Spending Time with Cassiopeia (R-18)

(A/N: Question. Should I use modern terms during the lemons?)

Destiny picked up Cassiopeia and tossed her over the bed… As soon as the two of them finished shopping for their unmentionables, both of them decided to put an end to their date and get frisky. The two of them had directly Apparated inside Cassiopeia's room, and without wasting any more time, the two of them started to lose their clothes while hungrily making out.

Cassiopeia was obviously having some difficulties with removing Destiny's bodysuit, so Destiny decided to give Cassiopeia a hand with her Magic. Cassiopeia was dressed in a robe, so Destiny didn't have any difficulties while removing Cassiopeia's clothes. That is how Destiny and Cassiopeia ended up in their current state. 

Destiny climbed up the bed and Cassiopeia crawled back to get in a better position. Destiny grabbed Cassiopeia's breast and squeezed it hard, making Cassiopeia gasp. "Mmhmm~~" Cassiopeia wanted to complain about Destiny being rough, but only a loud moan escaped from her mouth as Destiny flicked her erected nipples without removing her brassiere. 

Destiny leaned down and pressed herself against the green-eyed Witch. "You are so hot! I simply want to eat you up" Destiny breathed out huskily as she started to rub one of her knees over Cassiopeia's most sensitive part of the body. 

"Unghh~ Yes, that's spot~" Cassiopeia panted as Destiny continued to rub her honeypot. Cassiopeia knew that her knickers were soaked and she could also feel that with each passing second, she was getting wetter. 

"My my… aren't you a naughty girl?" Destiny asked with a grin and she slowly moved down. Destiny waved her hand and removed Cassiopeia's brassiere, releasing her breast from the confinements and the unnecessary piece of clothing joined the pile of clothes on the floor. Destiny grabbed the hem of her own brassiere and pulled it over her head, baring her chest for Cassiopeia to see. 

Destiny grinned and with a swift motion, she removed Cassiopeia's knickers, Destiny kneeled down and started to place soft kisses around Cassiopeia's soaking cunt. Cassiopeia grasped the bedsheets and arched her back in pleasure. She was getting really close to her climax… Only a couple of minutes mo… all of a sudden, Destiny sucked hard on Cassiopeia's slit, earning another pleasured gasp from the woman. 'Fuck!! Make it a few more seconds' Cassiopeia screamed inside her mind. 

Destiny could also feel that Cassiopeia was getting closer, so she did the only thing she could have done. Destiny slowly pushed her tongue inside her slit so that she could eat her out. Cassiopeia groaned in pleasure as she felt Destiny's tongue slither inside of her. That was it! Cassiopeia finally reached her limit and for the second time, she arched her back and started to orgasm. Pleasure shot throughout her body and her whole body started to spasm in pleasure. 

Cassiopeia finally stopped cumming and her body dropped to the bed like her body has lost all of its power. She started to breathe heavily, trying to catch her breath and Destiny finally raised her head from between her legs while licking her lips with a lecherous grin on her face. Destiny crawled up to Cassiopeia and decided to lie down beside her. 

"My dear, you taste marvellous!" Destiny giggled and captured Cassiopeia's lips. The green-eyed Witch's eyes grew wide in surprise, but she kissed Destiny back even though she could still feel herself on her lips and inside her mouth. It was simply too hot and she could already feel herself getting excited. 

Destiny smirked and grabbed Cassiopeia's hands and placed them on her breasts. It was pretty clear what she wanted from Cassiopeia, and the green-eyed Witch decided not to disappoint Destiny. Without wasting any more time, Cassiopeia started to fondle Destiny's breasts. Destiny couldn't help but moan under Cassiopeia's ministrations… Destiny smirked while kissing Cassiopeia and changed her position to give Cassiopeia a better position. 

After playing with Destiny's breasts for a couple of minutes, Cassiopeia's hands finally started to trail down Destiny's body. Cassiopeia wasn't going to admit it, but she loved caressing Destiny's toned stomach and abs. Yes, she had been quite curious and ended up asking Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia also wanted to have abs just like Destiny, she found them quite hot, but she had no idea how to get them. She was too embarrassed to ask, maybe she could ask her in the future… Right now, she had way more important things to deal with, like pleasuring Destiny…

After a couple of minutes, Cassiopeia was finally satisfied after caressing Destiny's midriff, so she finally decided to reach lower. Cassiopeia pinched the top of Destiny's slit with a mischievous grin on her face. Destiny sucked in a breath as she wasn't expecting Cassiopeia to do something like that. Cassiopeia started to rub Destiny's entrance from over the knickers.

