The Clash of Titans

The air around the duo started to shimmer and without wasting any more time both Destiny and Gellert cast their first Spells. The Spells collided mid-air and the ground trembled… Both Destiny and Gellert started to step back while they continued attacking each other with various Spells. They wanted to create some distance between themselves so that they could have some space to go all out.

Destiny jabbed her Wand with a twist while pointing in Gellert's direction, casting an extremely powerful Blasting Curse and Gellert flicked his Wand upwards to Conjure a Shield to protect himself from the incoming Curse. The Curse collided with the Shield, creating a massive shockwave. Gellert grinned in excitement as the Wand of Destiny hummed in his hand when he flicked the Wand in the air, Conjuring a massive lighting whip.

Destiny's flicked her free hand to raise a sand wall. The lighting whip slammed against the sand wall, but much to Destiny's surprise, the lightning whip cut through the sand wall like it was made of butter… Destiny had to roll over to her side to dodge the lightning whip and that gave Gellert enough time to swing the lightning whip for the second time, but this time, Destiny was ready.

Destiny pointed her Wand at the sky and started to hiss. A translucent copper-colored dome appeared around her and absorbed the lightning whip, much to Gellert's bewilderment. Destiny twirled her Wand and the dome shrunk down into a small ball at the tip of her Wand. She pulled back her hand and jabbed it toward Gellert, releasing a massive lightning bolt.

Gellert's eyes grew wide in surprise and he Conjured a copper pole right in front of him. The lightning bolt hit the copper pole and it was earthed into the ground through the copper pole. Destiny sliced her Wand in the air, sending several overpowered Blasting Curses in Gellert's direction. This time, Gellert didn't bother to create a Shield, he simply flicked his Wand with a sharp upward motion, raising the ground in front of him like it was a massive carpet.

The Curses collided against the elevated ground causing huge explosions as everything around the duo trembled due to the shockwaves. Destiny sniffed haughtily as she pointed her Wand at the ground and started to hiss… Vines started to erupt from the ground, she used the same Curse she used at the Picquery Manor though she already knew that Gellert wouldn't be bothered by them.

Destiny was proven right when a wave of flames erupted from the other side of the elevated ground, obliterating the vines. Destiny flicked her free hand and created a sand basin around her to protect herself from the flames. Moments later, Gellert stepped out of the flames, completely unscathed. Gellert looked at Destiny with an amused smile on his face.

"You need to do better than that to defeat me" Gellert pointed as he palmed the Elder Wand loosely.

"That lightning whip was quite impressive… To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to cut through my sand wall" Destiny said as her lips quirked up.

"Indeed" Gellert mumbled as he looked at the Elder Wand. "Unfortunately, I can't take the complete credit for that" Gellert added cryptically with a lopsided grin on his face.

"I see… So, shall we continue?" Destiny asked and Gellert simply inclined his head in acknowledgment and then he fired a Curse at her. Destiny was already expecting that, so she easily dodged the Curse by taking a step to her side.

"That was not gentlemanly" Destiny chided Gellert as she flicked her Wand in the air, casting several Curses in one go.

"Everything is fair in war!" Gellert declared with a chuckle as he batted away the Curses cast by Destiny. After that, neither of them said anything and the fight continued to become intense with each passing moment. The fight was already more than intense from a normal Wizard's or Witch's perspective, but for Gellert and Destiny, the story was completely different… Until now, the two of them were simply testing the waters.

The two of them were so engrossed in the fight that they didn't even notice the audience watching their fight with awe, shock, and fear on their faces… They simply couldn't afford to pay attention to anyone else besides their opponent. If either of them were fighting anyone else, then it wouldn't have mattered… After all, both Gellert and Destiny were simply in a league of their own. A normal Wizard or Witch could never pose a threat to either of them…

While Destiny had more Magical Power at her command, Gellert had the Wand of Destiny in his possession, so even with all of her Skills and Power, Gellert had an advantage over Destiny. The Elder Wand is a special Wand and there is a reason why this particular Hallow has such a bloody history. The Elder Wand would boost the Magic of the wielder and not only that, but their Spells would also come out faster and stronger while using the Elder Wand.

