
"Glacius" Destiny muttered in a regal tone as the massive amount of water she had created only a few moments ago, turned into ice, in a matter of seconds. I'd Destiny wanted, she could have killed them, but she wanted to capture this group alive. That is what she was trying to achieve but she could get rid of everyone except that first woman and the Leader if the push comes to shove. 

Destiny was sure that she could extract a lot of information from this bunch. Destiny needed to know why the Aurors didn't ambush them inside the forest and the Leader of the group obviously knew why. Destiny cast the Revealing Charm and found a Witch and Wizard were trapped in the ice while the others were fine. 

Moments later, the right side of the ice wall exploded, hurling huge chunks of ice towards Destiny. The crimson-haired girl wasn't even fazed and she simply swatted away the ice chunks with a Wandless shield. The woman Destiny had been following since the start, whipped her Wand towards the remaining part of the ice wall and Destiny clicked her tongue while wagging her finger with an amused look on her face. 

"Tch… Tch… Tch… I wouldn't do that if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. After all, you don't want to break your friends, do you" Destiny said in an amused tone. She wasn't bothered by the fact that the Leader and the other Wizard had their Wands trained on Destiny. 

"Who are you?" The Leader questioned trying to gather some information. He was a Senior Auror and he was quite shocked with the Power of this young Witch. He was damn sure that the Witch was using either Glamour Charm or Polyjuice. 

Destiny knew that these 5 were the only ones in her vicinity. So, Destiny decided to give them her identity. She could at least do that to respect her fellow Wizards and Witches even though they were traitors. Slowly Destiny's form started to transform and she returned to her natural form. 

"Destiny Grindelwald, not at your service, of course" Destiny introduced herself with a bright smile on her face. 

The eyes of the remaining Aurors grew wide in surprise as they immediately attacked Destiny with sorts of Spells, Destiny simply swatted away the Spells with a bored look on her face and knocked out the Wizard other than the leader with a darker variety of Stunning Charm. The Leader knew that this was a kill or be killed situation. 

"a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra!" The Leader exclaimed as a bright green flash originated from the tip of his Wand and rushed towards Destiny. 

Destiny was quite impressed that the man had dared to use the Killing Curse, but Destiny simply sidestepped and dodged the Spell. "Imperio" Since the Auror Leader wanted to play with the Unforgivables, Destiny decided to give it a try. 

'Attack that woman but don't kill her' Destiny ordered, the experienced Senior Auror tried to fight Destiny's Imperius, and the man somewhat succeeded. The man didn't attack the woman who was still attacking Destiny, but he also couldn't break Destiny's Curse, so he simply stood frozen in his spot. 

'I need to work on my Imperius Curse' Destiny thought in a dry tone and knocked out the man with the same Stunning Charm she had used previously. 

This was a darker variety of Stunning Cha because you needed a specific counter Curse to revive the victim whereas, in the case of the generic Stunning Charm, the victim could be awakened by various methods. Some victims could even wake up on their own, but they will have a massive headache after doing something like that. 

The woman Destiny had been following from the start grimaced as their Leader went down like a sack of potatoes… The woman was good but she wasn't that good, so Destiny simply knocked out the woman without wasting any more time. Destiny waved her hand and huddled the three Aurors together. Destiny dropped the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey wards. 

"Bibly" Destiny called out and Bibly appeared in front of Destiny with a soft pop. "Take these three and keep them inside that special room inside my trunk" Destiny ordered and Bibly nodded her head and moments later, she was gone with the three bound Aurors. 

Destiny melted the ice wall with a wave of her hand, releasing the other two Aurors. They were still alive, they would recover, but they were going to be sick… they were Traitors to the Wizard kind, but it was their fault that they turned out to be traitors. Their superiors, who were dishing out the orders while sitting inside an impressive office, were the actual traitors. 

"Obliviate" Destiny simply decided to erase the memories of her interaction with this group of Aurors. She bound the two of them and decided to leave them here… this was much better than outright killing them. 

Once again Destiny reapplied her disguise and she slowly rose up in the air after casting the Disillusionment Charm on herself. She simply wanted to check on Gellert, she was more than confident that Gellert could take care of himself, but being too careful never hurt. It didn't take Destiny much time to find the said man…

Just like Destiny had anticipated, the man had destroyed the Aurors, nearly half of them were dead while Gellert had decided to leave the other half alive. That was a good strategy… kill some to make a statement while letting the others go, so that they could spread the word. Destiny shrugged and decided to look for Ambika and Annabell. 