"Hnnn~~" Destiny moaned loudly when Cassiopeia pinched her nipples as she continued to rub the most sensitive spot on her body. Destiny's knickers were completely soaked which wasn't a surprise… Cassiopeia finally grabbed the hems of Destiny's knickers and pulled them off. Destiny decided to assist Cassiopeia by lifting her legs. After that, without wasting any more time, Cassiopeia lowered her head in between Destiny's legs.

"You are so hot!~" Cassiopeia breathed out as she licked Destiny's honeypot and Destiny couldn't help but grin at the compliment. Since Cassiopeia's breasts were out of her reach, Destiny decided to fondle her own breasts.

"Thanks… for the compliment!" Destiny breathed out and Cassiopeia finally pushed her tongue inside Destiny, earning a loud gasp from the crimson-haired woman. "That's the spo… spot!!" Destiny gasped in pleasure as she felt Cassiopeia's tongue slither inside of her.

"Ohh~~ I am so close~~" Destiny moaned and after only a minute, she felt herself going over the edge. She raised her hips and clutched Cassiopeia's head in-between her thighs as pleasure shot throughout her body. Destiny arched her back and she finally started to cum. Cassiopeia hummed and drank every last drop of Destiny's cum. After a few seconds, Destiny finally loosened her grip on Cassiopeia's head and lowered her head.

Cassiopeia gave her a cheesy grin and crawled up to Destiny, but instead of lying beside Destiny, she decided to lay down over Destiny. "I hope that wasn't all…" Cassiopeia smirked with a challenging rin, but she finally noticed that unlike herself, Destiny wasn't breathing heavily. She didn't even look winded in the slightest. 

"Don't worry, Cassi. I am going to rock your world…" Destiny cooed softly and she slowly wrapped her hand around Cassiopeia's waist, and before the green-eyed could say anything, Destiny rolled around so that she could be on the top. "Now I am going to fuck you cross-eyed~~" Destiny breathed out huskily and Cassiopeia already knew that she was in for a long ride. Cassiopeia was sure that in the end she would be left unable to move, but she decided not to protest.

After all, it wasn't like Cassiopeia had anything to complain about…

Destiny crawled out of the bed and made her way toward the bathroom. After taking a nice and long shower, Destiny finally emerged out of the bathroom and made her way straight toward Cassiopeia's wardrobe. Destiny had kept some of her clothes in Cassiopeia's wardrobe too for times like this. The clothes were nothing special like the bodysuit she preferred to wear over normal clothes. The clothes were pretty basic, but you could still use them as your regular clothes. 

With a flick of her finger, Destiny levitated the pile of clothes lying on the floor towards the laundry basket. Dinky would collect the clothes later to get them cleaned. Destiny walked up to the mirror and started to fix her hair. As soon as she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. With all of that done, Destiny started to make her way toward the door…

"Are you leaving?" All of a sudden, Cassiopeia spoke up from the bed. Destiny stopped and turned around to look at Cassiopeia. The last time she saw Cassiopeia, the woman was fast asleep basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. She honestly wasn't expecting Cassiopeia to be up so soon. 

"Well… I do need to take care of some stuff… Like I need to mark the Ward Line of your house and then I would need to make some modifications in your Ward Stone so that I can cast the Fidelius Charm" Destiny exclaimed and Cassiopeia immediately shot up from the bed, She had completely forgotten about the fact that she had asked Destiny to cast the Fidelius Charm on her house. 

"Oh… Can I watch?" Cassiopeia asked with an excited look on her face. From what she had learned from Destiny, the Fidelius Charm was one of the most ancient and obscure Spells. She simply couldn't miss the chance of witnessing the Spell… It was like a once in a lifetime chance for her. 

"Sure, but I must warn you that it will be extremely boring to watch" Destiny warned and Cassiopeia simply shrugged off and jumped out of the bed. Her legs were still wobbling due to the intense lovemaking session, but she didn't care about all of that. She wouldn't give up the chance for anything in the world. 

"I don't mind. Wait for me…" Cassiopeia gushed out excitedly and rushed into the bathroom without giving Destiny a chance to say anything else. Destiny simply released a sigh and shook her head, but she couldn't stop a soft smile from appearing on her face. 

"Bibly!" Destiny called out and her house-elf appeared with a soft pop. 

