Parseltongue (R-18)

A/N: I am going to use '§' for the Parseltongue conversation...


Now that Cassiopeia was once again in control of her own actions, she decided to keep staring at Destiny. Even though Destiny's whole body was covered by Runes, it didn't damage her overall beauty. Cassiopeia couldn't help herself but get around at the sight in front of her

Destiny was also amused as she had clearly noticed that Cassiopeia was marvelling at her naked body and to be honest, Destiny couldn't find herself to complain. Destiny could practically feel the desire oozing from the green-eyed Witch. Cassiopeia continued to take in Destiny's form with a flushed look on her face. 

Finally, Cassiopeia decided to ask one of the important questions, which has been nagging inside her mind since Destiny had released her from the Imperius Curse. 

"I felt really great when you put me under the Curse, this is the first time I have felt like this" Cassiopeia said with a confused look on her face. It wasn't exactly a question, but the confused look on her face relayed the intent perfectly. 

"So, your family has trained you to resist the Imperius?" Destiny asked without looking back and for a moment, Cassiopeia froze. She had revealed something she shouldn't have, but only after a moment, she shrugged dismissively. 

Destiny had performed Sacrificial Magic and now, she is going to perform some sort of Blood Magic Ritual. If the ritual is successful then they are going to gain the Gaunt Family Magiks, which is at the end of the day is called Line Theft. A very serious crime in Magical Britain, especially when you are doing it to one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Families. 

Yeah… so, she concluded that at the end of the day it didn't matter, so she simply revealed that she had been put under the Imperius Curse, which was pretty tame and insignificant considering everything Destiny had done today. Destiny had also performed one of the Unforgivables, so there was that too… 

(A/N: Slight AU about the Imperius Curse description). 

"Yes, both of my parents have used the Curse on me to make me resistant to the Curse. Their Curse felt like I was fighting them, it felt like someone was forcing their will on me, but with you, it was completely different" Cassiopeia said in a somewhat confused tone. 

"When I was under your control, I felt blissful and amazing. I felt like it was the greatest thing in the World, I wanted to keep feeling like that, and I didn't want to fight the Curse" Cassiopeia finished her explanation and Destiny finally reached the centre of the ritual matrix. She turned around and stared at Cassiopeia. 

"Yes, but it is not a secret, my dear. It took me a lot of practice to reach that level, anyone who is good with Imperius Curse uses this particular trick. It is based on simple logic, the victim feels nice and blissful, so your victim never tries to fight back, and that is also why it is easier for you to maintain the Curse" Destiny explained with a grin. Cassiopeia pondered for a few moments and found herself agreeing with Destiny. 

"I see…" Cassiopeia muttered and didn't say anything else as for now, she didn't want to disturb Destiny. 

Destiny sat down cross-legged at the centre of the ritual circle. She placed the tip of her Wand at a small circle in front of her and started to feed it with her Magic. Moments later, the ritual circle lit up, but Destiny didn't stop pumping her Magic into the matrix. 

Destiny cursed internally as the Runes on her body lit up and all of them started to glow. Destiny felt like someone was removing her skin using a blunt knife… It was extremely painful, but she didn't scream. She continued to pump Magic into the ritual circle and slowly the Runes on her body started to disappear. 

After a few seconds, all the Runes were gone from Destiny's body and a strong shockwave was released from her body, it was so strong that Cassiopeia was knocked down on her ass and the marble flooring also cracked, destroying the ritual matrix. Destiny was breathing heavily and her whole body was smoking, but she didn't have any burns on her body. 

Destiny slowly stood up and she could feel that her Magic had changed slightly. She was very attuned to her Magic, so noticing something like that wasn't very hard. After a few moments, Destiny felt her Magic stabilizing. With a wave of her hand, Destiny helped Cassiopeia to get up. 

"That was a pretty strong shockwave" Cassiopeia grumbled as she dusted off her derriere. 

"Yes, it was. I wasn't expecting such a strong shockwave… Anyways, let's test it out if I can speak to snakes or not" Destiny grinned, and with a flick of her Wand, she Conjured a snake. Cassiopeia's eyes started to shine in anticipation. 

"Hello" Destiny said, but as soon as the words came out she frowned. 

"That's English" Cassiopeia commented. Destiny didn't bother with any retort. She started to use her Occlumency to increase her concentration. 

§Hello§ Destiny hissed and immediately a grin formed on her face. The snake's face whipped in Destiny's direction and it started to stare at Destiny. Cassiopeia's eyes grew wide, she could barely hold back her excitement. 

§A speaker!§ The snake hissed back. Destiny couldn't stop a smug grin forming on her face. 

§Yes, I am a Speaker. Have a rat…§ Destiny grinned and Conjured a fat rat for the snake. The snake immediately pounced on the rat and swallowed it. It was a Conjured snake, but its body was fully functional. 