Once again, she easily located the two… Most of the attackers were giving Annabell a wide berth as the insane woman was wreaking havoc in the Muggle City without any restraints, but Ambika was still beside that woman. Destiny slowly landed beside the duo and deactivated her Disillusionment Charm. 

"Destiny! You were about to miss the fun. Come on, join me! Let's burn down everything!!" Annabell exclaimed in a cheerful tone. Destiny didn't say anything, but with a small flick of Neptune, she created a massive firestorm that engulfed several buildings around them. 

Annabell squealed like a little girl and she started to clap her hands cheerfully. "Are you sure you aren't overdoing it?" Ambika asked in a worried tone. She was completely fine with everything happening around her, but that didn't mean that she would allow Destiny to keel over after exhausting her Magical Core. 

"I have a lot of Magic to spare and I am just starting" Destiny said with a smirk and continued razing down everything with her massive firestorm. Annabell stopped cheering and decided to join in. She wasn't going to be outdone by Destiny. Ambika simply shrugged and decided to keep an eye on both Annabell and Destiny, so that she could stop either from overdoing themselves. 

The other Wizards and Witches decided to keep more than a significant distance from those three. Nobody recognized the girls beside Annabell, but it was pretty clear that one of them was almost strong like Gellert Grindelwald. All of these Wizards and Witches respected power, that is the reason they were following Gellert Grindelwald. 

Finally, some idiotic fool decided to unleash Fiendfyre. Obviously, they lost control but it didn't matter as their objective was to destroy the City, but leaving Fiendfyre unattended is pretty dangerous as it would engulf everything in its path. 

"Gellert, you know, you need to remind these fools to not use Fiendfyre if they can't control it in the first place" Destiny said in a cold tone as she approached Gellert. 

"Ah… young people. It is too hard to control them. They think they know better" Gellert said with a grin and Destiny couldn't stop herself from chuckling. 

"So, are we going to leave the flames?" Destiny questioned and Gellert continued to twirl the Wand of Destiny in between his fingers. Moments Later, Gellert waved his Wand, and a massive sign of the Deathly Hallows formed in the sky. 

"Most of the City is already destroyed… you should go back. I will take care of everything" Gellert said while looking towards the raging flames of Fiendfyre. 

"Ok…" Destiny said and Apparated away with Ambika. Only after a second, Annabell also Apparated away. Slowly the other attackers also started to Apparate away when they finally noticed the Deathly Hallows symbol floating in the sky. It was Gellert's call sign, but nobody among his followers knew the true meaning of the sign…

"So, you left to capture Aurors on your own?" Ambika asked in a somewhat incredulous tone. She was confident about Destiny's strength, but she didn't know if Destiny could win against a group of 30 Aurors. 

"Yes, I need to capture them and for the record, I didn't attack them until they were separated from the main group" Destiny said with a roll of her eyes. 

"...I am just worried about you, you know. I can't lose you" Ambika said and Destiny grabbed the older girl and placed her lips on Ambika's. Destiny gently pushed Ambika against the wall and started to make out. 

They finally separated from each other after a few minutes. Ambika's cheeks were flushed and she was breathing heavily. "Don't worry, babe. I won't leave you" Destiny said with a grin and Ambika could only nod her head meekly. 

"So, what are you going to do with those Aurors?" Ambika asked curiously. 

"I want some information from them. If they cooperate, then I will let them go. After all, I am a good girl, but if they fight, then I would stop being gentle… at the end of the day, they are traitors, even if they were only following someone's orders" Destiny finished with a sinister grin on her face. Ambika slightly shivered in fear and excitement… 

Ambika didn't know why she felt excited whenever Destiny was being dark and vengeful. 'Something must be wrong with me' Ambika wondered as she knew that she shouldn't be turned on when Destiny is planning to cause pain. 

"Are you planning to join me?" Destiny questioned and after a few seconds of silence, Ambika nodded her head. Destiny simply grinned and led the white-haired girl towards the integration room she had made inside the trunk. It could be a torture room too if Destiny desired… 

Ambika decided to watch Destiny from the side. The two of them finally arrived inside a brightly lit room. It wasn't painfully bright, but it would still make anyone uncomfortable. There were several chairs bolted to the three and currently only three chairs were occupied. 

The Aurors Destiny had captured were bound to the chair and the three of them were still knocked out. Destiny slowly approached them. "Ambika, why don't you go and stand at the back?" Destiny requested and Ambika simply shrugged and decided to follow her lover's command. 