"What can Bibly bes doing for Mistress Destiny?" Bibly questioned while batting her tennis-ball-sized eyes at Destiny. The crimson-haired woman gave her house-elf an uncomfortable look before she released a sigh… 

"Can you get me a Pepper-Up Potion?" Destiny asked Bibly and the house-elf popped away after eagerly nodding her head. Moments later, she popped back with a vial of Pepper-Up Potion in her hand. After thanking Bibly, Destiny grabbed the vial and then she told Bibly to continue what she had been doing. Bibly looked slightly disappointed that she didn't get to do anything else for her Mistress, but she popped away without making a fuss. 

Destiny had been using her Magic Sonar sense so she knew that Cassiopeia was going to come out of the bathroom in a matter of a few minutes. Destiny was proven correct when Cassiopeia burst out of the bathroom only after a couple of minutes. She seemed to be extremely excited, so without wasting any more time, she quickly made her way toward her wardrobe. It took her only a few to get fully dressed. 

"Someone is pretty excited" Destiny murmured with a grin and she was intentionally being loud enough so that Cassiopeia could clearly hear her words. 

Cassiopeia huffed after hearing Destiny's words. "Who wouldn't be? I am about to witness one of the most ancient and obscure Charms, any self-respecting Pureblood should be excited" Cassiopeia huffed for the second time and Destiny simply grinned and levitated the vial in her hand toward Cassiopeia. 

Cassiopeia noticed the vial floating toward her and she immediately raised her eyebrows in question as she glanced at Destiny while fixing her hair. "What is that?" Cassiopeia questioned. As the vial was quite far from her, she was unable to recognize the Potion inside the vial. The Pepper-Up Potion is one of the most common Potions, which was used by the general population all the time. 

"That is a Pepper-Up Potion, believe me, you are going to need it" Destiny answered in a confident tone. Even though Cassiopeia was acting energetically, she was pretty tired on the inside. Destiny had been quite relentless with her. So, Cassiopeia grabbed the vial and emptied the contents of the vial inside her mouth. The result was quite instantaneous, steam came out of both of her ears and she smiled as she placed the vial on the dressing table. 

Cassiopeia looked at herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction… "If you are done, then we should go…" Destiny deadpanned and Cassiopeia simply huffed. Sometimes, Destiny could be such a child, looks were important for a Pureblood Witch like her even though she was going to stay in the house and not be seen by anyone. 

The two of them finally left the room and Destiny made her way toward the Ward Stone of the house. The Ward Stone was under the floorboard of the basement. Destiny already knew how to access the Ward Stone of Cassiopeia's house, since the green-eyed Witch had shown her previously. She quickly tapped a few spots on the floor with her finger and the floorboard became loose. Destiny pulled out her Wand and quickly deactivated all the active Wards on the house except for the Muggle Repelling one.  

"Why did you deactivate the Wards?" Cassiopeia asked curiously. Destiny knew that the other girl wasn't complaining, in fact, she was simply curious. 

"I am going to be working on the Ward Line and I need to add some modifications to the Ward Line. Even though I am keyed to the Wards, they might think that I am trying to tamper with the Wards so it will activate the defence mechanisms in your Ward System. Then I would need to overload your Ward Stone to protect myself, which would lead you to get a new Ward Stone…" Destiny explained as she started to climb the stairs. 

"The Fidelius Charm is a Charm, right?" Cassiopeia questioned as they finally reached the ground floor. Destiny simply nodded her head. After getting the nod from Destiny, Cassiopeia decided to continue her question. "Then it could be directly cast on my house right? You don't need to access the Ward Line, right?" Cassiopeia questioned curiously as she cutely tilted her head in confusion. 

Destiny grinned. "That is a nice question. The thing is, I will be casting the Fidelius Charm on your house itself, but your other Wards could interfere with the Fidelius Charm when I am casting it, and I plan to cast the Fidelius Charm on the whole property… I kind of love the beach and I would like to enjoy the beach without any clothes" Destiny finished with a lecherous grin on her face and Cassiopeia could only sputter after hearing Destiny's words. 

The two of them made their way towards the Ward Line and Destiny flicked out her Wand and started to cast some Spells at some specific locations. She wasn't doing much, she was simply adding markers. The property was pretty big since it extended up to a part of the ocean and there was no way that Destiny could see the whole property from a single point as the house would obstruct her view. She could easily tackle the problem by flying in the air and that was what she was going to do, but the markers would help her map the whole property, which would help her to cast the Charm over the property without messing up. 

