerous Spell. I can't imagine I am trying to warn you but please be careful. 

On another note, I have found myself a companion. She is a Witch and she didn't know anything about Magic. I have decided to take her under my wing… I see a lot of myself in her. 

P.S. - I love the Charm you taught me on my 14th birthday. 

Take care, Gellert. 



Destiny finally finished the letter, she gave it another read and with a satisfied smile, she decided to activate the Secrecy Charms Gellert had taught her. Destiny wasn't stupid, she openly mentioned killing Aurors in the letter and Goblins were known for their greed. 

There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for Galleons. So, Destiny decided to use a code word, Destiny was still 13 Years old so, Gellert would immediately notice something wrong with the letter and use the Secrecy revealing Spell. Destiny got up from the chair and made her way towards her trunk. 

After putting the letter inside an envelope, she placed the envelope inside her trunk. She grabbed her Advanced Curse book and closed her trunk. After that, she quickly made her way towards the kitchen. She plopped down in her seat and opened the book. 

Destiny was quite intrigued by a mild altering Curse… She knew the Imperius Curse, but this Curse wasn't anything like the Imperius. This Curse would simply allow you to alter some minor things inside a person's mind. The speciality of the Spell was that nobody would notice the Spell. 

Destiny was also intrigued by another Curse, the Dire Misfortune Curse. Basically it was a harmful prank Spell, it would cause your subject to have very bad luck with everything they do for the span of a day. It took a lot of power to cast since it messed with your subject's fate. Now, the reason it was still considered a prank Spell is because your subject won't die… no matter what. 

While Destiny was busy with her own stuff, Ambika was happily cooking for herself and Destiny. Even though Destiny was doing her own thing, Ambika was really happy that Destiny had decided to sit in the kitchen, near her. After nearly an hour, Ambika finally finished preparing everything and turned towards Destiny. 

"Destiny, food is ready" Ambika called out and Destiny immediately perked up and looked towards Ambika. 

"Ok, let's take it outside. I still need to brush my teeth" Destiny said as she got up from the chair. She put down the book and quickly approached Ambika. Destiny pecked Ambika on her lips and walked out of the kitchen. 

Surprisingly, Ambika didn't blush this time but she was really happy about her currently budding relationship. Ambika had no idea where this would lead the two of them, but she had already decided to accompany Destiny for the rest of her life… 

~~July, 1921 (India)~~

"Can you verify the circle? I followed your instructions to the T but I don't want to end up like a mangled sack of flesh" Ambika said and Destiny gave her a teasing smile. 

"Don't worry, babe. I also like the way you are. Can't have you getting messed up" Destiny said and pecked the older girl on the lips. Ambika had kind of gotten used to displays of affection and it made her really happy. 

Destiny turned towards the Ritual Circle and started to inspect it. Since it was a simple Ritual, the consequences of something going wrong won't be bad but she still wouldn't risk it. After a minute, Destiny finally nodded her head with a satisfied smile on her face. 

"It is perfectly fine… now you just need to prepare the ingredients" Destiny gave the green light and Ambika started to prepare the ingredients for the ritual. Ambika was going to go through the same Foundation Strengthening Ritual Destiny has gone through a month ago. 

It only took her an hour to prepare all the ingredients for the ritual. Once again, Destiny inspected if everything was alright or not before giving the green light. It was still daytime, so after that, both of them busied themselves with their own things. Ambika started to practice her own Spell work while Destiny started to read an advanced Physics book. 

Destiny was able to acquire a lot of Muggle Physics books through the East India Trading Company. She was currently trying to develop a Spell for Unsupported Flight. Well, she wasn't trying a Spell to be exact as she was really good at intent-based magic. She was simply trying to find a way to achieve Unsupported Flight. 

Wizards didn't know shit regarding why they had to stick to the ground. Destiny knew that Muggles had invented a contraption called aeroplanes. Muggles could use that to achieve flight. They had used those things in the first World War. So, once again, Destiny decided to use Muggle Knowledge. 