'I can also have a better look at Destiny from here' Ambika mused internally as she lightly rubbed her thighs. This was so wrong… but she shouldn't stop herself from getting excited…

Destiny finally arrived in front of the three captured Aurors and then he started to check their binds. It wouldn't do her any good if they got free during the interrogation. After a few seconds, a satisfied smile appeared on Destiny's face as she finished inspecting the binds. 

'Looks like I need to praise Bibly…' Destiny mused as she finally decided to revive the Aurors. 

With a wave of her hand, Destiny revived all three of them at the same time… All three of them gasped as they regained their consciousness. Their eyes snapped open, but they immediately flinched as they turned their faces away due to the uncomfortable light inside the room. Slowly their eyes adjusted to the light and they started to look around with some difficulties… 

"You!!" The leader of the Aurors immediately recognized Destiny and he started to struggle. "Let us go!!" The leader added as he kept struggling. 

Destiny softly chuckled. "I am flattered that you recognized me, but I can't let you go" Destiny said as she started to pace in front of the bound trio. 

"What do you want from us?" The woman Destiny has been following from the start, questioned with a scowl on her face. 

"...I want to know why the Aurors didn't attack Gellert Grindelwald in the initial meeting spot" Destiny questioned in a disinterested tone. She was pretty sure that she wasn't going to get an answer. 

As expected, the Aurors scowled after hearing the question. "You are in a lot of trouble… if you let us go then, we will talk with our superiors. We will try to get you an easy sentence due to your age" all of a sudden, the leader began to say. 

Destiny simply ignored the offer, or she acted like she didn't even hear the offer. "Fine… let's move on to the next question…" Destiny said and her gaze focused on the lone female Auror in the room. "How does the Rune on your hand, work?" Destiny asked softly. 

"I don't know what you are talking about" The female Auror said and Destiny simply released a sigh. 

"Since you, three have decided not to cooperate… I will also stop being nice to you" Destiny said and pointed the hilt of Neptune towards the third Auror in the room. Until now, he had maintained complete silence and that is why Destiny decided to start with him. 

"KROO-see-oh" Destiny muttered and the man started to shake due to the unimaginable pain, but he didn't scream out loud. This only lasted for seconds, as the Auror finally started to scream at the top of his lungs. 

"Stop! Stop!!" The female Auror screamed in an almost pleading tone, but the leader didn't say anything, he simply kept struggling in his bounds. 

After two long minutes, Destiny finally lifted the Curse. The said Auror sagged in his chair as he started to take deep breaths. Destiny glanced towards the female Auror and the leader and she simply smirked. 

"You see, the three of you have yet to understand your current situation. My name is Destiny Grindelwald… in front of me, the three of you are Traitors to your kind. You honestly don't want to know what we do to the Traitors" Destiny said in a cold tone. With a cold smirk on her face, she slightly shifted Neptune. 

"KROO-see-oh" the female Auror wasn't strong like the male Auror. She started to scream at the top of her lungs as soon as the Curse made contact with her. Destiny tilted her head with a confused look on her face. 

'I expected her to be stronger… After all, the Auror Department selected her for the infiltration mission' Destiny wondered and continued to use the Curse on the female. 

"Stop! I will speak!!" The leader screamed and Destiny finally lifted the Curse. 

"Well, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Destiny asked with a smirk. The leader hatefully glared at Destiny, but Destiny was completely unbothered by the glare. "So, why didn't you guys attack us when we were gathering?" Destiny questioned, the leader didn't answer, so Destiny shifted the hilt of Neptune towards the other male Auror. 

"...Hah! I wanted to set up an ambush inside the forest, but I couldn't. There were a lot of Pureblood members there, and we might have hurt someone by accident. My boss also wanted to show that we are doing something… stopping Gellert Grindelwald while he was attacking some City would have been grand and we would have regained the reputation we have lost" the leader said sullenly while looking down. 

"Hmm… understandable" Destiny gave a stiff nod. Destiny had heard from Gellert that sometimes, Politics was more important than duty. "Now tell me how that Rune works and what it can do?" Destiny said and with a wave of her hand, she revealed the Rune on the woman's arm. 

"...It is a single word message Rune… it allows the user to send one-word message to the other side… There is a Rune cluster in our office. We can hear the message through that" The leader explained in a defeated tone. Destiny tapped her chin with a thoughtful look on her face after hearing the explanation. 

"How does it work? How can this relay the message?" Destiny asked and the leader started to shake his head. 

