The Order of Light (I)

A/N: For those who don't know, i have been recently transferred and now I am not getting enough time to write. Previously I had a desk job and now I have a survey job. So, I will be decreasing the word count. Previously, all of the Chapters had 7K words and now I will be aiming for 5K words.


From the corner of her eyes, Destiny noticed Marcus excuse himself from the ballroom, Destiny started to wonder where the imposter was going, and then all of a sudden she realized that this was the best chance she was going to get if she wanted to capture the imposter without risking Sirius' reputation. After thinking for a few moments, Destiny decided to make her move, but there was a chance that she might fail or she might be wrong, so she needed an undeniable alibi. 

"It was nice to make your acquaintance, miss Macmillan, but you must excuse me. I have something to discuss with Lord Black" Destiny said with a smile on her face. Cassiopeia was right, Melania was a good girl and it was clear that Arcturus was smitten with her, so she was going to have a chat with Sirius regarding the matter, but right now. There was something else she needed to do right now. 

"It was nice to make your acquaintance too, miss…" Melania trailed off with an unsure look on her face. Arcturus, Cassiopeia, and Ambika glanced toward Destiny, waiting to see if she was going to reveal her name to Melania or not. Destiny cracked a smile as she leaned toward Melania.

"Ah… please forgive my manners. While talking with you, I kind of forgot to introduce myself, I hope you don't mind" Destiny said with a smile and Melania inclined her head with a similar type of smile on her face. "I am Destiny Grindelwald, I hope that you keep that you yourself" Destiny said with a polite smile on her face, but her words were anything but polite. It was a clear threat. "Have a nice time Melania" Destiny said with a small nod and after giving the others another look, she excused herself.

Meanwhile, Melania was white like she had seen a ghost… Even the champagne glass in her was shaking. As soon as Destiny was gone, her head whipped toward Arcturus, who was already staring in her direction. "She was joking, right?" Melania asked in a worried tone and Arcturus decided not to lie. After all, it was Lady Grindelwald who thought that it was fine to reveal her identity to Melania.

"No, she wasn't joking" Arcturus said in a grave tone and Melania whimpered in fear. Arcturus could easily guess how Melania was probably feeling. Melania wasn't like him, she might be a Pureblood Witch, but he had never seen her discriminating against the Mud… Muggleborns or the Muggle filth. "You don't need to worry about anything, she won't do anything to you" Arcturus tried to assure her, but Melania was already freaking out. Unable to get her attention, Arcturus finally grabbed Melania's free hand and gave it a squeeze. 

Melania gasped and looked at Arcturus. Arcturus' words finally registered in her mind and she decided to force herself to calm down. Melania was from a Pureblood Family, so she knew the basics of Occlumency. She quickly applied those lessons to control her mind and emotions. "Are you sure?" Melania asked in a worried tone and after getting a nod from Arcturus, she finally relaxed.

Meanwhile, Cassiopeia simply rolled her eyes, and then she glanced toward Ambika. Cassiopeia was relieved to see that Ambika was also feeling just like her. "Get a bloody room, you two" Cassiopeia huffed, looking slightly amused and as soon as the words left her mouth, Melania started to blush like a pure and innocent maiden while Arcturus coughed in his hand to regain his dignity… Arcturus decided that it was too dangerous to stay here, especially with Melania. After all, he didn't want to be embarrassed by his cousin in front of his crush. Yes, he was going to refer to Melania as his crush. After all, at this moment their relationship was nothing more than that.

Then all of a sudden, a thought hit Arcturus as a rogue bludger. 'Didn't Lady Grindelwald say that she was going to talk with my Father regarding my betrothal with Melania?' Arcturus almost freaked out. No, there was no way that he could stay idle, he needed to have a chat with Melania. He wanted to know if Melania was even interested in him or not. So, he decided to have a private chat with Melania, but it was easier said than done. Before anything else, he needed to ditch Cassiopeia and Ambika, especially Cassiopeia. After all, she would tease him endlessly, not only that, she would happily relay the whole conversation to his mother, which would be even more embarrassing.

