Chapter 5 - Badge In Hand

As Alex settled his nerves and steeled his mind he was suddenly overrun with a surge of excitement. Looking out at the black panther his fighting spirit was screaming at him to engage his opponent. This fight right here would be the first real challenge Alex would have since being sent back.

Brimming with confidence Alex shot out from behind a tree towards the panther. Drawing the attention of the panther, It leapt up from its slouched position and growled at Alex.

"Let's fight!"

Dashing in close to the panther Alex sidestepped the incoming lunge from the panther. The first thing he noticed was the speed of the panther. This was a prey that was well known for being agile.

Incoming claws matched Alex's base speed hence why he was focused on raising his level to 3 before coming here.

"Your quick, Haha, but I'm quicker."

Alex slowed his movement before engaging once more as the black panther's claws flew toward him in quick succession. Bursting with speed suddenly as the claws closed in on him, Alex created space for himself. Taking his dagger in his right hand he slashed at the panther's belly.


[You have attacked Black Panther King LvL 10. HP 747/800.]

Alex didn't bother reading the notice as he already knew the health stats from the panther. Instead, he circled round to the back of the panther while it was caught off guard from its injury.

Using [Chop] he slashed at the panther's neck and then followed it up by leaving another cut on its lower back. Both cuts were bone-deep and inflicted a hidden effect of bleeding. Causing the panther to fall into a state of constant HP drop for the next 15 seconds.

-98 -74 -3 -3 -3

The panther roared out while it fell back to put some distance between itself and Alex. Staring daggers at Alex the panther grit its teeth and lunged once more toward him.

This time it activated its skill [Kings Domain] as a pressure emitted from its being. Inside this domain caused Alex to be inflicted with a speed reduction. This skill was one of the few traits that caused the Black Panther King to hold the title of King of the creak.

When hunting prey it allowed it to be faster than its targets by simply reducing the speed of its opponent. Never mind its overwhelming base speed.

"Seems like I won't be able to just circle around the outside of his attacks now." Alex smiled as he closed the distance to the panther. "Let's dance."

Claw after Claw slashed at Alex yet Alex remained unfazed. Instead, Alex opted to Slow and accelerate his movements to cause the panther to feel confused. This was a combat tactic that he was almost programmed to do naturally by now.

When using this technique the opponent finds it hard to match the tempo of the fight. This can be used to manage the flow of the battle and remain in control.

Alex using the confusion, carried out several attacks one after another. Although he sustained some scratches to his armguards when he blocked and parried some claw swipes from the panther king. The panther's health gradually fell little by little.

[Black Panther King]

[HP 147/800]

Reaching the 150 remaining HP the panther king activated his final skill as it entered the berserk stage. This was a state of anger that higher tier beasts would enter when their life was threatened. The skill the panther activated was [Panther steps]

Suddenly, with the activation of the skill, the panther's speed increased largely. This was a state that Alex felt slightly nervous about as he gulped at the Black Panther's incoming attack.

The claw slashed out and although Alex managed to just about lift his dagger to block the incoming attack he still sustained some damage.


It's best to remember that Alex at this stage is still a level 3 'noob' taking on the final form of the LvL 10 panther King.

"Goddammit, This guy sure is fast huh."

Getting to his feet Alex immediately rolled to the side as he avoided another incoming claw that was aimed to take his head from his shoulders.

Dashing behind the panther Alex's opted to try and stay inside the panther's blind spot for the incoming attacks. This was a tactic that Alex opted for due to his battle experience. Judging from the possible movements the beast could make Alex was going to move first and dodge later if necessary.

Staying inside the shadow of his opponent he activated his active skill [Stealth] although it wouldn't necessarily work. If the panther fell into a confused state he could reap a reward.

Slashing at the back of the panther every time it moved Alex quickly narrowed down the final 150 HP before inflicting a [Chop] on the neck and watching its body fall to the floor.

[You have killed Black Panther King LvL 10. Gained 5000 XP.]

[You have Levelled up.]

[You have levelled up.]

[You have gained x3 Black Panther Hide.]

[You have gained x1 King's tooth.]

[You have gained x1 skill book Bleed.]

[You have gained 8 silver.]

"Haha not bad, I've actually got quite lucky with that one. Bleed can help me inflict continuous damage for a set amount of time on an attack as long as I cut them deep."

"Now then, time for the sweet baby of a treasure chest."

Walking towards the treasure chest Alex felt a feeling of almost holiness overcome him as he placed his hand down on the lock. Pulling the chest lid up bright light battled to escape out of the box.

[You have opened The Creaks Tomb.]

[You have gained x1 Badge of honour.]

[You have gained x1 Nights Watch Dark bow.]

[You have gained 12 silvers.]

"Well now, It's actually ok for once. It could have been better but if I throw up the bow on the auction place it should fetch a few pieces of gold."

"As for the badge of honour, once I give it to the old man that's when I can start pulling away from the noobs back at town. Now then should I through my new stats into something new. Hmm, let's go 2 strength and 2 agility for now."


Character: Zero (Human)

Title: None

Job: weapon specialist - Assassin

Tier: 0

Level: 5 - 0/3000

HP 120/120

MP 80/80

Strength: 7

Vitality: 3

Agility: 12

Intelligence: 3

Free Attribute points: 2

Free Skill Points: 5

Job Talent: Assassin

Skill - Basic Stealth. (Active Skill.) Chop. (Active Skill, Skill upgrade 22/500 LVL 2.)


(Novice level) Cloak x1 Arm Guards x2 Lightweight vest x1

+2 strength +1 vitality

durability 11/15

(Novice level Dagger) x2 Requirement: strength 5

Durability 44/50