"I don't know…" the leader said and a probe of passive Legilimency told Destiny that the man wasn't lying. He honestly had no idea how the thing worked. 

"Pity…" Destiny muttered and knocked out three of them at once. "Obliviate!!" After that, Destiny Obliviated all three of them, and then she slowly approached the female Auror, so that she could inspect the Rune before sending them off. 

"You are really going to let them go?" Ambika questioned and Destiny nodded her head. 

"But, I never said that I am going to let them go without any sort of punishment. When I am done with them, they won't even remember how to cast the Levitation Charm…" Destiny said with a sinister grin on her face. These three were their enemies. 

After inspecting the Rune for a whole hour, Destiny finally discovered some of the secrets. She found how the Rune ticked… She found at least how it was sending the message. It was simply ingenious Rune and now that Destiny knew how it worked, she was pretty sure that she could create a better version of this. 

"Mistress Destiny, master Gellert be looking for her" all of a sudden Bibly popped beside Destiny and said in a respectful tone. 

"Tell him that I am on my way" Destiny said without even bothering to look. She still kept inspecting the Rune, she didn't want to miss anything. She even found a way to intercept the message. After making a few more mental notes, Destiny finally stood up…

"Destiny, I heard you brought a few guests" Gellert said as Destiny, followed by Ambika, finally entered the dining hall. Gellert had a glass of wine in his hand. With a flick of his hand, he poured a drink for Wine and levitated it towards Destiny's hand. Ambika wasn't a drinker, so he refrained from offering a drink to the white-haired girl. 

"Yes, but they have outlived their purpose. So, I will be sending them off after dinner…" Destiny said as she took a large sip from her glass. An impressed smile appeared on Destiny's face as she gave an appreciative nod. 

"Oh… I am glad. Tonight, it was a huge victory for us" Gellert said and Destiny hummed in agreement. 

"So, what are you going to do now?" Destiny questioned as she sat down, Ambika followed the crimson-haired girl's example, and she also sat down. 

"I will stay in this country for another month and then move onto some other European Country… now that the movement has finally started. A lot of Witches and Wizards are going to flock around for our cause" Gellert said softly and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

"Well, it isn't anything new… The weak have always gathered around the strong and the Anti-Muggle sentiments were always there… they were simply suppressed. They simply didn't have anyone to lead them" Destiny said with a snort, but at the same time, she was smiling. 

"True… there are only two types of people, Leaders, and Followers, and you can be only either of them" Gellert said with a nod of his head. "That is why I didn't want you to swear your loyalty to me, Destiny. Leaders are the ones who shape this world and I want you to be a Leader…" Gellert added proudly while intently looking at Destiny. 

"I am flattered, Gellert, and I finally understand what you meant… don't worry, Gellert. I will never disappoint you" Destiny said in a determined tone. Ambika simply decided to remain silent and listen. 

'I am a follower, and I don't mind being a follower' Ambika knew that she was simply a follower. Destiny was destined for greatness, there was something about Destiny, she had seen the same thing in Gellert too. 

Both of them weren't afraid of going against the world. Ambika knew that almost everyone complained about unending problems around the world, but only a handful ever dared to pick a fight and do something about it. Others obviously flocked around those types of people. 

Destiny and Gellert were both leaders. Both of them had decided to pick a fight and do something about the existing problems, instead of complaining. Both of them could have acted like nothing was wrong with the world, and left it for someone else to deal with, but no. They decided to recreate the world with their own hands. 

"I know, you won't. So, what are you going to do from now on?" Gellert asked and after looking thoughtful for a moment, Destiny simply shrugged. 

"I will continue travelling, build a force for myself, what do you think Gellert?" Destiny asked and Gellert hummed with a smile on his face as he twirled the wine glass in his hand. 

"You should do whatever you want Destiny… if you want to build an army then do so… or if you simply want to travel around and continue learning, then you should do that" Gellert said softly in a caring tone. 

"Ok… I will probably do both. Travel around while creating my own army…" Destiny said with a curt nod of her head. Then her gaze focused on Ambika, who was silently listening to their conversation until now. 

"Ambika, I am going to create my own army and I am going to name it Crimson Knights!!" Destiny exclaimed in an excited tone as she clenched her fists with an excited grin plastered on her face. Ambika could only smile wryly after hearing Destiny's exciting proclamation. 

Gellert spat out the wine in his mouth and started to cough. He couldn't stop himself from grimacing internally. He still couldn't understand why Destiny was so fixated on the colour Crimson. "Gellert, are you fine?" Destiny asked in a worried tone as she made her way towards Gellert with a look of worry on her face. 