§Thank you for the meal Speaker§ The snake hissed with a hint of gratefulness in its voice. Destiny smiled and vanished the snake with a flick of her hand. 

After that, Destiny vanished the cracked marble slab and she started to Transfigure a new one. It took her some time, but she finally finished preparing the ritual matrix for Cassiopeia. This time, Destiny had to slightly tweak the ritual matrix as she didn't know if Cassiopeia could power the ritual on her own or not. 

"So, are you ready to become a Parselmouth?" Destiny questioned with a grin on her face and Cassiopeia immediately nodded her head. She was acting like an excited child who got her favourite toy. 

"Then, let's go inside" Destiny suggested and Cassiopeia immediately rushed inside the house. Destiny chuckled and followed the green-eyed Witch inside the house. "Ok, take off your clothes" Destiny instructed and Cassiopeia immediately lit up like a Christmas tree. 

Immediately she shook her head and started to take off her robes, but she was pretty nervous on the inside. Destiny was extremely beautiful… Cassiopeia didn't know if her own body could match that level or not. 

Destiny was confident about her body too, she never bothered to cover herself, even now she looked pretty confident and from the looks of it she wasn't bothered by her nakedness and she also wasn't planning to cover herself any time soon. 

Cassiopeia finally took off her blouse and revealed that she was wearing a brassiere and a corset separately. She slowly took off her bottom and revealed her toned legs and her knickers. Destiny immediately noticed a small patch of wetness on Cassiopeia's knickers and started to grin. 

Cassiopeia nervously shifted on her feet, as she noticed Destiny's grin. She knew where Destiny was staring and she couldn't stop herself from feeling nervous. She was a Witch's Witch, but Destiny was yet to show any signs of preferring Witches. Cassiopeia took a deep breath and started to take off her corset. 

Destiny was pretty amused when she deduced that Cassiopeia couldn't understand her signals. It proved that Cassiopeia hadn't been with any Witches even though she clearly preferred the company of Witches. Destiny wouldn't have cared in the least if that wasn't the case. 

Cassiopeia finally revealed her slim waist and flat stomach to Destiny when she finally took off her corset. After some more nervous shuffling, Cassiopeia unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. Cassiopeia revealed her gorgeous breasts for Destiny to ogle, and Destiny didn't bother to mask her hungry gaze. 

'Looks like I have found our first candidate for our future Coven' Destiny contemplated inside her mind. 'At least if Cassiopeia is fine with being in a Coven' Destiny thought dryly, but at the same time, she was pretty excited at the prospect. 

Destiny had discovered that Ambika was researching Covens and her white-haired lover wanted to form a Coven. Ambika hadn't said anything to Destiny, but it was clear as day. The woman has been researching Covens, she would have given up if she had any problems with sharing Destiny. Ambika was ready to share Destiny with at least one more Witch. 

Ambika had thought that she was being subtle and secretive, but she forgot that she was taking books from Destiny's private collection for her research. Destiny kept a track of her books, and nobody besides her Lieutenants were allowed to take books from her private collection. 

Anybody could have taken them, but only Donovan and Ambika were studious among her Lieutenants. Both Vladimir and Quinton kind of hated theory, so she crossed them off the list. Now, Donovan was passionate about politics, he was never into obscure forms of Magic.

So, Destiny decided to pay close attention to Ambika and she found that her suspicion was spot on. Destiny decided to confront Ambika the night before she had planned to leave. A smile appeared on her face as she remembered the conversation… 


"What are you reading?" Destiny questioned in a teasing tone while looking over Ambika's shoulder. Ambika was so engrossed in her reading that she didn't even notice when Destiny arrived behind her. 

Ambika shrieked in surprise and immediately closed the book she had been reading. She instinctively clutched the book in front of her, trying to hide the book from her crimson-haired lover. 

"So, what are you hiding from me?" Destiny asked with a grin and she sat down behind Ambika. Destiny slowly snaked her arms around Ambika's waist and pulled her into her arms. Ambika felt Destiny's breasts press against her back and she released a sigh and found herself leaning on Destiny. 

Ambika knew that there was no use in trying to hide anymore. "...I have been doing some research in Coven" Ambika answered after a few moments of silence. 

"Covens, do you want to make a Coven?" Destiny questioned softly. Ambika expected various types of reactions from Destiny and this one was one of the nicer varieties. 

"No, I want you to make a Coven" Ambika quickly corrected Destiny. 

"Ok, why?" Destiny questioned and this time, Ambika felt really nervous. 

"...You know, I am not strong like you. I want to become stronger, but I can't. I can feel that my progress has slowed down" Ambika said, looking down at her hands. 