Since the property was quite big, Destiny had planned to divide the property into two equal parts from the middle. According to the records, a lot of people have died trying to cast this Charm because they underestimated the amount of Magic needed to cast this Charm. Destiny didn't have any plans of joining that casualty list. She could probably cast the Spell on the whole property in one go, but Destiny simply didn't want to risk it. It was better to be safe than sorry… and if she fucked up then she wouldn't have the chance to be sorry anymore. 

It took them nearly half an hour to add markers to the whole plot… Cassiopeia continued to ask questions, Usually casting the Fidelius Charm over two parts separately would mean that they are separate and it would also mean that there are two Secrets, each for one part, but with the modified version of the Fidelius Charm created by the Gaunt Family, it was possible to combine two separate parts. That is why Destiny liked the modified Fidelius Charm. She would have thanked the Gaunts if Merope wasn't a squib and Morfin was not in Azkaban. 'Hmm… I will thank him before killing him' Destiny decided to thank Morfin before killing him. She had already planned to kill him after he gets released. 

"It's done… Now it is time to move on to the most important part of the whole process…" Destiny said with a grin and she started to rise up without any assistance. At first, Cassiopeia blinked in confusion, and then she pointed her finger at Destiny who was floating in the air. 

"You…! You…!" Cassiopeia sputtered, unable to form any words besides the word, 'You'. 

"Yes, me. I understand that you are dazzled by my magnificence" Destiny grinned smugly and Cassiopeia finally released a sigh and her whole body sagged. She should have expected something like this from Destiny… she planned to question Destiny after she finally came down. 

Meanwhile, Destiny was floating over Cassiopeia's house and she planned to cast the Charm on the part of the plot where Cassiopeia's house was. Then she pointed her Wand toward the house and then she started to wave her Wand in an intricate pattern. Then all of a sudden, Destiny froze and her Magic surged forward like a tsunami. Cassiopeia, who was standing on the ground, almost dropped to her knees due to the immense Magical Pressure released by Destiny. 

"Abscondo!" Destiny exclaimed and a massive amount of Magic flowed out of her body. Destiny felt lightheaded as almost half of her Magical Reserve became empty in a matter of a few moments. Destiny took a deep breath and stabilised herself. Slightly more than half of her Magical Reserve was still full, which meant that she could cast the Charm on the other part too without waiting for her Magical Core to fill up. Both the parts might seem to be equal but in reality, there was a huge difference between them. 

Cassiopeia's house was on the plot where Destiny had just cast the Fidelius Charm, so Destiny needed to use a lot more Magic due to the existence of the house. While on the other plot, there was no house. That is why Destiny wouldn't need to spend the amount of Magic she had to spend the first time. Meanwhile, Cassiopeia felt something change inside her… not that was not right, she felt something foreign enter her body. She had no idea what it was or where it went, but she felt a secret phrase appear inside her mind. She felt like it was the key to her house. Well, she could always ask Destiny after she came down. 

While Cassiopeia was pondering the phrase that appeared inside her mind, Destiny was already floating over the second part of the whole plot. Destiny pointed her Wand toward the ground and started to wave it in an intricate manner. Once again she stopped and her Magic flared. Destiny's eyes started to glow due to the Magic she was releasing casually. "Abscondo!" Destiny exclaimed and for the second time a huge amount of Magic left her body in a matter of a few moments, but this time, the feeling wasn't so overwhelming. 

The amount of Magic that left her body during the first time was way more than the amount of Magic left his body during the second time. Once again Cassiopeia felt something foreign enter her body, but this time no new secret phrase appeared inside her mind. In fact, she felt like the previous secret phrase was simply expanded even though the phrase remained the same. Cassiopeia couldn't make any heads or tails of the situation so she decided to wait for Destiny to come down. She didn't even know if the Charm had worked or not because for her, nothing had changed. 

Destiny slowly came down and landed in front of Cassiopeia. "You could fly without a broom, why am I not surprised…" Cassiopeia muttered sarcastically. 

Destiny couldn't help but chuckle. "The last time I noticed, you looked quite surprised" Destiny blurted out with a smug grin on her face and Cassiopeia ended up throwing Destiny a dirty look. 

"Who wouldn't be? Anybody in my place would have been surprised. You have achieved Unsupported Flight, Wizards and Witches have been trying to devise a way to achieve such for at least several centuries and here you are who had already achieved Unsupported Flight, but thinks that it is nothing special" Cassiopeia huffed in irritation. She was never a fan of flying, but that didn't mean that she didn't want to fly, especially without the aid of any Magical objects. 