Gellert started to sputter as he couldn't find any excuse to use, but thankfully Ambika decided to come to his rescue. "He must have been very excited after hearing the name of your army, Destiny" Ambika said in a cheerful tone and Gellert sent the white-haired girl a grateful look. 

"Yes" Gellert said swiftly and Destiny didn't look fully convinced, but she still nodded her head. 

"If you say so. By the way, have you planned where you are going?" Destiny asked as she made her way back to her seat. 

"France…" Gellert said and Destiny raised her delicate eyebrows. 

"I thought you hated France" Destiny pointed out and Gellert seemed to contemplate for a few moments. 

"Hmm… you are right. Then Russia it is, what do you say?" Gellert asked and Destiny seemed to hum in agreement. 

"That is a nice place. By the way, where is Annabell?" Destiny asked curiously. 

"She is resting… she used a lot of Magic during the attack" Gellert said and he poured himself another glass of fine. "If it isn't a bother, can you take her with you?" Gellert asked and Destiny's eyes grew wide in surprise. 

"...Ok… she is nice, but I think we should ask her what she wants before deciding anything else" Destiny said and Gellert nodded his head in agreement. 

"Umm… What do you think the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic is going to do now?" Ambika asked nervously. She didn't want to interrupt Gellert and Destiny, but she really wanted to know. 

"I think they will finally lower their heads and accept help from the outside… What we did today was pretty big. We destroyed a Muggle City and at the same time we challenged the Statute of Secrecy… the ICW won't take this lying down" Gellert said in a serious tone. Destiny gritted her teeth in anger. 

"Filthy fuckers!! All of them are simply traitors!!" Destiny growled out in anger and Gellert nodded his head. 

"Yes, they are, but it is not the time to attack them… they have a lot of strong Wizards and Witches under their payroll… even if the two of us together might come out victorious, the casualties are going to be way too high… We will take down the ICW when they are at their weakest" Gellert said and Destiny couldn't refute Gellert's statement. 

"That is good for now, I suppose" Destiny said as she also knew that they couldn't attack the ICW right now. They needed to gather more allies so that they could establish a new ICW after they destroy the current one…

"For the Greater Good" Destiny said as she raised her glass. Gellert smiled proudly and repeated the gesture. 

"For the Greater Good" Gellert added with a proud look on his face… 

~~January, 1927 (Netherlands)~~ (Present Time)

A lot has happened in the last few years. A 19-year-old Destiny Grindelwald released a content sigh as the warm water started to trickle down her body. She placed her hands against the wall to support herself in the shower. 

Two feminine hands snaked around Destiny's waist and the hands started to explore her body. Two soft mounds also pressed on her back. A wide grin appeared on Destiny's face as she allowed the arms wrapped around her body to continue exploring. 

"You know, I have missed this so much" Destiny cooed as she slowly turned. Destiny finally came face to face with her lover Ambika Rajat. 

Destiny slowly leaned down and she placed her lips on Ambika's, ultimately Destiny ended up carrying Ambika to their bed and making love to her multiple times before Ambika finally fell asleep. Destiny kept gently caressing Ambika back as Ambika was deep asleep over her chest. 

'She must be really comfortable…' Destiny mused in amusement as she kept caressing Ambika's bareback. The white-haired girl couldn't seem to keep her hands off Destiny's breasts and ass and Destiny loved the attention. Destiny released a sigh as she slightly shifted to make herself more comfortable. 

All of her plans were progressing nicely… Crimson Knights have finally infiltrated all the Ministries of Magic around the World without any expectation. Now, she was going to move on to the next phase of the plan… 

She wanted to infiltrate the Magical Academies… Currently, there were 11 Magical Academies recognized by the International Confederation of Wizards… 

1st- Beauxbatons Academy of Magic which is located in Pyrenees, France and it covers France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

2nd- Castelobruxo is located in the Amazon rainforest, Brazil, and it covers all over South America.

3rd- Durmstrang Institute which is located in Scandinavia; the northernmost range reaches either Norway or Sweden and covers Northern and Eastern Europe but they are willing to accept international students.

4th- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located in Highlands, Scotland, and it covers Scotland, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Wales.

5th- Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located in Mount Greylock, United States of America and it covers all over North America.

6th- Koldovstoretz is located in Russia and it covers all of Russia.

7th- Mahoutokoro is located in Minami Iwo Jima, Japan and it covers all over Japan.

8th- Uagadou is located in the Mountains of the Moon, Uganda and it covers all over Africa.