"Well… it seems some of our friends have arrived, why don't we go and greet them?" Arcturus suggested while looking at Melania. The woman simply agreed with the suggestion, after all, she thought that she would be able to take off her mind from the Grindelwald attending the Ball.

"Remember, don't reveal anything about Lady Grindelwald to anyone" Cassiopeia reminded as she intently stared at Melania. Arcturus was about to speak up in defence of Melania, but Melania beat him to it. 

"Don't worry, I won't say anything" Melania said, and after getting a nod from Cassiopeia, Arcturus started to lead Melania away from Cassiopeia and Ambika.

As soon as Arcturus and Melania were gone, Ambika decided to speak up. "I don't know much about Arcturus, but I never thought that he would be so shy" Ambika pointed out as she continued to stare at the backs of Arcturus and Melania. Cassiopeia hummed in agreement.

"This is the first time I saw him like this… I suppose it is true that men become quite weak in front of the right woman" Cassiopeia mused in amusement. Ambika also snorted in amusement as she took a small sip in her glass. 

"Hmm… is that so? I thought wives in the Pureblood society are just trophies, no offence" Ambika commented with a questioning look and Cassiopeia glanced at Ambika with a scowl on her face. Even though Ambika said that she meant no offence, it was pretty clear that she was making a jab at the Pureblood society. After a few seconds, Cassiopeia finally stopped scowling and released a sigh.

"You are not wrong. That is the case in most of the Pureblood Families, even the Pureblood Witches are taught how to be the perfect trophy wives. I was also taught how to be a perfect Pureblood wife, but all those lessons didn't stick. My betrothals ended up six feet under, unlucky" Cassiopeia said with a fake sad look on her face and Ambika snickered in amusement. "So, what about you? I have heard a lot about you from Destiny, but I still don't know much about you" Cassiopeia asked curiously.

"Well, there is not much to say…" with that Ambika started to tell Cassiopeia about her early life in her home country…

Meanwhile, Destiny finally arrived in front of Sirius and his group. "Ah… Good evening, Claiborne, how is the Department of Mysteries treating you?" Destiny greeted Claiborne, who was having a chat with Sirius. Claiborne and his family members gaped at Destiny as they weren't expecting Destiny to dress in such a manner. Meanwhile, a pink flush appeared on Imogen's cheeks, she found Destiny extremely gorgeous. Before Claiborne or Sirius could say anything, Imogen blurted out something completely unexpected.

"Beautiful…" Imogen breathed out, drawing weird looks from her father, mother, and brothers. Only Sirius inclined his head with a meaningful look on his face and Destiny simply glanced at Imogen with a wide smile on her face. After a few moments, Imogen finally realized what she had done, and her cheeks lit up crimson in embarrassment. 

"Why, thank you. You also look quite lovely, my dear" Destiny said with a grin and the blush on Imogen's cheeks intensified. Meanwhile, Dorothy nudged Claiborne with her elbow and Claiborne finally remembered that Destiny was the first one to greet him. Claiborne stepped forward and extended his hand, unintentionally saving his daughter from further embarrassment. Destiny turned to look at Claiborne and she allowed him to take her hand. Claiborne brushed his lips against Destiny's knuckles.

"Good evening, milady. Working in the Department of Mysteries is like a dream come true for me… Well, I could never say that I dreamed to work there, but it is still a dream come true, nonetheless" Claiborne said with a smile on his face. 

"I am glad that you are happy" Destiny smiled and then she finally turned toward Sirius. "Sirius, there is going to be another me Apparating inside the Black Tower" Destiny said cryptically, but Sirius and Imogen clearly understood what Destiny meant while the others looked confused. Sirius knew that Destiny was simply informing him regarding what she was about to do, so Sirius simply decided to accept the outcome, whatever it was going to be. So, after getting a nod from Sirius, Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction. Now, that the most urgent matter was dealt with, she decided to continue mingling with the others, after all, she needed an alibi, just in case.