The Elder Wand thrived in combat and it would give the wielder a sense of invincibility… The Elder Wand also thrived when the wielder was putting on a show and right now, Gellert was doing both… While Destiny did not believe the Elder Wand to be unbeatable, she couldn't dismiss its Power. After all, she had been the Wand in her possession for nearly 5 years.

Gellert pulled his Wand back and jabbed it forward, releasing a stream of flames… Destiny also pulled her Wand back and jabbed it forward, freezing everything in its path including the flames. Gellert twisted his arm and increased the output of his Spell and the Elder Wand simply hummed as the flames intensified. The sand at the beach started to melt and turn into glass due to the heat.

Following Gellert's example, Destiny also decided to increase the output of her Spell, but unlike the Elder Wand, her Wand was nothing special. While the output of her Spell increased, her Wand started to slightly smoke as it couldn't handle the excessive Magic Destiny was channeling through the Wand… Destiny internally scowled at the sight. If this continued, then her Wand would explode, and while she could always use Neptune which could easily handle her Magic, her Wand was simply better when it came to aiming…

So, jabbed her free hand toward Gellert and cast the Disorienting Hex… Yes, it wasn't something lethal, but for an intense fight like this, the Disorienting Hex could be a game-changer. Destiny could have used some other Curse too, as she could cast most of the Spell Wandlessly, but there were a couple of reasons why Destiny choose the Disorienting Hex. First of all, the Disorienting Hex is invisible so nobody could see it, and secondly, the Disorienting Hex is extremely fast.

Gellert noticed Destiny cast something at him with her free hand… He had no idea what Spell she could have used, but since it was colorless, it was probably not a lethal Spell, but could he take the chance? Gellert internally shook his head… No, he simply couldn't take the chance. Destiny had traveled around the world and learned everything she could, there was no telling what sort of Spells she had learned.

Since Gellert had no way of knowing the Spell Destiny had cast, he decided to take play it safe, but by the time he came to this decision, it was already too late… Gellert stumbled back as his vision started to become blurry. Gellert immediately realized the Spell Destiny had used and cursed inside his mind. Gellert started to feel nauseous and the flames started to disappear as he lost control of his Spell.

After a few seconds, Gellert was finally able to regain his bearings as he was finally able to dispel the Disorienting Hex Wandlessly, but a few seconds was more than enough for Destiny to make her move and gain the upper hand… Destiny jabbed her Wand at Gellert casting a couple of Bone Breakers followed by a Blasting Curse and a Cutting Curse.

The first Bone Breaker hit Gellert right on the left shoulder while the second one slammed right against his ribs on the left side… Gellert stumbled back as the Spells cracked his left shoulder along with his left ribs… He spat out a bit of blood from his mouth, but he was able to stabilize himself quickly after that. He twirled the Elder Wand in his hand and batted away the Blasting Curse and the Cutting Curse with the tip of his Wand.

Meanwhile, Destiny couldn't help but smile… Two of her Spells had hit their mark. While she would have preferred if all four of her Spells could have hit their mark, it would have been too easy if she defeated Gellert so easily… Even though Gellert was clearly injured, Destiny continued to attack him relentlessly. She was finally able to gain an upper hand and she wasn't going squander it.

Gellert wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve as he continued to defend himself from Destiny's onslaught. Gellert was quite aware of the fact that he no longer held the advantage in the fight even with the Elder Wand. Even breathing was making him wince in pain… If it wasn't for the Elder Wand, then he would have been already defeated. He cursed himself for being caught off-guard… He never expected Destiny to use something so elementary like the Disorienting Hex and now he was paying the price for his mistake…

Gellert realized that he had grown conceited. Having the Elder Wand in his possession after a long time had made him arrogant… The Elder Wand might be the most powerful Wand in the world, but it would mean shit if he could no longer keep standing… Gellert also realized he couldn't keep fighting with the injuries he sustained for long… He needed to finish this as quickly as possible. Gellert was also aware of the fact that Destiny's Magical Core was much larger than his, so she wasn't going to exhaust herself anytime soon.