"Come on… It is nothing special. I was only 14 when I achieved Unsupported Flight. I simply needed to do some research a bit. The problem is, Magical people, look down on Muggles. I understand that they are enemies and they are inferior because they don't have the gift of Magic, but that doesn't mean that they should be underestimated. If there is one thing Muggles are extremely good at, it would be killing. They are extremely good at killing"

"It has been some time since they have discovered how to make vessels that could fly in the air, I simply used their research to understand some of the basic concepts necessary to achieve flight and after I understood how everything worked, it was quite easy for me to achieve Unsupported Flight" Destiny shrugged dismissively. Cassiopeia couldn't help but feel conflicted… 

True, she had started to see the Muggleborns in a new light, it would still take her some time to finally come around, but what Destiny just said about the Muggles was quite a blow to her pride. After pondering for a few seconds, Cassiopeia realized that Destiny was right. Muggles were their enemies and you would be only a fool if you underestimate your enemies. Destiny was simply more knowledgable than Cassiopeia when it came to the Muggles, so Cassiopeia simply decided to trust Destiny in this matter.

"Can you teach me how to fly?" Cassiopeia asked in a hopeful tone and Destiny couldn't help but release a defeated sigh…

"This problem is, I never ended up creating a Spell for Unsupported Flight" Destiny replied while shaking her head. Cassiopeia furrowed her brows and tilted her head in confusion after hearing Destiny's words.

"What?" Cassiopeia blurted out with a bewildered look on her face as what Destiny said was simply contradictory. After seeing the confused look on Cassiopeia's face, Destiny decided to elaborate.

"Do you know about Intent-Based Magic?" Destiny questioned and after a bit of thinking, Cassiopeia nodded her head. She had read about Intent-Based Magic. Most incidents of Accidental Magic could be termed Intent-Based Magic. Well… That is the most basic example of Intent-Based Magic. If a child wanted a toy, then it would fly into his or her hands. This is the most basic example of Intent-Based Magic.

"Well, that is how I achieved Unsupported Flight. I know how to achieve Flight and I simply will my Magic to accomplish that. I don't have a specific Spell for Unsupported Flight. I am a lot of things Cassi, but I am not patient enough to become a Spell Crafter when I achieve the same results with less effort" Destiny smiled softly as she finished her explanation.

Cassiopeia was taken by the surprise for the second time. "But how? It is said that adults can't perform Intent-Based Magic" Cassiopeia questioned with a bewildered look on her face.

"It is not impossible, but it is simply hard. They simply don't know the truth because they simply don't try, not that they have any reason to. After all, there is always a convenient Spell waiting for them somewhere. They simply need to wave their Wand and mutter a chant and then whatever is supposed to happen happens" Destiny shrugged as she rolled her shoulders dismissively. 

At first, Cassiopeia frowned, but once again after pondering Destiny's words for some time, she realized that Destiny was right. She never questioned why she was able to use Intent-Based Magic when she was a child, but she could no longer use it as she grew up. The answer was pretty simple, she had lost the drive because she already had an easier path laid down in front of her. 

"I see… you are right" Cassiopeia muttered and released a defeated sigh. Destiny smiled and wrapped her arm around Cassiopeia's shoulder to pull her closer. 

"You don't need to look so disappointed. I will ask some of the Unspeakables to develop a Spell. With my research, it would be quite easy for them to create the Spell" Destiny grinned and Cassiopeia couldn't help but smile after hearing Destiny's words. "Now, be a dear and tell me the Secret" All of a sudden, Destiny changed the topic. 

"You mean the phrase that appeared inside my head?" Cassiopeia asked and after receiving a nod from Destiny, Cassiopeia revealed the phrase inside her mind. "Cassiopeia Black lives at Black Townhouse, Cornwall" Cassiopeia revealed the secret and Destiny felt a Magic wash over her mind. This was the first time she had felt it. Last time she had cast the Spell on her vault and she had made herself the Secret Keeper, so Ambika must have felt this sensation when she had revealed the secret to her. 

"So, that was the Secret, right?" Cassiopeia asked and Destiny nodded her head. 

"Yes, quite a brilliant Charm, don't you agree?" Destiny questioned with a smile and Cassiopeia couldn't help but agree with Destiny. Now, her house was being protected by the best protection out there. "Let's go and reactivate your Wards even though you would no longer need them. After that, you can teach me how to dance" Destiny grinned mischievously and started to drag Cassiopeia towards the house. Sometimes Destiny could be such a child… Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at Destiny's antics, but she couldn't stop a smile from forming on her lips. 