"You know, you are being stupid. I would have never tossed you away or left you behind" Destiny whispered in Ambika's ear. 

"I know… but I want to keep supporting you. I need more power to do that" Ambika said and Destiny hummed in understanding. 

"So, are you okay with the fact that you would have to share me with other women?" Destiny questioned curiously and Ambika released a frustrated sigh. 

"I am not… at least not completely, but I can get used to it. Having more lovers is certainly appealing" Ambika chuckled at the end. 

"My my… you have become quite naughty, haven't you?" Destiny asked in a teasing tone and ran her hands over Ambika's stomach. 

"...What do you think about it? Are you okay with it?" Ambika asked in a worried tone.

"Hmm… the idea of having more lovers is certainly appealing and as the leader of the Coven, I will get a significant boost too, so I am fine with it, I suppose" Destiny answered honestly. She was fine with a monogamous relationship, but at the same time, she wasn't averse to a polygamous relationship. In fact, she was very excited about the prospect. 

"Okay then… so, what now?" Ambika asked in an unsure tone and a feral grin made its way to Destiny's face. 

"Now, I am going to punish you for hiding something like this from me and then I will ravage you" Destiny whispered into Ambika's ear and the white-haired Witch shuddered at the sinful promises. 

Destiny tightened her hold on Ambika and moments later, she Apparated away Ambika. The white-haired Witch yelped in surprise as Destiny tossed Ambika towards the bed… 


Cassiopeia blushed intensely when she noticed Destiny's listed gaze focused on her body. "Do you want me to help you?" Destiny asked in a teasing tone and Cassiopeia froze after hearing the question, she had no idea how she was supposed to answer the question. 

Cassiopeia's brain finally started to work again. She shook her head and immediately pulled down her knickers, revealing the most sensitive part of her body. Her pussy lips were glistening with her juices and she had a cute little tuft of black hair adorning her pussy. 

Destiny licked her lips in desire at the sight, but she decided to wait for now. She picked up the brush and dipped it in the Potion. Then, she started to draw Runes on Cassiopeia's gorgeous body with a straight face. She didn't want to tease Cassiopeia right now, as a simple mistake could be devastating. 

Cassiopeia was embarrassed, but she slowly became comfortable being naked around Destiny. She had lived with other girls for 7 years, so she did have some experience being naked around other girls. Cassiopeia also realized that Destiny was a Witch's Witch. She had noticed the lust and desire in Destiny's eyes. 

Their budding friendship might turn into something more during the night. She belonged to a Pureblood Family, so she was still pure, but now, she was known as the Cursed Bride. Well, the night was already special, though she wouldn't mind if it became even more special. But for now, she decided to stand still and allow Destiny to draw the Runes on her body…

After half an hour, Destiny finally finished drawing Runes on Cassiopeia's body. Destiny reviewed the Runes before giving the green signal. "Done" Destiny declared with a grin on her face and put down the brush. A little bit of Potion was left inside the cauldron, but it wasn't enough for a third participant. 

"I am really excited… let's get it done" Cassiopeia blurted out excitedly. Right now, her nervousness was being suppressed by her excitement. Destiny giggled and gestured Cassiopeia towards the ritual matrix. 

As soon as Cassiopeia started to walk towards the ritual matrix, the blush started to return to her face. She could feel Destiny's gaze fixated on her body. Cassiopeia took a deep breath and walked towards the centre of the ritual matrix. She remembered how Destiny had sat down in the middle, so she followed the crimson-haired girl's example and sat down in the middle. 

"Cassiopeia, the ritual is going to need a lot of Magic. So, I will be the one who will supply the Magic and you will feel a lot of pain, but you must stay in your spot" Destiny explained in a serious tone and Cassiopeia nodded her head with a determined look on her face. There was no going back right now. 

"Good… I am going to start" Destiny said and placed the tip of her Wand over a smaller circle. Cassiopeia gave her another determined nod and Destiny finally started to feed Magic to the ritual matrix and the whole thing started to glow brightly. 

The Runes on Cassiopeia's body started to glow too. 'THIS IS MORE THAN A LOT OF PAIN!!" Cassiopeia screamed inside her mind. She had never felt so much pain in her life. It was hard, but Cassiopeia wanted to survive, so she held on even though she felt like blacking out. She stubbornly held onto her consciousness. 

Finally, the Runes on her body started to disappear and moments later, a shockwave was released from her body, but this time the shockwave wasn't strong like Destiny's. Destiny finally stopped pumping her Magic into the ritual matrix and Cassiopeia slumped back, completely unconscious. 

Like Destiny, Cassiopeia's body was also smoking, but she didn't have any injuries. The ritual was successful, so there wasn't anything to worry about. Destiny smiled and levitated Cassiopeia and decided to carry the green-eyed Witch to her bedroom. Destiny arrived at Cassiopeia's bedroom and she gently laid down the sleeping beauty in the bed. 