Gellert slashed his Wand sideways, creating several air blades as he batted away a Stunning Spell with his other Wand… Destiny internally grimaced as Gellert changed the flow of the battle. Destiny flicked her hand in front of her creating a semi-circular Shield right in front of her. The air blades were quite weak, so they didn't even manage to put a dent in her shield and that is when Destiny realized something. Gellert was simply buying time…

Meanwhile, Gellert waved his Wand over on top of his head as he channeled a lot of Magical Power through the Elder Wand… Dark clouds started to form in the sky and moments later, thunder started to crackle and Destiny couldn't help but curse out loud… Now, once again Gellert had gained the upper hand in the fight. If it was any consolation, Gellert was also out of the equation for the time being as he barely had any Magic left after Casting this Spell…

"Fuck!! Fuck this shit!" Destiny cursed as she placed the tip of her Wand over the palm of her other hand and made a large gash. Destiny could have attacked Gellert and achieved an easy victory as right now, Gellert was on his fours, breathing heavily. Gellert's face was covered with sweat and he was barely keeping his eyes open, so it would have been extremely easy for Destiny to defeat him, but knocking him out or killing him won't cancel the Spell and her ego would never let her take the easy way out…

Gellert was also quite aware of that fact and that is why he decided to take a gamble and Cast this Spell… Gellert had learned this Spell from Greece and according to Gellert, the Spell was pretty aptly named… The Wrath of Gods! That is what the Spell was named. At first, Gellert had scoffed at the name, thinking the creator was probably drunk in his ego, but after using it for the first time, Gallery realized that the name was perfect!

Gellert had no idea who created the Spell as the Tome was unnamed, but the person must have been the greatest Wizard or Witch of their time! Though Gellert couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment… He wanted their fight to be epic, and while it was epic from someone's else perspective, Gellert wasn't satisfied. He just wanted it to be… more… Alas, it was simply impossible right now. Gellert realized, he needed he learn Healing Magic besides Episkey.

Destiny was also useless when it came to Healing Magic, but compared to Gellert, she was much better. Destiny knew she had no talent in that particular branch of Magic, but she needed a way to heal herself in case of some emergency… After years of research, she was finally able to find a Spell that she could use to drain a person's life force and energy to heal herself. The Spell was related to Blood Magic, so Destiny didn't have any problem mastering the Spell. That is the Spell she used to heal herself when Albus Potter injured her…

The Spell was created by an Egyptian Pharoah in an attempt to elongate his life, but unfortunately, the Spell didn't work out the way he wanted as the Spell can't elongate a person's life, but the Spell was still useful as he could heal himself instantly, so he decided to record it and Destiny was quite grateful for that…

Back to the topic at hand, Destiny held out her hand in front of her, letting her blood drip into the sand… Destiny knew that Gellert had used The Wrath of Gods, but she had no idea what kind of Spell it was… While she had read the Tome too, she never got around to using the Spell. Now, she was cursing herself for not giving it a try… From the name, the Spell seemed to be quite epic, but the effects of the Spell were barely described, so Destiny eventually forgot the Spell, thinking the creator was probably some pretentious bastard!!

Now… Now, she wasn't sure anymore. Destiny could sense the amount of Magic Gellert had used to cast the Spell through the Magical Sonar and add the Elder Wand into the mix, whatever the Spell did… It was going to be incredible and devastating… So, that is why Destiny decided to use her strongest Defensive Spell. Well, it wasn't much of a Spell, calling it a Ritual would be more appropriate…

"Can we ever reach their level?" Arcturus asked nobody in particular while looking awed and afraid… Anyone in his place would be afraid. He could never imagine wielding such Magic even in his dreams… They were quite far away from the battlefield, but they were still having problems standing up due to the amount of Magic being thrown around casually.

"...I do not know, son… The Magic they are using was always considered impossible… Their speed, their power…" Sirius trailed off with a gobsmacked look on his face. He was feeling slightly nauseous due to all the Magic being thrown around. While none of them could sense Magic, they could still feel the Magical pressure.