"By the way, do you have a dress?" All of a sudden Cassiopeia remembered something very important. Destiny froze after hearing the question and she slowly turned around to look at Cassiopeia with wide eyes. 

"I have to wear a dress?" Destiny questioned in a horrified tone. She had never worn a dress before, not that she wanted to. It simply wasn't her style. 

Cassiopeia frowned after watching the reaction of Destiny. "Everyone will be expecting you to since you are a Witch, but it is not mandatory" Cassiopeia answered in a reluctant tone and Destiny released a relieved sigh. 

"Then I will be wearing trousers" Destiny nodded her head with a satisfied grin on her face. 

The frown on Cassiopeia's face deepened after hearing Destiny's words. "Some people will obviously look down at you" Cassiopeia pointed out and Destiny simply snorted. 

"Fuck them. I am already attending a fucking Ball, that should be enough to please them" Destiny growled menacingly and her eyes started to glow eerily. A shiver ran down Cassiopeia's spine, sometimes Destiny was really scary and she was glad that her Family had decided to have close ties with her. Destiny's power was simply unfathomable and the bigger world out there didn't even know that someone like her was lurking in the shadows… 

Unspeakable #26 rushed through the halls of the Department of Mysteries. The Witch seemed to be in quite a hurry as she made her way towards the Time Room. She had been given a task by Lady Grindelwald and she didn't want to fail a simple task. Lady Grindelwald had asked for two small things from them. 

Right now, Unspeakable #26 and her Team were on duty and Lady Grindelwald had sent her a message and asked for a Time Turner, the Unspeakables had already promised to provide Lady Grindelwald with a couple of them. That was one of the things that she had asked for and then there was another simple thing Lady Grindelwald had asked from them. She had asked for information on Torquil Travers. 

She wanted to know everything about the man, including where he lived, when he arrived at the Ministry and when he left, if he had any Mistresses or not… Stuff like that. Thankfully, the Unspeakables already had all of that information on their hands. Torquil Travers was a very troublesome man who loved power and he wanted to be in control of everything. The man had tried to bring the Department of Mysteries under the control of the Ministry of Magic. Even though he had failed, he had made an enemy out of the Department of Mysteries. 

The man had tried to take away their autonomy and that was the gravest sin a person could commit when it came to the Department of Mysteries. So Torquil Travers was marked as an enemy and Unspeakables liked to keep a close eye on their enemy, in case their enemy was trying to take away their autonomy for the second time. If something like that happened, then they would use any means to silence their enemy. Blackmail or assassination wasn't out of the question and since they were quite versed in weird Magic, they easily made it look like accidents. 

Unspeakable #26 had been working in the Department of Mysteries for nearly 30 years. She already had a very good suspicion about what Lady Grindelwald was planning and she was quite glad. Torquil Travers was an enemy of the Department so good riddance. Just like the catchphrase the Grindelwalds liked to use… 'For the Greater Good'. Unspeakable #26 had to agree that their catchphrase was quite catchy… no pun intended. 

Unspeakable #26 finally arrived in front of the Time Room and with her authority, swiping a Time Turner wasn't that hard. When she entered the Time Room, nobody dared to ask her any questions and why would they when everyone working in the Time Room knew that Unspeakable #26 was their superior and it was simply better that way. After leaving the Time Room, the Witch decided to head straight toward the annals of the Department of Mysteries. That is where all of their documents were kept.

The Witch entered the annals and thankfully, one of theirs was on the duty. "Give me a copy of the file we have on Torquil ravers" Unspeakable #26 ordered without wasting any time. The Wizard sitting behind the desk nodded his head and left. After a couple of minutes, the man returned with a file in his hand.

"Should I put this on record or this is off the record?" The Wizard who was known as Unspeakable #89 when he was on duty asked in an indifferent tone. He should have put it on the records, but he knew who Unspeakable #26 worked for, so he had to ask.

"Off the record. It is for our Lady" Unspeakable #26 answered and the man behind the desk simply nodded his head and handed over the file. Unspeakable #26 grabbed the file and started to transfigure it since she didn't want to be seen by someone who wasn't loyal to their cause with this file in her hand. Torquil Travers might be an enemy of the Department, but he was yet to try anything for the second time, so it wasn't time for them to act. So, it would be extremely suspicious if anybody who wasn't one of their group was to see her carrying the file.