9th- Sydney College of Wizardry is located in Sydney, Australia and it covers all over Australia. (AU). Though Destiny had no idea why it was named College of Wizardry even though it was a School.

10th- Xia Tian Academy of Magic is located on the Himalayan Mountain Range in China. They have also made a huge Magical Settlement in that area and named it Shangri-La. Xia Tian Academy of Magic was formed in the last few years and it was recently recognized by the ICW. Even though it covered all over China, it only accepted Pureblood and Half-bloods Students from all over China. (AU). 

11th- The Sin Mosque of Magic is located in Kuwait, near the gulf and it covers all the Middle-Eastern Countries. (AU). 

Even all these Magical Academies were scattered across the World, all of them had one thing in common. All of them were built over several Ley Lines. Destiny could do a lot of things if she had access to them. She didn't have any current plans of using Ley Lines, but she could always get new recruits from those Magical Academies. 

'I also need to visit Gellert…' Destiny pondered. She already had two Crimson Knights working in MACUSA and she could also infiltrate the place using Human Transfiguration, but she was going to wait for a week. 

Destiny could feel that her Magical Core was about to Crystalize. Previously, her Magical Core had matured overnight… She also remembered that Gellert's Magical Core had Crystalized in just one night, but her Magical Core was much bigger than Gellert's, so she wasn't exactly sure. 

'Ah… let's sleep. I am freaking tired' Destiny thought and snuggled into Ambika's arms…

Destiny woke up when she felt a pair of soft lips trailing kisses down her throat. Destiny giggled and her eyes snapped open. She could also feel a lot of difference in her own body… specifically her Magical Core. 

"Looks like someone can't keep her hands off of me~" Destiny said in a sing-song tone and Ambika finally stopped and looked up so she could stare into Destiny's eyes. 

"It is not my fault that you are so beautiful… now, shut up and let me explore you" Ambika said and started to lick the valley in between Destiny's tits. A soft moan escaped Destiny's lips. 

'My Magical Core inspection can wait… now, I have something else to inspect' Destiny thought as she groped Ambika's perky ass and gave a hard squeeze. Ambika couldn't stop herself from moaning… 

After nearly an hour, Destiny and Ambika finally walked out of their quarters. Destiny had a small scowl marring her face and Ambika was dutifully following her, Ambika was being careful to stay half a step behind Destiny. 

"Are you sure you aren't going to change your mind?" Destiny stopped and questioned. An amused glint appeared in Ambika's eyes. 

"No, I am not going to change my mind" Ambika said with a straight face but Destiny knew that the white-haired girl was having a lot of amusement. 

"Fine… but why am I doing this in the first place?" Destiny questioned in an annoyed tone. 

"Destiny, the new recruits need a reality check. You don't want them getting captured due to their overconfidence, do you?" Ambika asked and Destiny simply snorted. "And, there are a lot of Crimson Knights who have no idea why we follow you" Ambika revealed the second reason. 

When Destiny give her an answer, Ambika decided to continue her explanation. "The Crimson Knights know that you are the Leader and you have their loyalty due to their oaths, but most of think that you are the Leader only because of your last name" Ambika continued explaining.

"You need to show them your power, they need to see that you are not the leader due to your last name. I have talked with both Vladimir and Donovan and they completely agree with me" Ambika finished and released a sigh. Sometimes dealing with her lover can be really tiring.

Destiny seemed to ponder for a few moments with a serious look on her face. "Where are Vladimir and Donovan?" Destiny asked curiously, but at the same time, she looked like she was ready to whine and pout.

Ambika rolled her eyes. Sometimes, Destiny could be such a baby. "If you don't remember then Vladimir and his squad are leaving for the Duelling Tournament in Yemen" Ambika reminded and Destiny groaned in annoyance. "And Donovan along with his team are busy with scouting and recruitment" Ambika reminded the younger woman in a somewhat condescending tone.

"Ok… Even though I pity the recruits, I understand that it is for the Greater Good" Destiny mumbled with an amused glint in her eyes.

"It is just like how the expression goes… killing two birds with one stone" Ambika said with a straight face, but her eyes were also filled with mirth.

"Anyways, I need to practice on my own, before giving them a thrashing. Last night, my Magical Core finally reached the Crystalized state" Destiny said and Ambika's eyes grew wide in shock and surprise. 

"Really?? You reached the Crystalized Magical Core state??" Ambika asked in pure disbelief and awe. Destiny was already practically unstoppable, but now… Ambika didn't even know if there was anything to compare Destiny with. Well, she could always compare her with Gellert.

