Chapter 42 - BOSS battle [1]

Silence followed the roar from the BOSS, Alex gave them a second or two to process the situation.

He knew from his past experiences that the BOSS couldn't actively move around the room. It was up to the players to initiate the attack.

Still, looking at the expressions that the rest of the team was showing, Alex couldn't help but be slightly disappointed. Even Mad Dog who was openly disdaining Alex earlier through his hostile looks. Was mow gulping in nervousness and mentally asking himself if this raid was even possible.

"1 million health points.." Faith spoke waking everyone from their silence.

"Yep and two AOE skills, one sort range for melee players and then one widespread." Big Papa added.

"..." Rex.

After everyone realised it was going to be a difficult fight. Connor was the first to ask, "Is everyone sure they wish to proceed. I highly doubt that we will manage to get through this battle with little deaths."