Destiny Conjured herself a silk robe, since Cassiopeia was knocked out, there was no need to keep baring her body any longer. She covered Cassiopeia's body with a bedsheet and then she finally decided to grab the Gaunt Family Grimoire. She made her way to the living room and returned to Cassiopeia's bedroom with the Gaunt Family Grimoire in her hand. 

Destiny sat down at Cassiopeia's study table and cracked open the book. Destiny couldn't stop herself from grinning like a loon… The Gaunt Family was a direct descendant of Merlin, so there was a high chance that she would find some very obscure and ancient form of Magiks… 

Destiny wasn't surprised to find that the book was written in Parseltext… Destiny started to read the history of the Family and she found that Gaunts were also the direct descendants of the Slytherin line. Apparently, Merlin had a child with a woman named Sabrina Gaunt, who came from a Family of Wizards and Witches. 

Destiny's eyes grew wide when she found that Sabrina Gaunt had inherited a ring from her Father which later came to be recognized as the Gaunt Family ring. Destiny found that Sabrina's Father's name was Desmond Peverell and she no longer held any doubts… The genuine Resurrection Stone was in her possession. 

For whatever reason, Sabrina Gaunt didn't know the actual value of the ring. Destiny didn't know if Desmond Peverell had intentionally hidden the true nature of the ring or he had died before he could tell his daughter… and it was going to remain a mystery for now. Destiny didn't want to tempt fate and summon spirits from the afterlife. 

Destiny had read The Tales of Beedle and Bard, and she didn't want to end up commuting suicide. She had much more important things to do… like making a Coven, Destiny giggled as soon as she thought about that or like enslaving the Muggles 'For the Greater Good'. 

So, Destiny ultimately decided to continue reading the Grimoire. Destiny finally found how the Gaunts were related to the Slytherin Family. After a few decades, Sabrina's grandson was born. Years later, the last member of the Slytherin Family, Zinnia Slytherin was brought into the Gaunt Family through marriage with Sabrina's Grandson, Castiel Gaunt. 

(A/N: I will be going AU with Salazar Slytherin. Instead of promoting blood purity, I will portray him as a man who wanted to take away Muggleborns from the Muggle Families for their own safety and in later years, he wanted to stop admitting Muggleborns in the school to maintain their secrecy and safety). 

That is how the Parseltongue ability was brought into the Gaunt Family. Apparently, the Slytherin Family was being hunted by a lot of enemies from both the Magical and Muggle Worlds. Some people didn't like the fact that Salazar Slytherin wanted to remove Magical Children from Muggle families for the well-being of those children. 

That is why Zinnia Slytherin decided to abandon her proud Slytherin name and take up the Gaunt Family name. That is also why the Slytherin Family was never seen again. To honour the Slytherin Family, the Gaunts decided to destroy their Family Grimoire and create a new one, the new Grimoire was completely written in Parseltext in honour of the Slytherin Family. 

Destiny had simply cleansed the blood to remove all the negative traits from the blood to remove the effects of generations of inbreeding, but she never considered the Parseltongue to be a negative trait, so it wasn't removed from the blood, in fact, the ability was enforced. After all, Magic was all about intent. 

Destiny finally reached the part where the Chamber of the Secrets was mentioned and she found Gaunts were responsible for keeping the location of the Chamber of the Secrets a secret. Destiny was ecstatic to find that a Basilisk was residing inside the Chamber. Destiny wanted to read more, but she looked up from the book when Cassiopeia groaned and sat up while rubbing her head. 

Cassiopeia shrieked in indignation when she discovered that her breasts were hanging out in the open and she was still naked under the sheets. Destiny closed the Gaunt Family Grimoire and placed it on Cassiopeia's table. Then she started to unashamedly stare at Cassiopeia's breasts. Cassiopeia noticed the gaze and then she hurriedly pulled up the sheets to cover her breasts. 

Destiny clicked her tongue in disappointment, but moments later, a lecherous grin appeared on her face. Cassiopeia didn't know why, but she felt like an innocent little lamb who was being stared at by a big bad wolf. "Why would you do that? I was enjoying the view" Destiny said in a teasing tone. 

"Don't say something shameful like that" Cassiopeia protested weakly. It was pretty clear that she liked the compliment as she was sporting a not so subtle blush. 

§You know, you don't need to be ashamed of yourself… I am also someone who likes the company of a Witch§ Destiny hissed and Cassiopeia's eyes grew wide in glee as she clearly understood what Destiny said. Cassiopeia immediately shot out of the bed and threw away her cover without bothering about her nakedness. 