A smug grin appeared on Destiny's face as she Apparated to her personal training area. Moments later, Ambika also appeared at some distance and a look of pure awe appeared on her face as Destiny started to release her Magical Power. Her crimson hair started to rise up and her crimson eyes started to glow brightly. 

'Now, I pity her enemies' Ambika contemplated as Destiny finally started to practice her Spellwork. Destiny herself was awed by the improvement. Power, unimaginable amounts of raw Magical Power washed over Ambika and her mind was practically blown off. 

'This is true power!!' Destiny screamed inside her mind. The difference between Solid Magical Core and Crystalized Magical Core was like comparing a small lake with an ocean. A bright smile appeared on Destiny's face as finally finished checking out all the improvements. 

'I wonder who is going to win now, Gellert or me?' Destiny questioned internally. She was almost blown away by the improvement. 'I wonder what would happen if I use the Wand of Destiny right now' Destiny mused as she finally got a grip over her overwhelming Magic… 

"I almost pity our enemies" Ambika said with an awed look on her face. Destiny grinned and clenched her fists tightly. 

"You won't understand the difference like that… you need to have a Crystalized Magical Core yourself if you truly want to understand the difference… I finally understand why Gellert is so strong" Destiny said as her eyes continued to glow brightly. 

"You came this close to victory when you fought him last time" Ambika said and Destiny nodded her head with a grin. 

"Yes… I am sure that I will be able to defeat him right now, but he is kind of unreachable, right now" Destiny said in an amused tone and Ambika didn't know how she should react so she decided not to make any comments. 

"Ok… let's go and take care of those pesky problems" Destiny said and Ambika really pitied those new recruits. Destiny was already annoyed, so she was going to destroy them along with their overconfidence and at the same time, everyone would get to see that Destiny wasn't the leader due to her last name.

Both Destiny and Ambika Apparated to the main training area and found that it was filled with a lot of Witches and Wizards. As expected, the new recruits were already there and they were being instructed by a Witch. Destiny easily noticed that the recruits weren't paying attention to their instructor. 

"Sophia, these are the new recruits, right?" Destiny questioned in a polite tone. The Witch, instructing them froze for a second and bowed politely as she noticed Destiny. 

"Lady Grindelwald" the Witch named Sophia curtsied, the new recruits immediately straightened up and all of them curtsied at the same time. 

"Lady Grindelwald!!" All of them said at the same time with a small bow. Destiny gave them an appreciative nod and turned towards Sophia. 

"Yes, milady. These are the new recruits" Sophia said in a respectful tone and Destiny hummed with a contemplative look on her face. 

"Then, let's see how they perform in combat" Destiny said and Sophia's eyes grew wide in surprise, but she quickly gathered her bearings. 

"Of course, milady. Let me separate them into two groups" Sophia said and Destiny stepped forward. 

"Ah… there will be no need for that. Why don't you pit all of them against me?" Destiny questioned in an amused tone and all the new recruits started to look at each other while Sophia started to sputter incoherently. 

"Milady, there are 50 of them" Sophia sputtered out and Destiny simply waved her hand with a small smile on her face. 

"It wouldn't be a problem, all of them seem to be kind of weak" Destiny said in a mocking tone and she felt all the recruits tense up. This is also why the recruits needed to be trashed after their initiation. Destiny was the leader of the Crimson Knights and her title wasn't for show… 

She wasn't the leader because she had created the Crimson Knights, she was the leader because she was the strongest. Destiny needed to remind everyone about this fact from time to time. Most Crimson Knights didn't have any idea about their Leader's power as Destiny never fought anyone. 

Sophia was among one of them. She had no idea how strong Destiny was. That is why she wasn't confident if Destiny could actually fight the new recruits or not. She knew that Destiny was strong, but she didn't actually know how strong. It was the same with the new recruits. 

Destiny didn't recruit them herself. Most of the recruitments were done by Donovan Creed and his team. The members who didn't know about Destiny's power simply thought that she was the leader because of her last name. Grindelwald was a pretty famous name around the world right now. Anyone would recognize the name. 

Destiny looked around at the group of faces. "Sophia, why do you officiate the fight?" Destiny offered and now that it was pretty clear that Destiny was going to fight the whole group, the others in the training area also stopped their own practice and decided to watch the fight. 