"You have no idea what the two of them are truly capable of… While both of them are using lethal Spells, but believe me, they don't want to kill each other or severely harm each other… If they really wanted to go for the kill then they would have been using Spells that are way more dangerous" Ambika explained without taking her eye off from the battlefield.

She had no idea who was going to win the fight, but like a dutiful lover, she was rooting for Destiny. In a fight like this, nobody could say for sure who was going to win… After all, even a small mistake could change the course of the battle and that is what happened with Gellert. She had seen the two of them fight a lot of times, but every time the fight would end with Gellert's victory. Though when all those fights took place Destiny still had a Solid State Magical Core, but now she had a Crystallized State Magical Core, so Destiny had become quite a lot stronger than before.

"Really?" Cassiopeia gasped in shock and Ambika solemnly nodded her head. While she was feeling extremely proud to see everyone looking and talking about her lover in such awe and fear, at the same time she was feeling quite bitter too. Ambika was quite aware of the fact that she would never reach Destiny's power level anytime soon and it was a bitter pill to swallow.

Ambika glanced toward Cassiopeia and released a sigh… 'It is a good thing that I am not the only one…' Ambika felt somewhat relieved when she realized that nobody in the Coven is going to be at Destiny's power level.

"Yes, you were there with her in the States" Ambika pointed out and Cassiopeia had to admit, Destiny was using way more dangerous Spells against the prison guards.

"Father, look!!" Arcturus screamed, pointing toward the sky. Sirius frowned as he looked where his son was pointing at and moments later, his face lost all color as he realized what was happening. His knees gave up and he dropped over his arse.

"Impossible… There are laws to Magic…" Sirius muttered with a disbelieving look on his face. Ambika along with the rest of the audience around them was also staring at the sky in complete horror… They have never heard of a Spell that could manipulate the weather in such a manner. Even Ambika was coming up short, but she knew, whatever the Spell was… It was quite dangerous.

Ambika whipped out her Wand and pointed it at her throat… "Everyone!! Raise your strongest shields!!" Ambika screamed as she quickly cast the Sonorous Charm on herself to amplify her voice.

As soon as her voice rang throughout the field, everyone started to cast their strongest shield one by one… Ambika also erected the strongest Magical Shield she knew and the others around her also followed her example. Ambika started to feel quite worried for Destiny when she saw the crimson-haired woman standing stiffly in her original spot… 'Is she planning to tank the Spell?' Ambika wondered much to her horror.

Well, this was Destiny Grindelwald she was talking about… So, it was quite possible that she was planning to tank the Spell to display her Magical might to everyone… Ambika practically sighed in relief when Destiny finally raised her Wand and started ro chant something…

Destiny looked at the sky and realized that she didn't have much time on her hand… She needed to be quick or she would be toast by the time her Shield came up. Destiny raised her Wand with an unsatisfied look on her face… If only she had more time then she could have used more blood, which would have made her Shield stronger in return. She still had a lot of Magic to spare, so Magic wasn't going to be a problem, but time was something she didn't much have to spare.

"Sacrifico sanguinem meum ad defensionem petendam…" Destiny trailed off and the blood she had dripped over the sand was absorbed into the sand.

"Magica mea tibi do ut praesidium petas…" Destiny trailed off for the second time, and this time her Magic was channeled through her Wand into the ground.

"Sanguinem meum et magicam offero pro amplexu consolatorio!!" Destiny exclaimed loudly and a blood-red translucent sphere engulfed Destiny. Destiny couldn't help but marvel at her creation. This was the third time she was using the Spell and this was the first time she was using it in actual combat. Destiny's head snapped toward the sky as lightning started to crackle…

She didn't even get any time to brace herself as massive lightning bolts started to rain down from the sky. The blood-red translucent sphere trembled as the lightning bolts kept raining down from the sky. While the sphere was holding strong, Destiny couldn't help but frown when she noticed that the lightning bolts weren't dissipating after hitting the sand like they were supposed to…

Instead, the lightning bolts were taking a humanoid form while the sand beneath the form was melting into glass… Now Destiny was seriously regretting never using this Spell before. The lightning continued to rain down on the sphere and the humanoid figure kept growing in size… After a few minutes, the lightning finally stopped raining down, but Destiny knew that it wasn't over.