"Milady, forgive me, but I think it is about time" Sirius called out as he cast the Tempus Spell. Destiny glanced at the floating clock and a smirk appeared on her face. This was the perfect time for her to spring the trap on the imposter without getting noticed by anyone as the obvious culprit… 

Destiny Apparated inside the Black Family library with a soft crack… this was the first time she was trying something like this. She had used the Time Turner previously, but all those times, she had been inside Cassiopeia's house. It was slightly risky, but it was a necessary risk. Without wasting any more time, Destiny started to make her way toward the washrooms near the ballroom. After all, that is where the imposter was supposed to be. She was worried about the fact that the imposter might have returned to the ball because Marcus Rosier never made it back to the Ball after he went to the washroom, which led Destiny to believe that her other self had successfully captured him. Marcus' parents seemed to be quite distressed about it, pity. 

Destiny finally arrived in front of the washroom and then she started to cast some strong notice-me-not Charms around the Hall to stop anyone from interfering with her plans. For now, she decided not to cast the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Wards. She did not want to alert the imposter that his gig was up. Destiny decided to lean on the wall as she waited for the imposter to walk out of the washroom. She did not want to enter the boy's loo due to obvious reasons and sheer principles. After waiting for a couple of minutes, the imposter finally walked out of the washroom and gaped at her. Destiny immediately noticed the glint of shock, surprise, and fear in the eyes of the imposter. 

"Fucking finally! I thought you fell asleep inside, and I started to wonder if I have to break into the men's loo to capture you or not" The imposter paled in horror and Destiny internally grinned in satisfaction. Destiny subtly flicked her fingers to erect the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Wards in the hall. The imposter paled even more which was quite impossible. "You should have stayed with your mummy and daddy, imposter!!" Destiny said in an amused tone as she pushed herself off the wall.

"Fuck!!" The imposter cursed as he knew that his goose was cooked. The smile on Destiny's face widened as a predatory grin formed on her face. 

"Fuck indeed…" Destiny grinned and she slowly pulled out her Wand as she wanted to be dramatic. The imposter immediately went for his Wand, and with a flick of his Wand, he silently cast Protego. Destiny was simply testing the waters so she used a couple of immobilizing Spells. 

"Sanc…" The imposter began to say something, but he was cut off when he found that no sound was coming out of his mouth. As soon as the imposter began to speak, Destiny's Magical Radar alerted her to what the imposter was trying to do. The imposter was trying to activate Portkey. Destiny had already erected Anti-Portkey Ward and she knew that the imposter also knew that and even after that, the imposter was trying to activate a Portkey, which meant that the Portkey he was trying to use was special. 

So without even thinking, Destiny cast two shield breakers and a Silencing Charm within a single second. The imposter didn't even realize what was happening before he was silenced. The imposter was terrified by Destiny's speed. Dispelling a Silencing Charm was extremely easy, but the imposter didn't even have the time to do that as Destiny was raining down various types of Spells on him. While Destiny was taking it easy on the imposter as she could still kick up several notches, the same couldn't be said for the imposter. He was barely holding on. 

'This is bad, very bad. She is way stronger than we have anticipated. I cannot be captured. I need to escape…" The imposter thought desperately as he continued to dodge the onslaught of various non-lethal Spells. 'She is playing with me… At least, it is a good thing that she wants to capture me' the imposter thanked his lucky stars. Since Destiny was still trying to capture him, there was a chance that he might be able to escape. 

"Mr Imposter, why don't you give me and tell me how you found me?" Destiny questioned in an amused tone. After a few seconds, Destiny clicked her snickered in amusement. "Ah… forgive my manners, you can't even speak" Destiny started to cackle as she continued to attack the imposter. 