Most of them had never seen their leader fighting someone and the ones who had seen her fight simply wanted to see another spectacle. Ambika was standing at the edge of the training area with a stoic look on her face, she knew that Destiny was going to win… 

"Of course, milady" Sophia said as decided to move back a few steps to give everyone some space, but she didn't go too far. To be honest, she wasn't expecting a long fight, that is why she wanted to be close so that she could stop the fight as soon as possible. 

Like many others, she didn't even consider for a moment that Destiny was going to win. Yes, she might be stronger than all of them individually, but she possibly couldn't beat a group of 50, right? That would be something simply surreal. 

"Start!!" Sophia exclaimed loudly and just before her eyes, Destiny Grindelwald demolished the group of 50 in a matter of seconds. 

Complete silence, nobody dared to even breathe after Destiny finished knocking out the last recruit. Some started to pinch themselves to see if they were dreaming or not while some were rubbing their eyes to check if their eyes were working correctly or not. 

Sophia's eyes were wide as saucers and her jaw was hanging open. Just like she had thought… The fight was short, but she could have never imagined this type of outcome. Was something like this even possible?? A sense of fear, dread, and respect made its place in Sophia's mind and she wasn't alone… 

"Hmm… Sophia, you will be able to take care of them, won't you?" Destiny was the first to break the silence. Sophia could only nod her head with a dumb look on her face and moments later, her eyes started to shake in fear… the gap between herself and the crimson-haired woman standing right in front of her was monumental. 

Sophia was a 25 years old, pure-blood Witch who had graduated from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. After that, she was in Auror Training for two years, but she never ended up being an Auror. She was expelled from the Auror Academy because her group had tried to apprehend a criminal in the Muggle Area, but they ended up injuring a Muggle in the process. It wasn't something major, but the Muggle had ended up running away before they could Obliviate him. 

Sophia had a lot of combat experience and training, and that is why she also prided herself to be a strong woman, but all of that was simply her delusion. The crimson-haired woman standing in front of her had shattered her delusions… She wasn't strong, in front of Destiny Grindelwald, she was simply a child throwing a tantrum. 

The young Grindelwald didn't even use a Magical Focus for Morgana's sake and she utterly destroyed a group of 50 like nothing!! The whole fight was completely effortless for the woman… Was that even a fight? It was like watching a teacher disciplining her unruly students. 

Sophia had heard that Gellert Grindelwald was unstoppable, now she finally understood what it meant. Her whole body shivered in terror. Everybody knew about Gellert Grindelwald, he was out in the open, but nobody knew about Destiny Grindelwald… What sort of damage could this woman cause?? Even though Sophia felt fear, she couldn't stop herself from feeling excited. 

Those Ministry Bastards and those filthy Muggles would never know what hit them. They would be swept away by the power of Destiny Grindelwald. A sort of newfound respect formed inside Sophia's mind… she wasn't the only one going through these changes. Everyone who saw the fight started to respect Destiny Grindelwald. 

"Very well then, I will be leaving" Destiny said as she started to walk away from the training area and moments later, she Apparated away with a soft pop and Ambika dutifully followed Destiny and Apparated away too. 

"That was a brilliant display, milady" Ambika said in an excited tone and Destiny rolled her eyes. 

"You know, it is only the two of us here" Destiny said and Ambika didn't say anything, but there was an amused glint in her eyes. 

"By the way, where is Anna?" Destiny asked and Ambika simply gave Destiny a pointed look. 

"You know how she is with the children…" Ambika reminded Destiny. 

"Ah… the children love her though" Destiny said and Ambika nodded her head. 

"She treats them like her own. She is also the best for their protection too… she would murder anyone trying to harm the children" Ambika added and Destiny simply smiled. 

"She had improved a lot, I am sure that Gellert would be happy too" Destiny said with a soft smile on her face. 

Annabell had improved a lot after she started to spend time with the children Crimson Knights have saved. She treated the children like her own and she was extremely protective of them. She would Curse anyone trying to harm them and that is why Destiny had decided to leave the responsibility of protecting the children to Annabell. 

"By the way, are you really not going to save Gellert?" Ambika asked in a curious tone. 

"...I am planning to pay him a visit… if he asks me to save him then I will save him, but I am sure that he already has some sort of plan" Destiny said and Ambika found herself agreeing with Destiny. She had only met the man a few times, Destiny practically grew up with him, so she was going to trust Destiny's judgment on this matter. 

"So, when are you leaving?" Ambika asked and Destiny shook her head. 

"I haven't planned that yet, but I will be leaving somewhere around this week. There is something I need to do before leaving" Destiny said with a stiff nod of her head… 


7529 words in this chapter.

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