She rushed towards Destiny and pulled the crimson-haired woman into a tight hug. §You have no idea what it means to have this ability in certain circles§ Cassiopeia hissed back as she hugged Destiny. Once again, she started to feel the heat as her breasts were pressed against Destiny's breasts. The silk robe Destiny was wearing was so thin that it felt like it wasn't even there.

§I am glad that I was able to help you§ Destiny hissed back with a smirk. The two of them finally separated and Cassiopeia once again blushed when she remembered that she was standing completely naked in front of Destiny. 

§You know… I am really grateful too§ Cassiopeia said and after a few moments, she lit up like a Christmas tree. "Would you like to share the bed with me?" Cassiopeia practically whispered the words and Destiny didn't answer, but she slowly placed her hand under Cassiopeia's chin and lifted her, so she could stare into Cassiopeia's eyes. 

"I would love that, but I don't want to sleep with you if you are just doing it to thank me" Destiny said with a serious look on her face. Cassiopeia immediately shook her head. 

"No… I do like you. You are drop-dead gorgeous and like me, you are also a Witch who likes the company of a Witch… so, honestly, I want to spend the night with you. I wouldn't lie… I also want to thank you for what you have done" Cassiopeia answered honestly as she kept staring into Destiny's eyes. Cassiopeia was slightly shorter than Destiny so she had to keep staring up. 

"I see… but, I want to tell you something else before starting" Destiny said, and Cassiopeia looked somewhat worried now. 

"Can we talk afterwards? I don't want to ruin the mood" Cassiopeia said with a somewhat desperate look on her face. "I promise I won't hate you or blame you for whatever it is… I just want to enjoy the night with you" Cassiopeia said softly and Destiny released a sigh, but she started to smile as she slowly leaned down and captured Cassiopeia's luscious lips. 

[Lemon 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Starts]

Cassiopeia moaned in Destiny's mouth as opened her mouth to allow Destiny's tongue to enter her mouth. Destiny's hands slowly trailed down Cassiopeia's back until her hands were resting on her soft and perky bum. Destiny gave her a squeeze and once again, a moan escaped Cassiopeia's lips. 

Destiny separated her lips from Cassiopeia's with a wet plop and a string of saliva was still connecting their mouths. Destiny got rid of her robe with a wave of her hand and before Cassiopeia could admire Destiny's body, she was lifted up by Destiny in bridal style. Cassiopeia was surprised, but she liked the feeling of being carried in such a manner. 

Destiny gently placed Cassiopeia on the bed and she was about to climb up too, but Cassiopeia stopped her. "Can you wait a bit…? I want to see and admire your body before you join me" Cassiopeia gently requested and Destiny simply grinned after hearing Cassiopeia's request, but she decided to indulge the green-eyed Witch. 

Destiny stood by the bed as Cassiopeia trailed her hands over Destiny's stomach, she kept running her fingers over Destiny's abs for a few seconds, until she decided to cope a feel of Destiny's gorgeous breasts. Cassiopeia grabbed Destiny's boobs and gave them a squeeze, earning a small moan from the crimson-haired woman. 

Cassiopeia felt really satisfied after hearing the moan and her hands slowly trailed down towards Destiny's most private part of the body. To be honest, Cassiopeia was quite surprised to see that Destiny didn't have any hair down there. Destiny's lips were slightly wet and Cassiopeia ran her fingers over Destiny's entrance in a teasing manner. Destiny's breath hitched when Cassiopeia caressed her entrance. 

"Come join me" Cassiopeia said huskily, her eyes filled with lust and desire. 

Destiny smirked and climbed over the bed and she immediately claimed Cassiopeia's lips. Cassiopeia's hands snaked around Destiny's back while Destiny's hands claimed Cassiopeia's breasts. Destiny pinched Cassiopeia's erected nipple, earning a loud moan from the said Witch. Cassiopeia wasn't idle and her hands finally trailed down to reach Destiny's bum. 

Cassiopeia gave them a light squeeze, making Destiny squirm a bit, but Destiny liked it a lot, so she stopped kissing Cassiopeia and she started to trail down kisses over Cassiopeia's collar bone. Cassiopeia groaned in pleasure when Destiny licked one of her sensitive nipples. 

"Oh… Destiny~" Cassiopeia moaned loudly when Destiny enveloped one of her breasts inside her mouth. It was a completely foreign experience for Cassiopeia. She had touched herself before too, but what she was currently experiencing was completely mind-blowing. 

Cassiopeia felt her climax approaching, and only after a few moments, she started to come when Destiny ran her fingers through the small tuft of hair above her entrance. Cassiopeia started to breathe heavily, trying to catch her breath and Destiny decided to stop her ministrations and lied down beside Cassiopeia. 