The imposter gritted his teeth in frustration. No matter how much he tried, he simply could get a chance to dispel the Silencing Charm Destiny had placed on him. Thankfully, he was quite proficient at silent casting or he would have been captured long ago. "It is getting boring Mr Imposter" Destiny drawled in a bored tone and all of a sudden, Destiny's hand blurred and the imposter was disarmed before he could realize what was happening. The imposter was flung back a couple of meters due to the power behind the Disarming Charm. 

'Impossible…' the imposter gaped in horror as he felt his hands snap around his hips while his legs snapped together. 'No… no no no no… I can't be captured!! If I am captured here then we would lose everything!!!' The man screamed inside his mind as he started to struggle frantically. 

"Ah… ah… ah… struggling won't help you Mr Imposter" Destiny leaned down over the imposter with his hand in her hand. She glanced at the Wand. "Such a nice Wand, I hope your mind is also nice" Destiny said slowly and the imposter's eyes grew wide in horror. He started to struggle even more. 

"Legilimens" Destiny muttered and the imposter felt Destiny enter his mind. He immediately strengthened his barriers, he could not allow Destiny to enter his mind or everything would be over. He felt Destiny brush against his barriers, but she didn't try to enter his mind. It almost felt like she was inspecting his mental barriers. Moments later, he felt her presence retreat, and before he could relax he felt a sledgehammer slam against his mental barriers. The imposter gritted his teeth as another sledgehammer slammed against his mental barriers. 

The imposter gritted his teeth in pain, but he didn't give in, his mental barriers held strong under the onslaught of Destiny. Destiny attempted to break his mental barrier for the third time, but once again, the imposter was able to repel her attack. Destiny was quite surprised by the will of the imposter, so she swiftly retreated from the imposter's mind. "To be honest, I am quite impressed with your Occlumency shields, makes me wonder what sort of secrets you are hiding" Destiny said as she placed the imposter's Wand inside one of her pockets, while she returned her own Wand to the holster. With a swift flick of her hand, she lifted the imposter from the ground.

The imposter's eyes grew wide in surprise… "Are you surprised? Don't worry, this level of Wandless Magic is just the tip of the iceberg… I don't know who you are working for, but you are going to tell me, you are going to tell me everything. Now, let me see the Portkey" Destiny cooed, and to be honest, the imposter was terrified of the crimson-haired woman in front of him, but he wasn't willing to give in… This was the worst-case scenario. The others have warned him multiple times not to underestimate Destiny Grindelwald and that is exactly what he had done. He had underestimated her and now he was captured by the said person.

Destiny snapped her fingers and the Portkey started to glow. Destiny raised her brows, as she was getting weird readings from Portkeys. 'Just like I have thought, the Portkey is not like the normal Portkeys' Destiny thought, and then with a flick of her hand, she sliced open the imposter shirt to reveal the Portkey. The Portkey was hanging around the imposter's neck along with a talisman. Destiny did not know the function of the talisman, but she could feel magic rolling from the talisman. Destiny realized that it must be something important, but right now, she had something else to deal with. She closed her fist and the Portkey flew toward her, but she did not touch it with her hand.

She did not want to activate any security measures by accident… "This Portkey is quite special, don't you think so?" Destiny asked in an amused tone and the imposter glared at Destiny and she started to snicker. "Ohhh… I am so afraid of you Mr. big bad imposter" Destiny mocked and pointed her finger at the imposter. "Fluo" Destiny muttered with a predatory grin on her face. For a few moments, nothing happened, but all of a sudden, the imposter spat out a bit of blood from his mouth, and then he started to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth. 

Destiny finally stopped the Spell and the imposter relaxed as he started to breathe heavily. His eyes were bloodshot, he was tired due to whatever Spell Destiny had used, but he still continued to glare at Destiny. "Please don't look at me like that, you are going to make me blush" Destiny chuckled and grabbed the imposter by his hair, and moments later, Destiny Disapparated along with the imposter with a loud crack. Destiny wasn't trying to be gentle, so she didn't care if the trip wasn't kind to the imposter. 