After giving Unspeakable #89 a nod of her head, Unspeakable #26 left the annals. The Witch met a lot of her colleagues on the way out but none of them caused her any sort of trouble. Leaving the Department of Mysteries with the Time Turner and file of Torquil Travers wasn't hard. The Department of Mysteries have other exits too and she didn't need to always leave through the Ministry of Magic, She used one of these exits to leave and as soon as she was out, she Disapparated.

There was a very small chance that someone might have followed her, but she still decided to remain cautious and she didn't directly Apparate to the temporary base of Lady Grindelwald. The Unspeakables were nothing but a wily bunch and there were a lot of Unspeakables who weren't sympathetic to their cause. So she needed to be as careful as she could be… She Apparated to quite a few different places before she finally Apparated to Lady Grindelwald's temporary base and she found that the crimson-haired woman was already waiting for her…

"You didn't have any problems, right?" Destiny asked curiously as she started to approach the older Witch. Unspeakable #26 shook her head in denial.

"Of course not, milady. You have a lot of supporters in our department" After hearing the words of Unspeakable #26, Destiny couldn't help but smile.

"I see, so let me see the file" Destiny asked and Unspeakable #26 handed over the file without wasting any more time. Destiny raised an eyebrow after she saw the cover of the file, it wasn't the file she had asked for. Unspeakable #26 must have guessed what was going inside Destiny's mind and she finally remembered that she forgot to remove the disguise from the cover of the file.

"Milady, I forgot to remove the disguise from the c…" Unspeakable #26 began to say, but she stopped when she saw that Destiny removed the disguise with a snap of her fingers. Unspeakable #26 was taken aback, she wondered how Lady Grindelwald knew the Counter Curse, and then she finally remembered that Lady Grindelwald had access to their library. What Unspeakable #26 didn't know was the fact that Destiny didn't know the Counter Curse, she had simply used Intent-Based Magic to remove any type of disguise from the file.

"You Unspeakables are quite fast…" Destiny whistled with a grin.

"We already had his file on hand. He is an enemy of the Department as you can see, milady and we keep a close eye on all of our enemies" Unspeakable #26 commented with a serious look on her face. Destiny cocked her head sideways in acknowledgement as she continued to look through the file.

"How odd… The Head of the DMLE seems to have two mistresses. What would his wife say?" Destiny giggled. The file in her hand was pretty thick and she was going to need some extra time to look through the file. "Did you get a Time Turner for me?" Destiny asked and Unspeakable #26 pulled out a locket in the shape of an hourglass from her pocket. Unspeakable #26 placed the Time Turner in Destiny's waiting hands.

"Milady, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you start using this. Five hours, that is what this artefact can give you… You could travel more, but I will insist that you don't try it. Travelling back more than five hours will put a lot of pressure on this and there is a chance that it might fracture during the Turning, which is a very messy way to die. You should avoid making contact with your counterpart, but if you do then please remember that you shouldn't change anything. You should do exactly what you have done in the past" Unspeakable #26 warned with an extremely serious look on her face.

"I will keep them in mind" Destiny accepted the warnings with a grateful smile on her face. Yes, she also knew the risks of messing with time and to be honest, she didn't want to end up erasing herself from the timeline, that would be pretty… stupid.

"Oh and please don't overwork yourself. This device is created to give you extra time, but it will start putting stress on your body if you keep using this without taking a break. Overusing it will also lead you to age a faster because you will be living five hours extra" The older Witch added and Destiny couldn't help but feel grateful at the warnings of the older Witch.

"Thank you for the warnings, I will keep them in mind" Destiny nodded her head gratefully.

"By the way, there is something I wanted to ask you" Unspeakable #26 said and Destiny simply gestured her to continue. "Are you planning to get rid of Travers? I am not trying to complain or anything, I am simply curious" the older Witch questioned and Destiny simply nodded her head.

"Yes, he needs to go… He is going to be the stick that finally broke the camel's back. Right now, Pro-Muggles are rising everywhere, they are also trying to create Muggle friendly laws to protect Muggles and they are gaining a lot of support too, but this is happening very slowly. We, the Wizarding Population are naturally quite wary and hateful towards the Muggle, but the Pro-Muggles are slowly gaining support through their charisma…" Destiny stared towards the horizon and the older Witch was simply drawn in by the words of Destiny.

"The mindset of the general Wizarding Population is slowly but surely changing, but what if all of a sudden a prominent Pureblood Wizard meets his end at the hand of the Muggles? What do you think would happen, hm?" Destiny questioned with a grin as she raised her brows in amusement. Unspeakable #26 couldn't help but shiver when she finally realized what was going to happen.