She wasn't disappointed to find that Muggles have extensively researched the said topic. It was something called Gravity that kept her feet stuck to the ground. Now if Destiny wanted to achieve flight, she needed to negate the effects of Gravity on herself. 

But that wasn't the end of the problem. Theoretically, if she negated the effects of Gravity on her body then she would keep floating until she reached Space… that would be a bad way to die… if she tried to reactivate the effects of Gravity on herself while rising in the air then she would crash… once again a bad way to die. 

She needed something in between… She needed to levitate herself up to the desired height but couldn't use Levitation Charm as it could only work on inanimate objects. Even if she somehow modified the Spell to work on humans she couldn't use it to travel as it was simply a Levitation Spell. Destiny groaned in frustration and rubbed her head. 

That is why Destiny was researching how aeroplanes flew. If she could understand the principles behind it then she could achieve similar effects via intent-based Magic. She simply needed to imagine the end result and her Magic would do the rest. That is why intent-based Magic was superior to Spell work. 

That is also why intent-based Magic was much harder than Spell work. It also took more effort and time to learn to use Magic with your intent. The majority of the Magical Population used Spell work. 'Hah… this is going to be worth it!!' Destiny contemplated internally. 

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye and it was finally time to perform the ritual. "Are you ready?" Destiny questioned as she snaked her arms around Ambika's waist and pulled her closer. Ambika simply relished the feeling of being hugged by her lover. 

"Yes…" Ambika said and leaned forward to peck Destiny. Even though Destiny was almost two years younger than Ambika, both of them were kind of similar in height. Destiny finally allowed Ambika to leave her embrace so that the older girl could commence the ritual. 

Ambika quickly stripped out of her clothes, the older girl was no longer ashamed of getting naked in front of Destiny as the two lovers have been sleeping naked in each other's embrace since the last month. Ambika finally arrived at the centre of the circle and sat down. 

Destiny's eyes were completely fixated on the white-haired girl throughout the whole time. Ambika took a deep breath and activated the ritual. The whole ritual started to glow brightly and moments later, the circle disappeared in a bright flash. Ambika grimaced as she could see that skin was smeared with impurities and it smelt really bad. 

"Ugh!! Wait for me here… I am going to wash myself" Ambika said and rushed towards the washing area. Destiny could kind of agree with Ambika. She might love the older girl but that didn't mean that she could withstand that disgusting smell. 

Destiny plopped down in her chair and opened her book to continue reading. Ambika finally returned after an hour and Destiny's gaze immediately landed on the white-haired girl. Ambika's skin tone seemed to be slightly brighter than before. It was a minor difference but Destiny still noticed it due to their closeness. 

Ambika quickly got dressed and approached Destiny, the older girl leaned down and pecked Destiny on her lips. "So, do you feel anything different?" Destiny questioned and Ambika nervously shook her head. 

"Hmm… understandable. Your grasp over your own Magic isn't strong as mine. Most Wizards and Witches don't notice any difference in their Magic so you shouldn't worry about it" Destiny explained and Ambika grimaced after hearing Destiny's words. 

"What happened?" Destiny questioned as she put down the book. With a wave of her hand, Destiny levitated Ambika over her lap. A cute yelp escaped Ambika's lips. Destiny used normal Levitation Charm on Ambika's clothes to achieve the feat. 

"I don't want to be like most Witches… I want to be strong like you so that I could firmly stand beside you. As of now, I only feel like a burden" Ambika said, looking down at her own lap. 

Destiny took a deep breath and placed her hand under Ambika's chin. She slowly raised Ambika's head so she could look into the older girl's eyes. "You know you are already special to me. I understand where you are coming from and you shouldn't worry about it. I have never thought of you as a burden and I never will" Destiny said in a commanding tone. 

Destiny's eyes started to glow. Ambika found herself entranced by those eyes. "I will never toss you aside as you are mine and I don't give up on anything which is mine" Destiny said possessively and her Magic started to Lash around. Ambika blushed at Destiny's possessive tone. Destiny slowly lowered her head and started to kiss Ambika hungrily…

~~January, 1922 (India-Nepal Border)~~

An extremely beautiful 14 year old crimson-haired girl dressed in a leather suit with metal plates could be seen standing over a cliff while looking down at a Muggle village. The girl had an extremely long Katana in her hand. The girl's beautiful crimson hair could be seen dancing due to the gentle breeze. 

