Chapter 12 - Level 10

After spending another 3 to 4 hours of constant levelling. Although rewarding and highly efficient, Alex was now bored.

One could only take so long of doing the same thing. Especially when it was easy for an expert like Alex.

"I'm close so close to level 10 now but my efficiency has dramatically decreased since my arm guards have broke. As well, now I can't use smoke bombs, since I only brought along 30."

"Though that's not a major problem now I've somewhat closed the level gap to a jumpable size."

However, after a slight stop to complain Alex gritted his teeth and picked up the pace. Every second he spent was time in which he could be widening the gap between him and his opponents. Alex was competitive at heart and after dominating the game in his past life he sure as hell wouldn't someone outshine him.

So even though he didn't care too much about reaching level 10 first. He subconsciously wouldn't back down from the challenge.

Just like that after another hour of grinding. Alex closed I'm on the final kolbolt. Wrapping around to the back of the kolbolt he sliced down viciously activating [Backslash] towards the name of the kolbolt. Then proceeded to use [Chop] meanwhile using [Bleed].

It wasn't too long before the kolbolt met its demise. As its head fell from its neck and rolled along the crumpled bloody rocky floor.

[You have Levelled up!]

[World announcement: Player Zero from the United Kingdom has reached level 10! Since he was the first in the world, he is rewarded +1000 fame. Given the Title [City lord] and 10 gold coins. Congratulations player Zero!]

[Regional Announcement: Player Zero from the United Kingdom has reached level 10! Since he was the first in the world, he is rewarded +1000 fame. Given the Title [City lord] and 10 gold coins. Congratulations player Zero!]





"No way someone is already level 10."

"OMFG, player Zero? Who's that? Which guild is he a part of?"

"Zero, have my babies."

It was safe to say that the world blew up. It had only been a day and a half and someone had already progressed so quickly.

What made it even more special was the fact that the player who did it was someone nobody was familiar with. From previous games, there wasn't anyone popular with the user tag as 'Zero'. Neither was there anyone in top-ranking guilds with the same name.

This left only one option left. A solo player.

[World announcement: Since player Zero has reached level 10 first minor update will roll out! Temporarily all players will be logged out for 6 hours.]





-Outside the game, Shadow Guild Headquarters-

"Find everything you can about this player 'Zero'. I want to know his birthday, his personality, age, affiliations. Heck even how many birthmarks he has. Get it. Leave nothing out. If you find anything report it to me immediately."

"Yes, sir hunter!"

"I will not stand for someone taking my glory." He muttered underneath his breath.



-Ares Guild Headquarters-

Dressed in black gym leggings and a white jumper a relatively young woman stepped out of a high-end gaming capsule. She had an Ice cold expression plastered to her face.

"Scarlet, find who this 'Zero' player is. If we can rope him into our guild I'm sure he can be of use one way or another. If he can't though. Find where he lives and make his life difficult." Wilted rose said in an icy tone as murderous intent flashed through her eyes before she restored her appearance to a clam and indifferent state."

The woman she was talking to was a dark fiery red hair beauty that seemed excited. "You don't have to ask twice, I'm already curious who has the capability to beat me to the punch. I'm already itching to fight them."



All awhile this was happening. Alex had already logged out of the game in advance after hitting level 10.

He expected the announcement and didn't bother waiting around to be kicked out of the game. He had many things to do in these 6 hours.

First things first were to create the perfect starter pack tool for beginners to experts. For when the player fan base reached level 10.

As well he had to make a Forum blog site and take advantage of the world announcement to advertise his starter kit.

Alex planned to sell different copies of information. From possible quests, locations of farming spots all the way up to a detailed map of the city.

The detailed version which he planned to sell at a more expensive cost would entail treasure chest routes to gain loot and so on. Basically everything you could think of when it came to the necessity of building up the strength of a guild.

Of course, Alex wasn't stupid and he excluded knowledge of game-breaking information. These were the things he planned to use to stay ahead of the curve. Epic quests and main storylines and so forth.

He spent close to 2 hours typing up different copies before proofreading and finalising it. For a ex guild leader that dominated the game he had many skills that were developed from paperwork to tasks like the current from across the years. So making something professional and useful in a short time frame was easy for Alex.

After creating the different information booklets he scheduled a upload post to the online forum. For when servers went online again. One was the beginner's starter pack kit for cities. Priced at 400 CP and the other was the advanced starter pack for cities. Priced at 5000 CP.

CP was the real-world currency for worldwide distribution. It was abbreviated from Central points. It was all counted digitally using DNA and was impossible to steal without consent. With the help from high artificial intelligence, this system was implemented a couple of years before VR release and it was going smooth.

Anyways back to the topic, Alex decided to mainly do this for a couple of reason. One being he may as well take advantage of his knowledge from his past life since it would be stupid not to. As he knew that this was something that would definitely blow up and would give him a constant supply of money for years too come.

The next reason being he needed money for his next plans. He desperately wanted to allow his father and mother to retire and this would help them do so. However, the other reason he needed money was for his personal development.

If he wanted to stay ahead of the curve Alex needed to do everything he could to maximise his growth. That meant he needed to reshape his current body and buy better equipment and living conditions. He had already planned to do this but he figured doing it early wouldn't be a bad thing.