The imposter felt his whole body tearing apart and once again, he started to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth. Moments later, the two of them finally arrived inside Cassiopeia's basement and Destiny tossed the imposter at the wall. The imposter crashed against the wall and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Meanwhile, Destiny wasn't idle, she arrived in front of the imposter while running. She pulled back one of her feet and kicked the imposter in his face. Two teeth flew out of the imposter's mouth. The imposter spat out some blood and then he continued to glare at Destiny.

"I suppose you are still not ready to tell me anything…" Destiny said and with a wave of her hand, she picked up the imposter from the ground. Destiny smiled at the imposter and with a jab of her hand, she Conjured two chairs, once again surprising the imposter. "Are you impressed by my Wandless Magic?" Destiny asked in an amused tone and once again, the imposter remembered that he needed to glare at the woman. No matter what, he shouldn't be awed by her display of Magic.

"Hm… You see, Wandless Magic is pretty easy if you are determined enough" Destiny said and with a snap of her fingers, she removed the Silencing Charm and the Binding Char, from the imposter. "If you knew how to cast Magic Wandlessly, then you could have easily escaped, but there is no crying over spilled milk" Destiny shrugged like she was having a friendly chat with one of her friends. The imposter continued to glare at her, but he was surprised that Destiny removed the Silencing Charm and the Binding Charm from him. Even though he was free to move, there was not much he could do because he was disarmed. He did have a secondary Wand strapped around his ankle, there was no way that he could go for the Wand without getting noticed.

"So, what do you think of my hospitality?" Destiny asked in amusement and the imposter wanted the Curse the woman and her seven generations, but he knew that cursing her would only make matters worse for him. "Why don't you take a seat?" Destiny suggested sweetly and the imposter glanced at the seat and then he turned back toward Destiny and sneered at her.

"I think I will be standing" The imposter sneered at Destiny and the smile on Destiny's face disappeared and her eyes started to glow as she started to release her Magic. The Imposter felt an invisible pressure descend over his body, and he immediately started to feel difficulties in breathing. The imposter stared at Destiny with wide eyes. She was way stronger than they have anticipated. He needed to escape, he did not know how, but he needed to escape and tell the others about her powers. They needed to know what they were up against or all of them were going to be swept aside by her power.

"That was not a request" Destiny said coldly and the imposter decided to take the seat. He understood that being rebellious wasn't going to help his case… He knew that he needed to protect their secrets at any cost, he was also ready to handle torture, but after witnessing the power of Destiny Grindelwald, he wasn't sure anymore. She was in a completely different league, Destiny Grindelwald was a Magical Titan… As soon as the imposter took his seat, Destiny stopped releasing her power and the sweet smile on her face reappeared on her face.

"See, that wasn't so hard, right?" Destiny asked and the imposter decided to refrain from giving her an answer. Even though he decided to tone down his rebelliousness, he refused to humour the woman at the expense of his pride and ego.

"Ah… not much a talker, I suppose. I could understand where you are coming from" Destiny said as she nodded her head in understanding. The imposter had no idea what she was planning, he felt like he was walking over eggshells. One moment, she was being sweet and polite and the next moment, she was being cruel and sadistic. The imposter winced when he felt the teeth missing from his mouth. That was quite a strong kick and Destiny seemed to be way more stronger than a normal human. The imposter realized that she must have gone through several rituals to boost her physical strength, which wasn't surprising. After all, what else can you expect from a Dark Lady?

"So, why did you decide to infiltrate the Ball and spy on me?" Destiny asked curiously as she raised her brows. "It is because of gold or something else… If it is for gold, then I could pay you double if you reveal everything and I will also give you protection… Lord Black along with various other Pureblood Lords work for me" Destiny proposed, trying to entice the imposter, but the imposter wasn't going to budge. 