The massive humanoid figure made of lightning slowly stood up… Destiny gaped at the figure as the figure was easily towering over her. The figure raised one of its arms over its head and a lightning bolt formed in that arm… Destiny was only able to gasp in shock and surprise before the figure brought down the arm. The lightning bolt smashed on the sphere and the whole humanoid figure along with the lightning bolt exploded, releasing a massive electrical discharge…

The explosion was so bright and powerful that everyone watching the fight from afar had to look away and cover their eyes… Lightning continued to crackle around the explosion site which was covered with smoke and dust… Everything around the explosion site was turned into glass and everyone including Gellert was wondering if Destiny survived or not.

While breathing heavily, Gellert stood up… He was extremely worried. He would never forgive himself if he ended up killing Destiny. He had no idea the Spell would become so strong due to the Elder Wand, but he should have expected it. Gellert started to frantically make his way toward the explosion site… He was so worried that he even forgot to use Human Revealing Charm or to remove the smoke with Magic. Doing either would have revealed if Destiny was even alive or not.

"For a moment I thought I was a goner…" A groan was heard from within the smoke and moments later, Destiny removed the smoke. Gellert stared at Destiny and relief flooded into his body… He didn't know what he would have done if Destiny would have been killed. Well, Destiny was barely standing, but at least, she was still alive and she wasn't so badly damaged that a healer couldn't fix her.

Everything down Destiny's knee was almost completely charred along with a bit of her face on the left side… Her bodysuit was also charred here and there, but they were only minor burns, nothing to worry about. "Should we start where we left off?" Destiny asked as she flicked her Wand to remove the heated glass.

"Are you sure you will be able to handle yourself?" Gellert asked in a mocking tone and Destiny simply scoffed.

"Worry about yourself, old man. Look at you! You are barely standing due to Magical Exhaustion… Are you sure you won't keel over?" Destiny returned with a smug grin on her face and Gellert couldn't help but grimace at her words. "The look on your face answers everything, but all jokes aside… The fight isn't over yet" Destiny added as she lost the joking look on her face and turned serious.

"Yes, the fight isn't over until one of us keels over" Gellert added with a small smile and flicked his Wand toward Destiny, releasing several Blasting Curses along with some Cutting Curses. 'With that leg, there is no way she will be able to dodge' Gellert mused as he glanced at Destiny's injured leg.

Gellert could use Magic for about half a minute at most at the current pace before his Magical Reserve went completely dry… Destiny simply swatted away the Spells with the tip of her Wand without any difficulties. Her mobility might have been severely hampered, but there was no way she would be taken down by such casual Spells.

"Avada Kedavra! Crucio! Crucio!!" Gellert waved his Wand through the air, casting three Unforgivables in quick succession. Destiny had to admit, Gellert had the right idea… Her leg was pretty banged up, so there was no way she could move around to dodge the Unforgivables.

Destiny jabbed her hand in front of her to Conjure a bunch of dragonflies. Gellert couldn't help but frown when all three of his Curses were stopped by the dragonflies… Meanwhile, Destiny jabbed her Wand toward Gellert with a twist of her wrist, Conjuring hundreds of ice spikes in the air. With another wave of her hand, she banished the ice spikes toward Gellert.

The said man grimaced at the sight of the incoming ice spikes and raised a Magical Shield to protect himself… The ice spikes collided against his Shield and shattered without leaving any visible damage on the shield, but moments later, Gellert started to look constipated when he saw a couple of Shield Breakers heading his way, followed by multiple Stunning Charms and Knockback Jinxes.

