Chapter 34 - Preparations! (1/2)

[Note: From this chapter on, I'm changing the XP bar on status to a percentage. I'm just not really good at keeping the count for every mob etc Alex kills. This way the story can flow a bit smoother.]


-The World Of Divinity-

Alex promptly logged back on once waking up. It was still the middle of the night, back in real world time but Alex had to many things to do to oversleep.

With the addition of [Patch 1.2] the game saw regional dungeon's and levelling spots for players all the way up until Level 50 unlocked. Which was the next bracket for players to distinguish themselves from each other.

The tier advancement stage.

"Ah well then, shall we look at the equipment from the previous battle." As voiced to himself trying to wake himself up still.

[Merlin's Cape - Unique]