"That was amazing… even though you didn't have to do much" Cassiopeia grumbled in a disappointed tone and Destiny chuckled and captured Cassiopeia's lips. 

"The night is still young, Cassi. We will have a lot of fun, but now, I want you to return the favour" Destiny said with a wide grin on her face. 

All of a sudden Cassiopeia felt pretty nervous. Cassiopeia quickly understood that this wasn't Destiny's first time, in fact, Destiny seemed to be quite experienced. So, she didn't know if she could return the pleasure to Destiny, but she promised herself that she was going to do her best. 

Cassiopeia leaned forward and placed her lips on Destiny's. Cassiopeia's kiss was pretty sloppy at first, but she was quickly getting the hang of it. Both of her hands trailed upwards until she was cupping Destiny's breasts. Meanwhile, Destiny wrapped her hands around Cassiopeia's waist and pulled her closer. 

Cassiopeia pinched Destiny's nipples and this time she did moan. Cassiopeia internally cheered and her confidence rose… she started to grind her heat against Destiny's heat earning another moan. Destiny was hungrily caressing Cassiopeia's back and bum. 

"Don't stop! I am close…" Destiny whispered huskily when she felt like her release was approaching. Cassiopeia decided to increase her speed as she was close too… she screamed Destiny's name and pinched her nipples tightly as she climaxed. Destiny couldn't hold both anymore and bit down on Cassiopeia's shoulder when she reached her climax too… 

Cassiopeia slowly slid off Destiny as the two lovers basked in the afterglow of their mutual release while passionately staring into each other's eyes. Both Cassiopeia and Destiny were breathtaking heavily while sporting massive blushes. Even though Destiny was breathing heavily, she wasn't tired like Cassiopeia. 

Destiny's body was way stronger than any other average human due to her body being enhanced by several rituals and her own Magic. That is why Destiny's had way more stamina than any other Witches. Cassiopeia snuggled into Destiny's bosom and hugged her tightly. 

"That was the strongest orgasm I ever had, but I don't think I can continue… I am sore as hell and I am tired too" Cassiopeia said in a tired tone. She could barely keep her eyes open. 

[Lemon 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Ends]

"No problem… we can always continue together after we finish our chat" Destiny replied softly and moved some strands of hair from Cassiopeia's face. Destiny leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Cassiopeia's forehead. 

"I don't know what you want to talk about, but I don't think I will be leaving your side… I want this to continue and you aren't going to get rid of me that easily" Cassiopeia said in a teasing manner. 

"Why? Don't tell me you already fell in love with me" Destiny questioned in mock horror and a soft giggle escaped Cassiopeia's lips. 

"I don't know much about love, but I am ready to swear my loyalty to you. Staying by your side will be very profitable for me…" Cassiopeia answered honestly and to be honest, Destiny wasn't offended, in fact, she was glad that Cassiopeia was being truthful. 

"My my… you seem to be an opportunist, my dear" Destiny teased with a grin on her face and Cassiopeia returned the gesture. 

"I was in Slytherin, remember" Cassiopeia reminded Destiny and snuggled closer to Destiny. Moments later, she felt Cassiopeia's breaths even out, so Destiny simply kept caressing the green-eyed Witch's hair. 

Right now, Destiny wasn't feeling sleepy, so she decided to ask Dinky to bring her some food while she decided to continue reading the Gaunt Family Grimoire. Destiny carefully snuggled out of Cassiopeia's grip, but she allowed Cassiopeia to keep hugging her waist. Destiny covered herself upto waist while covering Cassiopeia up to her head with a sheet with a wave of her hand. 

"Dinky!" Destiny called and the said house-elf appeared with a soft pop. The house-elf gave her a beaming smile. Destiny wasn't bothered by the fact that her chest was completely exposed to the house-elf as they never cared about human anatomy. 

"What can Dinky be doing for Missy Destiny?" Dinky asked in a chirpy tone while looking extremely happy for whatever reason. Destiny found herself rather curious, so she decided to ask the house-elf. 

"Why do you look so happy if you don't mind me asking" Destiny asked curiously and Dinky froze for a moment, but her happiness wasn't dimmed at all. 

"Missy Cassi finally found a partner. Dinky us being so happy today" the little creature cheered. 

"I see… by the way, can you bring me some food?" Destiny didn't know how to react after hearing Dinky's statement, so she decided to ask her for food like she initially wanted. House-Elves could be happy for weird reasons, at least Dinky's reason was pretty genuine. 

"Of course, Missy Destiny" the house-elf popped away. Destiny summoned the Gaunt Family Grimoire. She cracked open the book, she decided that she had read enough history, for now, so she decided to see what sort of Magic Gaunts were good with. 

