Chapter 9 - Logging out/Setting up shop

Money in hand, Alex was overly excited. He expected at least a gold's worth of silver from the item but he pretty much got double his expectation.

"It seems like I won't be totally broke until sales start to fly in at the potion stands. Well then towards the registration hall we go."

The registration hall was a building that worked hand in hand with the town hall. They had the authority to loan out/sell areas within Red Leaf Town. They also handled other concerns like the setting of quest missions to go on the mission board outside the town hall.

Anyways, Alex headed straight there once the auction ended as he planned to use his funds to make more funds with what he was calling 'Potion Project'. The attendee behind the till greeted Alex with a bright smile. "Greetings esteemed one."

"Afternoon, I've come here in regards to business. I hope to buy an area to set up a stall. Preferably one near the main gate to the town."

"As you wish, there are two spaces left. Would you like both? With your title, you can get the price of two for one."

"Very well then, I will take both. How much does that come to?"

"Well, based on the area and your entitled discount of -10%. 120 silver or 1 gold 20 silver."


Alex promptly accepted the arrangement and then was handed the rights to the area. He didn't forever own this plot of land. However, for the span of 1 month, he had all business rights within his plot of land. If Alex wanted to renew this agreement in the future once it expired he, of course, had first say in the matter but there'd be a follow-up cost.

With Alex moving through his arrangement he had some time to kill since Ashlyn wouldn't finish brewing the first batch of potion for at least another half a day.

Thinking of this Alex decided to enter a hotel room for the cost of silver and log out. Since coming back from classes he hadn't seen his parents face to face since they were out. So instead of spending some extra time levelling up once or twice, he planned to have food in the real world.

-Real World-

Logging out, Alex found himself in his bedroom. It was an okay size, not too small but yet couldn't be called large either. He had a desk in the corner which he used to study day and night back in high school all to get into university. There wasn't anything of value that existed in Alex's room yet that didn't matter as it was his.

Even though in his previous life he owned a penthouse in the downtown city with a private bar and pool. He preferred what was in front of him at this very moment. The was a unique feeling of safety that could only come from your family home.

Alex didn't know if this was a side effect from being murdered in his own home but he didn't care.

Bouncing down the stairs he was greeted with his father hunch over in a singular recliner chair reading a newspaper. He was a behind the times type of father. A hard-working man that had principles and one of them was to provide for his family.

His mother was in the kitchen cooking up tonight's dinner. Premating a motherly vibe Alex was almost brought to tears as he looked upon the scene in his eyes. Walking behind his mother he asked, "Do you need any help mum?"

Slightly startled by the question she turned and gave Alex a cheeky smile, "Your not ill are you, Alex." As she gestured her hand to wipe the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

"Haha very funny. I'm serious though. Would you like met help you chop the carrots?"

"No no, this is a mothers job. You go sit with your father, dinner's almost done."

While smiling, Alex returned to the sitting room and turned on the TV. News were all reporting the release of 'The World Of Divinity'. As the start-up hype had still not decreased and would not for a long time.

"Alex, are you playing that new game?" Alex's father Michael asked striking up conversation as he gazed down at the Sudoku.

"Yeah, everyone have been going crazy about it so I thought I see what the talk is all about."

"Well just make sure too keep up with your studies. Your classes are almost over after all."

After spending close too 3 hours eating and talking with his parents Ale once again headed up stairs as he prepared to log back in while he slept.

-Game World-

Inside the game, close to 6 hours had past and it was time too pick up the first batch of potions from Ashlyn. Heading over to her shop he was immediately greeted with a joyful looking woman.

Ashlyn was somewhat small in height around 5ft 7. She had long dark brown hair and wore a wizard hat like she was some kind of witch. She had deep blue eyes almost ocean like. A slim figure neither to boring nor to exciting, yet still could be called appealing. She was dressed in a black and grey robed dress that was practical for alchemy.

"Esteemed one, the batch is complete."

"Now, now just call me Zero. After all we are business partners."

"As you wish, Zero."

"It seems you made a breakthrough in your alchemy."

"Yes, yes. It is all thanks to your recipes of course." Ashlyn replied out of respect but she couldn't masked her sense of accomplishment."

"Haha, well yes but more importantly, your talent."

After pleasantries Alex departed and headed for his stalls as he reminded Ashlyn to continue making as many potions as she can.

The stalls weren't anything special it was just a wooden set up with the buyer on one side and the attendee on the other. That said Alex was planning on having someone act as the attendee since he didn't want to draw attention to himself quite yet.

Especially not when he was without a backing. These guilds would eat him alive if that was the case.

Just like that 100 of [Common Grade Health Potion] and 100 of [Common Grade Mana Potion] were being sold at the town entrance for 4 silvers each.