There were a few things, Destiny realized with her proposal. First of all, the imposter wasn't working for gold, which meant that he was part of some sort of group. Secondly, the imposter was prepared to go through torture if necessary. 'Whoever it is, he or she is committed to their cause, I have to give them that' Destiny thought as she continued to stare at the imposter intently. After contemplating for a few moments, Destiny realized that it was about time that she ripped apart the imposter's disguise. Destiny did not know if the imposter was using the Polyjuice Potion or Human Transfiguration. If the imposter was using Human Transfiguration then she simply needed to use the Revealing Charm and if the imposter was using Polyjuice Potion, then she simply needed to wait…

Destiny raised her hand and the imposter leaned back in fear, thinking that Destiny was about to attack him. "Revelio" Destiny twisted her finger and a golden spark appeared out of her finger. The imposter released a sigh as nothing happened and Destiny nodded in understanding. "Ah… I see, you are using Polyjuice Potion to disguise yourself, but I can't help but wonder how you are able to wear the Rosier Heir Ring" Destiny mused out loud. The imposter grimaced, but besides that, he decided to remain silent. "Now, I simply need to wait" Destiny said dismissively and with a snap of her fingers, she petrified the imposter.

The imposter stiffened as his body went completely rigid. The imposter grimaced internally as he tightened his mental shields. There was nothing else he could do at this moment. Destiny decided to wait for the time being, but there was no way that she could sit without doing anything, so she Apparated inside her room in Cassiopeia's house and grabbed one of the books she was planning to read. After that, she returned to the basement with a soft crack. Destiny smiled at the imposter as she leaned back in her chair so that she could read the book while relaxing…

Destiny didn't need to wait that long, at most, 15 minutes and the imposter started to transform. Slowly the imposter transformed into his original form and Destiny couldn't help but feel curious when she saw the real face of the imposter. "A Potter!! You are a fucking Potter! How?" Destiny gasped in shock as she shot out of her chair and she started to pace in front of the imposter while she was intently staring at the Potter petrified in front of her. 

Meanwhile, the imposter was completely terrified out of his wits. He could not believe that Destiny recognized him with just one look. It simply needed her just one look to recognize him… The imposter couldn't help but gulp in fear. If his secret was out then Destiny Grindelwald would do anything to extract all of his secrets from his mind and she couldn't care about his well-being if that happened. Destiny stopped pacing in front of him and she Wandlessly floated the book in her hand to her chair. Then Destiny stared back at the imposter and scowled.

"Fleamont Potter is the only Potter who could be somewhere around my age, but I am sure that he does not have green eyes and Charlus Potter is still a child, so you aren't Charlus Potter either. Which leaves the option that you are a bastard or you are a descendant of a squib, but you are afraid, so I don't think it is something simple like that" Destiny muttered as she intently stared at the man petrified in front of her. "I suppose, there is only one way to find out" Destiny said and the imposter found Destiny's Wand pointed at him.

"Legilimens!" Destiny exclaimed as she entered the imposter's mind… This time, she decided to use a different approach. After all, she knew that blunt force wasn't going to work. At first, Destiny was planning to take her time with the imposter when she found that blunt force was working against his Occlumency shields, she was planning to take apart those shields inch by inch, but now that she had discovered that the imposter was a Potter, she simply did not have that novelty. She needed to know the man's identity as soon as possible. 

Destiny knew that the man sitting in front of her was neither Fleamont Potter nor Charlus Potter. Yes, the man could have been a bastard, but the fear she saw in the man's eyes told her a completely different story. Once again, he could be a secret Potter child, the Potters could have been nurturing him to make a spy. It was highly unlikely, but it was possible. Whoever was supporting the imposter would know that the boy had been captured and they would make a move to save the boy as they had the real Marcus Rosier in their captivity. Marcus Rosier was the only Heir of the Rosier Family, after all, Vinda Rosier was a woman and she could not inherit the mantle of the Family Head no matter how much she tried.