The Magical section was divided into three parts… The Slytherin part was in the front, it contained all the Magical knowledge collected by the Slytherin Family. The Slytherin part wasn't updated after the death of Zinnia Slytherin, while the second part was filled with Gaunt Family Magiks. The Gaunt part of the Grimoire hasn't been updated for almost 200 years and finally, the third part was filled with Parselmagic. 

Some of the Rituals mentioned in the Slytherin part were completely foreign and new to Destiny while most of the Curses mentioned in the Slytherin part were also new. The Slytherins were pretty good with blood Magic… at least Salazar Slytherin was from the records and he had created a way to curse a whole Bloodline with a little bit of blood. Simply ingenious. 

Apparently, the Four Founders were considered to be the greatest Wizards and Witches on par with Merlin and Morgana. Destiny discovered that the theory wasn't a complete hoax. The Founders were extremely strong, but Destiny didn't have any way to know how strong exactly when compared to Merlin and Morgana. 

Destiny quickly shuffled through the rest of the Slytherin part… she decided to study everything carefully at a later date. Destiny finally reached the Gaunt part of Grimoire and she was quite surprised to find that the Gaunt Family's speciality was secrecy and sensory Magic. The Gaunts Family had created their own versions of Glamour Charms and Disillusionment Charms which were way better than their common versions. 

(A/N: Not all the facts regarding the Fidelius Charm are confirmed. Some are speculations at best. So, some of you might find that the Spell description I am going to use to be a bit of an AU, so a fair warning).

Destiny also discovered the modified version of the Fidelius Charm. Destiny knew about the Fidelius Charm, but she had never used it due to two major shortcomings. The first one, the Secret Keeper, can't reside within the hidden property. Yes, they could visit, but they can't reside within the property for whatever reason. 

The second shortcoming was that the Charm could only be used to hide a property, but the modified Charm resolved both of the shortcomings, but it needed tremendous amounts of Magical Power to cast. This Charm could also be used to hide something like a name or a specific part of a house. Since the first shortcoming was resolved, a person can be their own Secret Keeper. 

Destiny was already planning to use the Charm to keep her name a Secret with herself as the Secret Keeper. Since the oaths of the Crimson Knights weren't made using her name, the oaths will hold without any problems. But her Lieutenants have sworn loyalty to her using her name, so their oaths might break. Even Gellert has done the same, so before trying anything, she needed to conduct more research on the topic.  

The Charm was already complicated, and nobody has ever tried to cast the Charm on their names. She could always ask her Lieutenants and Gellert to swear allegiance for a second time if the oaths nullify themselves after casting the modified Fidelius Charm to hide her name. Circumventing oaths were very risky, but if you know what you were doing then you could do it without any problems. 

Destiny could always release them from their oaths if she couldn't find any other solutions. She had no idea how the oaths would react if she made her name a Secret. Yes, that is what she was going to do. She would release the five of them from their oaths and then she would cast the Charm. That would be the simplest solution. 

For now, she was going to wait until Gellert's escape. Gellert had refused her help to be rescued and the reason behind Gellert's refusal was simply beyond her. Destiny released a defeated sigh… thinking about Gellert would cause her a headache. For now, she decided to continue reading. 

Destiny discovered a lot of interesting Spells like the Sonar Charm, the Spell would create a 6th sense for you. You would be able to sense everything around you within 5 metres of the radius using sounds. The Spell also had a counterpart that used Magic to create a 6th sense inside your head. 

It worked just like that Sonar Charm, but instead, it used Magic Pulses released from your body. For Destiny, the Magic variety of the Spell was more fitting as she had a lot of Magic to spare and she couldn't keep talking or making sounds all the time. The range of the Magical variety of the Spell was also a lot more than the normal one. 

The normal variety of the Charm was easy to use and it consumed less Magic, but as Destiny mentioned, she always had a lot of Magic to spare. So, without wasting any more time, Destiny summoned her Wand and tried to activate the Charm. After the fourth try, Destiny finally succeeded and she felt a sting of pain in her head due to all the additional information being received by her brain. 

It took a few minutes for her brain to finally get used to the additional sensory ability. At first, it was simply breathtaking, she could see everything within 20 metres of radius around her. She could see Dinky working on food inside the kitchen with her mind's eye. Destiny had to actively use her Occlumency to get rid of all the useless information received by her new sensory ability. 

It was somewhat hard to continue like this, but Destiny was pretty determined. If she continued using the Spell then the whole thing was going to become completely natural to her… Destiny leaned back and closed her eyes. She wanted to familiarize herself with this new sensory ability, before moving on with the Grimoire. 

After a couple of minutes, Dinky popped inside the room. "Missy Destiny, where be Dinky keeping the food?" The cheerful house-elf asked in a chirpy tone. 