The village was just raided by a group of bandits and the bandits were currently celebrating. Her eyes were glowing eerily as she stared down with an apathetic look on her face. She watched as the bandits plundered the village, r@ped the women, and killed the surviving men after forcing their wives and daughters in front of them. 

Destiny Grindelwald pitied the women as no women deserved such a fate even though they were Muggles. Destiny knew that right now, there was no way to save the Muggles as she would never save Muggles but she could end the misery of these women. As a woman, she owed them that much. She slowly started to rise in the air and she slightly raised Neptune. 

"Thunder Palace!" Destiny muttered in a firm tone and lightning bolts started to rain down on the village. Screams were heard throughout the village as Destiny rained down destruction over the village from the sky. If the Muggles were in the situation to see Destiny, then they would have called her the Angel of Death. 

A minute later, Destiny finally stopped the lightning bolts and a content smile appeared on her face. She could no longer feel any signs of life in the village. She slowly floated down towards the village. She wanted to see her handiwork closely. The remaining houses were blown apart by her lightning bolts and small craters were formed everywhere around the village. 

The whole village was strewn with mangled bodies which could no longer be recognized as humans. Any other 14 year girl would have puked out their guts long ago but this wasn't the first time Destiny had killed people in such a messy way. Destiny took a deep breath and started to rise in the air and moments later, she flew in a certain direction. 

Two months ago Destiny was finally able to do something no one has ever done. She finally created a way to achieve Unsupported Flight. Unfortunately, it was pure intent-based Magic so she couldn't create a Spell. Destiny flew over the snow-covered mountains without bothering about the chilling wind. Destiny was really good at Wandless Magic, so creating a barrier in front of her wasn't a big deal. 

A tent came into her view and Destiny landed in front of the tent. Destiny lifted the flap and entered the tent. The tent was much bigger from the inside, it was magically charmed by Destiny with expansion Charms. It was big enough to be called a small house from the inside. Even though it only had a room inside, it was still pretty big. 

A white-haired girl could be seen cooking something while humming a song. Destiny slowly approached the woman and snaked her arms around the woman's waist from behind. Destiny placed her chin over the other girl's shoulder so she could see what the white-haired girl was making. 

The white-haired girl stopped humming and turned to her head, she pecked Destiny on the lips and resumed what she had been doing previously. "So, how was your flight?" Ambika asked softly. 

"It was nice…" Destiny said. She didn't want to delve into what she had witnessed and done. She wasn't worried that Ambika would react badly or anything, she simply didn't want to ruin the mood right now. 

"You know, I love your food, right?" Destiny asked and Ambika couldn't stop herself from giggling. Destiny used that line whenever she wanted Ambika to feed her while cooking but today Ambika wasn't going to give in to Destiny's childish whims as the food was almost done. 

"So, how long till we reach Nepal?" Ambika questioned. Destiny was pouting as Ambika didn't give in to her whims. 

"A couple of hours" Destiny said with a pout on her face. "I am going to miss the alone time in a tent with you" Destiny said and started to sulk and once again Ambika started to giggle. 

"Sometimes you act like a baby" Ambika huffed with an amused look on her face. 

"Of course, I am your baby. You need to take care of me, you know" Destiny pointed out and once again Ambika couldn't stop herself from chuckling out loud. 

"Sure sure… whatever you say babe" Ambika said and finally finished preparing the plates. 

Destiny allowed Ambika to leave her embrace as Ambika quickly placed the plates filled with warm food on the table. Ambika and Destiny sat down on the opposite sides and began to eat. "Delicious as always" Destiny said with a nod of her head and Ambika couldn't stop herself from puffing out her chest in pride. 

The two of them quickly finished their food and after that, Destiny helped Ambika with the cleaning like always. After getting everything cleaned both of them walked out of the tent. With a small gesture from Neptune, Destiny shrunk the tent which took the shape of a small box. Ambika pulled out her trunk from her pocket and expanded it.

