Freya's System

Bright light filled Freya's eyes.

The shape of the Lotus disappeared.

An image formed in her mind.

In the dark abyss of space a ble light lit up. It gained brightness more and more.

The ball of blue light zoomed through the space towards her.

Freya tried to step away and found her legs to be stuck in place.

Freya felt a strong pain in her head and then a muffled pinging sound.

Freya cringed and held her head.

In a flash she was back to the bright Tester's room with others.

"Now look at the lettering on your arms and find your place," the woman said with a smile.

After so many had failed, to have found two passers in a row was a miracle. The great god must have wanted them to succeed in this endeavour.

Freya nodded and walked away.

She looked at the words stamped onto her arms.


Freya blinked at the information.

She looked around her.

The cupboards around them had lables on them as S1, S2, S3...

Freya looked down at her hand again.


She walked off to find Cupboard with thenumber S99. At the far back of the room, away from the well lit places, she found the lable she was looking for.

Freya walked towads it and saw that most of the balls in these shelves were white in colour. Different from the balls assaigned to the others which were either red of blue.

Freya took a deep breath. It was okay even if her ball's colour was white, as long as it was not grey she should be able to get this job!

Freya looked at her hand again.


C...what could C represent?...Column?

She started to count. 1..2..3...16.

There were only sixteen columns of shelves.

Freya looked around her, unsure of what to do now.

She saw Bree's blue ball flash and a crystal appeared on her forehead between her eyebrows.

Freya sighed and looked around.

Her eyes fell on an old, beat up table in the corner. It looked like someone had tried to burn the thing but it escaped.

Freya saw a burnt paper hanging from it that only had S on it.

Could it be?...

Freya looked around and then walked towards the table.

She cleaned the surface of the paper, and saw 99 on it.

Freya smiled. She saw the number C17 on one of its drawers.

Freya pulled it open. Insde were many rows but only one of them was filled.

It was a grey ball.

She jinxed herself, didn't she?

She sighed and pulled the grey ball out.

The ball flashed as symbols appeared on its surface.


[Bonding successful!]

[Freya Wang has bonded with The Magical Substitute Teacher System!]

Freya frowned. "I'm a normal human."



[Damn it!]