Chapter 7 - Movement At Read Leaf Town

Screams of joy erupted from the auction house as the masses of players caught on to the new item that was listed.


"Quick, gather funds from the higher-ups at the guild outpost. We need this item!"

"OMG, look Ares guild just bid for 40 silver for it."

"Well, they are a tier 2 guild but who'd known that they have the money to splash out on the item without a second thought. Seems the Ares guild is one of the strongest in World Of Divinity."

Alex, sat back listening to the excited chatter as guild messengers ran back and forth from the auction hall. "Seems like I might make a bit extra this time around."

Too Alex the Nights Watch bow wasn't anything special but to the new players, this was the first chance of getting their hands on a rare item. Right now players were still hunting with novice level gear as it was still 3 hours into launch.

From the perspective of the guild's if they could win this item and utilise it when early game hunting they could snowball their top-level players into reaching LvL 10 the fastest. Which was everyone's main goal.





-BlueMoon Guild-

"Doug, get in here!"

"Yes, Guildmaster."

"Doug, take the first division and head to Red Leaf Town. Find out who listed the rare item for sale and evaluate him or her. Also, win the bidding. We need that to pull ahead of the rest of these pretend guilds. Do you understand!"

"Consider it already done, Guildmaster."

-Shadow Guild-

"Hunter, head to Red Leaf Town and win the item. We need to raise our reputation. Tell the world we are the best guild out there."

"Yes, Guildmaster."

-Ares Guild-

"Scarlet, come let us make sure that there's no trouble from any competition at Red Leaf Town. If there is we'll eliminate them."

"Haha, you don't have to ask me twice I haven't had much PvP action yet."





Alex, after watching the initial excitement decided to take out the [Backslash] and proceeded to learn it. Feeling a streak of light and wart, enter his body a cheeky grin appeared on his face.

"With this, my combat strength just took a huge leap forward. Hunting will get so much easy from now on, never mind PvP."

"Well then, I have two more hours until I have my funds to take my plan to the next stage so why don't I stay proactive. Hmmm, speaking of which let's hand in the quest to the old man."

Journey through a couple of back allies not too far from the auction house, Alex eventually made it back to the same place he visited earlier. Seeing the hunched over old man that was passed out from alcohol he nudged him with his foot. "Old man, wakey wakey. Look what I've got."

Taking the badge of honour from his inventory Alex waved it in front of him in a teasing manner. The old man realising what the youth had in front of him was lost for words.

"Adventurer, thank you. You have restored my pride as a knight. I, Theodore Dougland owe you big time."

[You have completed hidden quest - Badge of honour.]

[You have gained 3000xp.]

[You have gained 1000+ Favourability with Theodore Dougland.]

[Your reputation with Theodore Dougland has changed from 'neutral' to 'close friend']

"Young man, what is your name?" Theodore asked in respect as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"It's Zero sir." Alex promptly replied.

"Very well, Zero, long ago I made a promise that I wouldn't return to my station since I couldn't protect my identification as a knight. Now, you have given my life purpose once more. Come follow me, you deserve a reward for your hard work."

"I'm sure your a capable warrior so there might even be a chance for work in the future."

Theodore took Alex out of the back alley as he passed a trash can, throwing away his leftover wine and walked on towards the centre of town. Alex didn't say much but instead quietly followed behind him at a gentle pace.

Moving throughout Red Leaf Town while following what could only be described as a 'beggar' Alex without a doubt attracted some questioning gazes. Yet Alex didn't pay mind to them. Walking to the town centre Alex was led in front of a building that could only be described as a grand hall. The opening to said building was all open plan enticing people to enter the dragon's jaw.

As they entered the building every worker on the ground floor immediately halted their work as their eyesight locked on to Theodore.

"Welcome back Mayor."

All the employees seemed to show profound respect but then after their greeting, they went back to their work like diligent workers.

"Haha old man, you didn't mention your the mayor of Red Leaf Town." Alex laughed out while striking up a conversation.

"Well, truthfully I've neglected my duties when I lost my medal from my time serving in the Star City Commanders Army but now you returned it, I have no right to mope around anymore."

"Come let's go to my office upstairs."

[Your reputation inside Red Leaf Town has increased by 200.]

[Your reputation inside the Star Sovereign Kingdom has increased by 100.]

Inside Theodore's office, Alex was seated across from him as Theodore handed him a slip of paper. "Young man consider this a gift for your troubles. A gift that I hope you accept."

Alex taking the slip immediately recognised what it was and was absolutely dumbfounded. "This... I don't know how to respond."

[You have gained the title of Baron in Red Leaf Town.]

The reason Alex was so shocked was that this wasn't a part of the reward the player in his past life received. The only thing Alex could think to explain this was being it was so early on inside the game and the difficulty set for the quest was raised. Either way, Alex was over the moon.

Being a Baron was a huge advantage to players as not only did they not have to pay a entry fee every time the entered the town but they had certain perks that came with the title. For example, in some areas reduced products, ability to access higher levels in certain shops like the second floor of the auction house. The ability to set up a ship inside the city as well as have guards patrol the town freely. The was of course many more but the list went on for a while so.

Alex was so excited at the fact that he received such a gift he forgot to speak as he tried to process how to take advantage of this from a players point of view.

"Haha Young man I know your overwhelmed but it's the least I could do. If you need anything in the future don't hesitate to ask." Said Theodore as he stood up and guide Alex too the door. "Now then if you'd excuse me, I've been away far too long and I need to settle into my duties."

'He's just dropping a bomb on me then chucking me out huh.'