Ambika popped the hood of her trunk and placed the small box inside her trunk. As soon as the white-haired girl was done, she shrunk back her trunk and placed it in her pocket. Neither of them were feeling cold thanks to the heating Charms. Destiny started to rise in the air and she gently plucked Ambika from the ground and hugged her tightly. Moments later, she started to fly in a certain direction. 

Both Destiny and Ambika had gone through a couple of more rituals and due to that both of their physical strength was quite enhanced. It wasn't anything outrageous but they could still lift an average human using their both arms. Destiny and Ambika finally arrived in Nepal after a couple of hours just like Destiny has said. Destiny landed near the entrance of the Magical Society of Nepal. 

"How are you feeling?" Ambika asked softly. Destiny simply rubbed her arms. 

"Sore" Destiny deadpanned. 

"Sorry" Ambika apologized as she lowered her head. Destiny raised her hand and flicked the older girl's forehead. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Ambika asked and rubbed her forehead. 

"That was for being an idiot" Destiny said and placed her lips on Ambika's before the white-haired girl could say anything. 

"Um~" Ambika moaned when the two of them finally separated. "That's unfair" Ambika muttered in a low tone. Destiny always kissed her whenever her guard was down. She didn't hate it but Destiny had an unfair advantage. 

"Everything is fair in love and war, my dear" Destiny reminds the older girl with a smug grin on her face. 

"Ass" Ambika huffed with an annoyed look on her face and waved her Wand to fix her messed up hair. 

"Yes, I know you love my ass" Destiny added with a grin and Ambika blushed. After a moment, Ambika huffed. 

"You are incorrigible" Ambika said and started to walk away. Destiny immediately caught up to Ambika and snaked her arm around the older girl's waist and pulled her closer. 

"That is why you love me" Destiny said and kissed the white-haired girl's cheek. Ambika simply snuggled into Destiny's embrace. 

"That I do" Ambika said meekly and snuggled closer. The Muggles completely ignored the duo due to the Muggle Repelling Charms. After a few minutes, the two of them finally stepped into the Magical side of Nepal. 

The Magical Society of Nepal was pretty small. It was so small that they didn't even have any sort of law enforcement. Even after that, the Magical side of Nepal was pretty famous in India. This is the place to visit if you are looking for questionable stuff and outright banned or illegal stuff. 

Since Nepal was a different country, the Indian Ministry of Magic didn't have any jurisdiction here. That is why all types of business were conducted openly. You want assassins or slaves? Just ask for it… everything is available here. Since there was no type of law enforcement, the place was filled with various types of criminals. 

"Remember what I had said, this isn't a nice place. So, don't leave my side even for a second" Destiny whispered into Ambika's ear who meekly nodded her head. The whole alley was filled with shady people and all of their eyes zeroed in on Destiny and Ambika as both of them were pretty young. Destiny didn't bother to disguise herself or Ambika as she was confident enough that she could deal with any sort of threat. 

Even though everyone was watching Destiny and Ambika, nobody approached them. Even if there was no law enforcement in this place, the population here still followed a code. If you are making the first move then you should be held responsible for the consequences and if you die after going after a wrong target then it is on you. Destiny has heard all of these before coming here. 

Destiny made her way towards what seemed to be a bookstore. "So, are you looking for anything in particular?" Ambika whispered into Destiny's ears and the younger girl simply hummed in agreement. 

"Young misses, how may this humble shop owner help you?" A fat man approached the duo with a sweet smile on his face and Destiny almost rolled her eyes. 

'You won't think twice before backstabbing us for a few Galleons' Destiny scoffed internally. "It won't be necessary… I simply want to look around until something catches my eyes" Destiny answered in a neutral tone and the fat man simply nodded his head and walked away from the duo. 

Both Destiny and Ambika started to look around the store. With a wave of her hand, Destiny pulled out an ancient-looking book from the top shelf. Destiny didn't even need to take a second glance to know that the book was related to Blood Magic. Destiny flipped the book open without touching it and found that the book was written in Latin. 