Gellert's Shield was shattered like it was made of glass and Gellert was able to defend himself against some of the Stunning Charms before he was knocked back when one of the Knockback Jinxes hit him and before he could even regain his footing a Stunning Charm slammed on his chest, turning his world completely dark. Gellert slumped down on the sand and for a few moments, Destiny couldn't believe her eyes. She continued to stare at the man with a dumb look on her face…

'Did I really beat him?' Destiny questioned inside her mind in complete disbelief. Destiny stepped forward, completely forgetting about her busted leg and she immediately regretted it as she barely held back her scream. After that, Destiny carefully hobbled forward toward the downed man… She was still feeling a lot of pain due to her injured leg, but she wanted to reach Gellert at any cost. So, a bit of pain was nothing.

Destiny finally arrived in front of Gellert and sat down on the sand with a bit of difficulty due to her leg. Destiny turned him around and a bright smile formed on her face… He was still breathing, as expected, but she finally defeated him. Gellert was using the Elder Wand and she still defeated him. Destiny kept staring at Gellert with a bright smile on her face, but after a few moments, she finally started to chuckle, and then her chuckles turned into cackling.

Destiny continued to cackle for a whole minute before she came to a stop all of a sudden when her gaze finally fell upon the Wand of Destiny. For a moment, Destiny hesitated before she finally reached for the fabled Wand… Destiny took the Wand from Gellert's hand and she immediately felt a connection form between herself and the Wand… Destiny was only 7 when she received the Wand for the first time, but due to her impressive Occlumency Shields, she clearly remembered the feeling very clearly.

So, Destiny immediately knew that this time it was much different… Destiny did not know how to explain the feeling in words. There was power just like before, but there was something else besides the power she was feeling… The connection between herself and the Wand was also way more stronger than the last time. She felt like the Wand had become a part of her… She did not if that was the truth or not, but it definitely felt like that.

"Healers!! We need healers here!!" Somebody screamed and that finally broke Destiny out of her musings. Destiny found the source of the voice and it was Donovan…

"Oh, Merlin! You look like shite!" Cassiopeia blurted out as she arrived right beside Destiny along with Ambika. Arcturus, Sirius, Donovan, and Vladimir were there too while the Knights were keeping their distance, which was quite understandable.

"Yeah, but it was fucking worth it! I finally defeated him!" Destiny exclaimed cheerfully as she looked at her Lieutenants. Ambika patted Destiny's head comfortingly.

"Yes… Yes, you did. I saw the whole fight and I am sure he would be proud of you" Ambika said comfortingly as she continued to pat Destiny on her head.

"Move! Please may way!" A couple of voices screamed from within the crowd of gathered Knights. The healers were finally here… The crowd parted making way for the healers who quickly arrived in front of Destiny and Gellert without wasting anyone's time. The healers quickly assessed the duo visually before the two of them finally pulled out their Wands.

"What happened to him?" One of the healers asked who was getting ready to inspect Gellert.

"I Stunned him… He was also hit with two of my Bone Breakers and one Knockback Jinx, so I can't tell how much damage he received on the inside" Destiny quickly explained and the healer simply gave her a nod before he started working on Gellert.

"You received all this damage from lightning, right?" The other healer asked Destiny who simply nodded her head in acknowledgment. The healer hummed as he started to cast some diagnostic Charms on her leg. "Were you hit by any other Spell?" The healer asked and Destiny shook her head.

"Good! There is no Curse residue. We would simply need to mend the muscles and regrow the skin" The healer said cheerfully and Destiny waved her hand dismissively.

"No need then, I will simply take care of it by myself… Vladimir, get me a Muggle" Destiny decided to heal herself since there was no Curse residue. Vladimir quickly nodded his head and signaled one of his men to complete the task. Destiny didn't mind as she simply wanted the task completed, she didn't care who completed it.

Destiny looked around and decided to stow the Wand of Destiny for the time being. While she wanted to test the Wand right now, there were too many eyes around her, watching all of her actions. Destiny finally turned Ambika and Cassiopeia and gave them a puppy-eyed look.

"It was an extremely hard fight… Can the two of you carry me back? I do need some pampering" Destiny said with a grin. Ambika and Cassiopeia gave each other a look before they started chuckling.

"As you order, my lady" Ambika said with a chuckle as she helped Destiny get up from the ground along with Cassiopeia…


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