At this moment, she did not have any hold on the Rosier Family, due to the disappearance of their son, the Rosiers in attendance had been quite distressed, so they had decided to leave the Ball without even attending her meeting. So, there was a chance that the people behind the Potter boy sitting in front of her would use Marcus Rosier to turn the Rosier parents against her. So, before something like that could happen, Destiny wanted to have all the answers in her hands. That was the only way that Destiny could get an upper hand in the whole ordeal. To be honest, she could always kill the Rosiers and be done with it, but Vinda Rosier was Gellert's most trusted lieutenant and if the truth came out then Gellert would have to kill Vinda. 

The loss of Vinda Rosier would be a huge blow to their cause, after all, the woman was a fanatic. That is why Destiny wanted to avoid killing the Rosiers and be done with it… Killing them would be the final option…

This time, the imposter did not feel a sledgehammer slam against his mental shields when Destiny tried to enter his mind, this time, he felt like his head was being split open, literally. Since Destiny had realized that blunt force wasn't going to work, she decided to drill a hole through the Occlumency shields of the imposter. The imposter was have started to scream if he could move. Blood started to trickle down the corner of his eyes and nose, but Destiny did not stop. She was going to have her answers even if it meant that she needed to shred his mind into nothingness…

Destiny finally entered the boy's mind through the hole she had created and without wasting any time, she started to rummage through the boy's memories. Destiny cursed when she realized that the boy was still trying to stop her by sending her mundane memories of taking a dump or eating food. Even though the boy was still trying his best to stop her, he wasn't able to stop her. After some time, Destiny finally got her hands on the important memories, but before she could even reach the juiciest parts, a massive pressure surround her and Destiny found herself face to face with a giant woman.

The woman had a white crown on top of her head and her skin was also milky white. No, Destiny wasn't making a comparison, the woman's skin was literally milky white and the woman was dressed in a golden robe. The woman looked down at Destiny in disdain. "Begone" the woman snarled and Destiny was shoved outside the boy's mind. Destiny felt was mind was going to explode, she spat out a mouthful of blood due to the backlash. She wiped the blood from the corner of her lips and slowly stood up on her feet as she glared at the man sitting in front of her. The man was no longer petrified and he also had a Wand pointing at her. Destiny sneered at the man and before the man could even react, he was blasted to the other side of the room and the Wand in his hands sailed into Destiny's waiting hand. 

Destiny stumbled to her feet and before she could even take a step she winced in pain… There was a large gash on her left side and she could see one of her ribs through the cut. 'He must have used a Cutting Charm' Destiny grimaced as she stumbled to the other side of the room. Destiny clearly remembered what happened inside the boy's mind, she remembered encountering the giant woman, she also remembered how the woman threw her out of the man's mind. Destiny knew that the giant woman was not a defence created by the man, the woman was an entity. Destiny did not know who, but the woman was way stronger than her. Destiny had felt the woman's power when the woman had thrown her out and the power she had felt was simply unfathomable.

The woman must have also freed the man and the man must have used the Cutting Charm to attack her. Destiny snapped the man's Wand and then she pointed her finger at the man who was groaning while lying on the floor. "Crucio!!" Destiny snarled and as soon as the red beam landed on the man, he started to scream. The man tried, he tried his best to stifle his screams, but the pain was simply way too much for him to handle. Destiny finally arrived over the man, but she didn't lift the Spell. Nearly a minute later, Destiny finally stopped the Spell, and then she leaned down over than man.

"Hello, Albus Severus Potter, we are going to have a lot of fun…" Destiny trailed off with a grin much to the man's horror. Even though Destiny wasn't able to get to the juiciest parts of the man's memories before she was tossed out of his mind, she was still able to get her hands on some of the boy's memories…


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