"The Pro-Muggles would lose their moment and the people who are starting to change would return to their old midset. At the same time, you will be reigniting the hatred the Wizarding Population felt towards the Muggles during the Witch Trials" Unspeakable #26 muttered with an awed look on her face.

Destiny chuckled softly. "Exactly" Destiny added as she started to stare at the Time Turner in her hand.

"But how are you going to frame the Muggles?" The older Witch questioned curiously, the plan was extremely good, but there was a massive hole in the plan. How was she going to frame the Muggles?

"Who said I am going to frame them?" Destiny questioned back with an amused grin on her face. She already had a plan, but she didn't have any plans of revealing her plan at the moment since she still needed to polish a lot of things for her plans to work perfectly. Unspeakable #26 finally realized that Destiny wasn't going to say anything more for now.

"Then I will be leaving, milady. My absence might get noticed if I stay here or too long" The older Witch said in a respectful tone.

"Then you should head back and once again, thank you" Destiny said with a grateful look on her face and after giving Destiny a respectful bow, Unspeakable #26 Disapparated with a crack… As soon as Unspeakable #26 was gone, Destiny looked down at the Time Turner in her hand. She grabbed the Time Turner and Apparated inside Cassiopeia's basement. She was planning to use the Time Turner so that she could completely study the thick file in her hand without missing anything. After all, she needed to make a full-proof plan before the day after tomorrow…

"So, the Blacks have decided to arrange a Ball in honour of the established of Bone Family?" One of the Witches sitting at a meeting table questioned with a hint of disbelief in her voice. The Witch had silvery-blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"It is nothing but a recruitment drive, I am telling you" A redhead Wizard with pale blue eyes sitting at the other side of the table blurted out. The redhead Wizard huffed and resumed eating.

"I agree with him… This is a recruitment drive. We can't allow her to succeed or she will have a lot of Prominent Families in her pocket before Easter" A black-haired Wizard with grey eyes pointed out. The man was pretty tall and his long and sleek black hair was tied in a ponytail behind his back. The man was also sporting a goatee.

"He is right… So, what are we going to do about this?" A brown-haired Witch asked.

"What can we even do, not that my brother invited me to the Ball and not that I am going to be welcome" Clifford Bones was also present among the group. "By the way who is this she all of you keep referring to?" Clifford asked and a lot of members sitting at the table perked up after hearing the man's question while the rest of the members looked at each other with questioning glances. After a few seconds of silent conversation, the members with the questioning looks on their faces, nodded their heads in agreement, albeit hesitantly.

"I think it is about time we tell you who we are fighting against" One of the Wizards stood up and walked away from the table. The Wizard grabbed a small scroll from one of the shelves and placed it on the table. "But before we could tell you anything, I need all of you to swear the Oaths written on the scroll. Please keep in mind that it is not like we don't trust you, we simply don't want her to discover our group before we are ready to reveal ourselves. Keep in mind, if she finds out the truth, then she will stop at nothing from destroying us" The Wizard warned with a serious look on his face.

The members who didn't know who this she was couldn't help but gulp loudly due to nervousness. Clifford was the first one to grab the scroll and without wasting any time, the man pulled out his Wand and swore the Oath. No matter how strong their enemy was, he believed that he could defeat her. After all, Light was bound to prevail over Darkness… The others also followed Clifford's example and they also swore the oath one by one. When everyone was finally done, the Wizard who asked them to swear the Oath tapped the table with his Wand and a picture appeared over the table.

It was a picture of an extremely beautiful woman… She had bright crimson hair along with bright crimson eyes which were giving the woman an ethereal look. "Is this the person you were talking about?" Clifford was the first to break the silence with his voice.

"Who is this woman?" A black-haired Witch questioned from the other side of the table.

The Wizard standing by the table tapped his Wand on the table for the second time and another picture appeared over the table. Several gasps were heard from various members sitting at the table. "Dest…" one of the Wizards started to read the name out loud, but he was cut off by the redhead who has been eating.

"Don't say her name out loud you fool!! There is a chance that she had set up some sort of Taboo for her name, she will know our location if we say her name… We don't know for sure, but knowing her, that is probably the case. That is the reason why we don't use her name!" The redhead explained hurriedly and everyone who recently discovered the identity of their enemy couldn't help but gulp loudly in fear. They have never heard of a Magic like that.

"That is what we are saying that she is extremely dangerous…" The Wizard standing by the table said with a grave look. "And we must stop her" The Wizard added in a determined tone…


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