Destiny didn't bother to open her eyes. She decided to use her new sensing ability. "Give it to me here" Destiny said and grabbed the small plate from the house-elf. Dinky looked at Destiny strangely for a moment, until she shrugged and decided to pop away. 

Destiny tilted her head in amusement and started to eat the food. After finishing her food, Destiny levitated the empty plate towards Cassiopeia's desk. Destiny slowly opened her eyes and continued to read. Most of the remaining Spells were pretty normal and common, so Destiny didn't find any of them to be interesting. 

Destiny kept turning over the pages with a bored look on her face until her gaze landed on an interesting Jinx. She grinned as she read the description of the Spell. The Taboo Spell was an extremely powerful Jinx. Using this Spell you could make any word Taboo and if anyone uses the word within the range, you will know their exact location. The Spell could also weaken the Wards around the person who said the Taboo word, but the effect might vary due to different strength of Wards.

The range of the Spell depended on the Caster. Destiny immediately decided that she was going to cast this Spell to make her last name into Taboo. Since she shared her last name with Gellert, Destiny would immediately know whenever somebody was talking about them, but she needed to modify the Spell too. 

She wanted to add intent behind the Taboo activation. The Taboo will only activate when one of their enemies uses their last name. So, Destiny had to modify the Spell, so that it could sense hostile intentions, no matter how minute they were. She might also need to create a Magical Artefact to automatically create records of the Taboo activation… Yes, that would be best. 

After that, Destiny didn't find any more interesting Spells in the Gaunt part. So, she moved onto the Parselmagic section and everything in this part of the Grimoire was completely new. Destiny had never heard about Parselmagic and here was a whole section of the Grimoire filled with said Magic. 

She released a tired sigh and she decided to put the Grimoire away. She was tired and she would forget about sleep if she started looking through the Parselmagic section. Destiny also wasn't bothered by the fact that her new sensory ability was continuously using her Magic as her Magic Regeneration refilled her Core before the Spell could even make a dent on her overall Magical Reserve. 

That is why Destiny decided not to deactivate the Spell. She slowly lowered herself into Cassiopeia's arms. The asleep Witch snuggled closer and Destiny couldn't stop a smile from appearing on her face. Moments later, Destiny also closed her eyes and after that, she dimmed the lights with a wave of her hand, but she noticed that she could still clearly see the room due to her new sensory ability. 

After nearly half an hour, sleep finally claimed Destiny's world… 

Destiny woke up when she sensed something moving in her periphery due to her new sensory ability, Destiny opened her eyes and found Cassiopeia stretching her body with a silly grin on her face. Destiny cast the Tempus Spell with a wave of her hand and she found that it was already 6 in the morning. 

"Oh… sorry. Did I wake you up?" Cassiopeia asked with an apologetic look on her face and Destiny shook her head with a soft smile on her face. 

"It is okay… I woke up due to my Magical Sonar" Destiny said as she slowly sat up in the bed. Cassiopeia immediately blushed due to the sight in front of her. Destiny grinned and leaned forward and pecked Cassiopeia on her lips. 

Cassiopeia froze for a moment, but she quickly gathered her wits. "Magical Sonar?" Cassiopeia asked with a confused look on her face. 

"Yes, it is a nifty Spell found in our new Gaunt Family Grimoire" Destiny said with a grin and Cassiopeia couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud. Destiny wrapped her arms around Cassiopeia and pulled her closer, the green-eyed Witch yelped cutely but didn't struggle. 

"Would you like to continue what we were doing last night?" Destiny whispered huskily into Cassiopeia's ear and the green-eyed Witch shivered. 

"I would like that" Cassiopeia's answer was instantaneous, Destiny chuckled and started to kiss Cassiopeia's jawline. 

"But before we could start anything, we need to talk" Destiny whispered into Cassiopeia's ear as she continued her ministrations. Cassiopeia moaned in pleasure. 

"What do you want to talk about?" Cassiopeia asked in a distracted voice. 

"Well… you see, I already have a lover, but fortunately both of us want to make a Coven" Destiny said and she finally stopped caressing Cassiopeia's most sensitive spots. "So, if you want to continue this… then you have to join the Coven" Destiny explained in a serious tone. 

Cassiopeia closed her eyes and started to ponder Destiny's words. Cassiopeia finally opened her eyes after a whole minute and she looked straight into Cassiopeia's eyes. "I don't think that would be a problem… the idea of sleeping with other women is quite enticing and I also get to stay beside you" Cassiopeia said with a grin and Destiny captured the green-eyed Witch's lips as soon as she finished speaking. 

"Then I am going to make you mine" Destiny said with a predatory grin and she pushed down Cassiopeia on the bed, the green-eyed Witch blushed meekly and allowed Destiny to have her way with her since Cassiopeia knew that was going to love each and every moment of it… 


7452 words in this chapter.

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