With how much dust the book has collected, Destiny was sure that the book has been in the store for quite some time. The Spells used in Nepal and India were in Sanskrit… 'That must be why nobody bought this book' Destiny wondered thoughtfully. Destiny quickly cast a few inspecting Spells to see if the book was legit or not. 

'Umu… the book seems to be legit. I will be taking it, I suppose' Destiny thought as she continued looking around. Ambika was curious about the book Destiny was summoned from the top shelf but she decided to ask after leaving the store.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Destiny asked and Ambika shook her head in denial. She had seen most of the books in Destiny's collection, obviously, they were somewhat different as they were written in English and most of these books were in Hindi or some other regional languages or Sanskrit. 

Even though Ambika didn't want to buy anything new, a couple of Potion books did catch her eyes and Destiny also gathered a few more books related to obscure Magic and Curses. Destiny finally placed the stack of books on the counter. The fat man looked at the bundle of books and leered at Destiny and Ambika. 

"That will be 10 Galleons!" The fat man said with a lecherous grin on his face. Destiny narrowed her eyes after hearing the price, the fat man was trying to rob her blind. Even Ambika knew that the shopkeeper was trying to overcharge them. 

"Ho… is that so?" Destiny asked coldly and her eyes started to glow as her Magic started to lash around. The fat man flinched in fear. "Are you sure that you aren't overcharging us?" Destiny questioned and the man started to feel an unbearable amount of pressure on him. 

The man gulped in fear and chuckled nervously. "Did I say 10 Galleons, I must have made a mistake due to my age. It's 2 Galleons" the man said sheepishly but there was a hint of fear in his voice. 

There were no Wizarding Schools in India or Nepal so almost everyone was home-schooled. Due to that, only a few Wizards and Witches became strong enough to mature their Magical Cores to a Solid state. The strong Wizards and Witches opted for better jobs like being an Auror or a Duelist. Those jobs had better lifestyles and money than running a shop in a place like this. 

But Destiny didn't stop and kept glaring at the man. He shrieked in fear. "1 Galleon and 3 sickles. That is the lowest I can go" the man said and Destiny finally stopped releasing her power and then she nodded her head as a satisfied smile appeared on her face. Destiny quickly placed the money on the counter and with a wave of her hand, then she shrunk the stack of books and placed them inside her pocket. 

The fat man could only gulp loudly after he saw the casual display of Wandless Magic. Both Destiny and Ambika walked out of the store without wasting any more time. Destiny and Ambika kept walking down the streets doing some street shopping but unfortunately, nothing caught the attention of either of their eyes. 

"I feel sorry for them" Ambika whispered in a low tone. Destiny already knew what Ambika was talking about. In front of a luxurious house, a bunch of topless women could be seen displaying their assets to the public to get some customers. 

Even though in a corner of her Destiny felt bad for them she couldn't do anything for them. 'Maybe change the rules when Gellert takes over the world' Destiny wondered. Except that, she could do nothing. Ambika looked around as the duo entered the shadier part of the market. 

Ambika subconsciously scooted closer to Destiny. "Where are we going?" Ambika asked in a low tone. 

"Since we were already near the slave market, I decided to buy ourselves a house-elf" Destiny said with a small nod and Ambika tilted her head in confusion. She didn't have any idea what a house-elf was. 

"What is a house-elf?" Ambika asked and for a moment Destiny had to wonder how she was going to answer the question but she needed to deal with something else before she could answer Ambika's question. 

"Oye! Lookie here! Are you young beauties lost?? Why don't you accompany us… I mean to the back of the alley?" A man in his thirties asked Destiny and Ambika with a lecherous grin on his face. Soon several men surrounded Destiny and Ambika to stop them from running away. 

"Scram or die" Destiny said coldly and she could feel that Ambika was freaking out. Any normal girl in her situation would be feeling the same but Destiny wasn't a normal girl. 

The men started to laugh boisterously. A few prostitutes looked at Destiny and Ambika with pity in their eyes. "I was asking you nicely but it looks like it didn't work… me and my men like breaking strong women" the man finished with a sneer. "Get them!!" The man ordered his men…