Chapter 67 - GuildHall Mayhem!

Sorting his loot, he sat in a slump breathing heavily. The fatigue washed over him almost instantly after the adrenaline started to fade away. His body felt bruised even after the level up and the regained health points.

"I need a break and some food, I wonder what's happening between the big three guilds lately?"

"Answers for later, let's check out this bad boy!"

With a cheesy grin, he rubbed his hands together before taking out an item from his quickly stored away battle loot.

[Grasslands Chestplate]

[Agility +10]

[Defecne +20%]

[Set skill - Shadow Cloak]

[Shadow Cloak - When using Stealth ability in a shadowed area. The 'Shadow Cloak' skill passively activates. Cloaking the user in a full-body shadow, perfect for hiding and stealth related activities.]

[Only usable when 2 out of 4 Grasslands set pieces are in use!]

"Not bad indeed, this will come in handy for infiltration's in the future and have the bonus of boosting speed and defence. It's perfect for me right now."